Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 238 Combining real objects with humanoids to form a magic circle

"You're not allowed to leave the bedroom while we're out."

"no problem."

"You're not allowed to touch the TV, the stereo, or anything that belongs to us."

"Yes." "You are not allowed to steal food from the refrigerator."


"I will lock your door."

"You just do it."

Uncle Vernon stared at Harry, clearly suspicious of the lack of arguing, before he stomped out of the room, closing the door behind him. Harry heard the key turn in the lock, and Uncle Vernon's heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

A few minutes later, he heard the garage door open, the roar of the engine, and finally the actual sound of the car pulling onto the road.

Harry didn't feel any particular about leaving the Dursleys. It made no difference to him whether they were at home or not. He didn't even pull himself up to get up and turn on the bedroom light.

The room around him grew darker as Harry lay in bed listening to the sounds of night through the window that was never closed, and now he was just waiting for some blessed moment when Hedwig would return.

The empty house creaked around Harry. There was a gurgling sound from the pipes. Harry lay in bed in a half-comatose, thoughtless state of mind temporarily oblivious to pain.

Then, distinctly, he heard a crash in the kitchen below. He sat up straight and listened carefully. There was no way the Dursleys would be back, the time was too short, and he would have heard their car anyway.

There was a few seconds of silence below, and then voices rang out. His thought was that there was a burglar coming, and his foot slipped off the bed—but the second he realized that burglars would lower their voices, and whoever was moving around the kitchen certainly wouldn't do so to give Get yourself into trouble.

Harry grabbed his wand from the bedside table and stood facing the bedroom door, listening as best he could. The next moment, his bedroom door opened with a loud click of the lock, and Harry jumped to his feet.

Harry stood still, staring through the open doorway at the dark upstairs landing, straining his ears to hear more noises, but no one came up. He hesitated for a moment, then moved quickly and quietly out of the room, to the top of the stairs.

His heart suddenly rose to his throat. There were people standing in the shadows of the living room downstairs, their silhouettes silhouetted by the street lamps filtering through the frosted glass, eight or nine as far as he could see, looking up at him.

"Before you blow someone's eye out, lower your wand," a deep voice growled.

Harry's heart was beating uncontrollably. He recognized the voice, but he didn't lower his wand.

"Professor Moody?" he asked uncertainly.

"We've only been apart for less than two months, Harry," answered the voice.

But before Harry could decide on his next move, another, slightly hoarse voice came upstairs.

"It's all right, Harry. We'll take you away."

Harry's heart was beating rapidly. He also recognized the voice, even though he hadn't heard it in over a year.

"Professor Lupine?" he asked incredulously, "Is that you?"

"Why are we standing in the dark?" said a third voice, completely unfamiliar, a woman, "Lumos (spell)." A wand flashed and the living room was illuminated with magical light. Harry blinked.

The people below were all crowded at the foot of the stairs, staring intently at Harry, some even tilting their heads up like Scottish herring to get a better view.


Kronos didn't know that Harry had been picked up by members of the Order of the Phoenix, and in fact he locked himself in the room after he returned home through the teleportation circle that day. Except at mealtimes and convenient times, he seldom went downstairs. His godfather Horace was used to this.

After more than three days of preparations, Kronos was finally about to practice the human body in alchemy.

However, this kind of high-level training formation like the human body can only be combined with physical objects. The book says it is the highest drawing, and it is an extremely dangerous drawing. The drawing process is basically combined with the other six magic formations. All points.

And the combination of physical objects into a magic circle produces the energy needed for refining - the power of the circle.

All formations are based on a circular shape. There must be a center point in the circle, and the rising force concentrated from the circumference to the center point is gathered, which is the cycle of power = the power of consent. In addition, the circle also represents the time cycle required for the refining process or operation.

This is similar to the magic circle on the coin of Chronos. Chronos had studied the magic circle on the coin.

It's just that Kronos discovered that the circle above represents the ring of space, which is often the standard configuration of a powerful sealing circle. In other words, this coin is the key to a magic circle, or it is a sealing circle itself.

But none of this has anything to do with what Chronos stands to do. Speaking of which, the combination of physical objects into a formation represents the construction formula of the process and material composition required for refining.

Constructive formula is something that expresses the composition and refinement process of matter. From the perspective of modern culture, it can be regarded as a chemical equation. After combining the construction formula with the circle, the formation is completed. Then the alchemist sends the idea into the formation formation, and then the formation can be activated.

Each alchemist has a different design of the formation formation. Even if the same thing is to be refined, the formation formation drawn by each alchemist will be different.

Some formations are composed of pictures and words, while others are formed by simple formations. This is because each alchemist's understanding and construction method are different, so there are countless formations that are imagined. come out.

The better the alchemist, the simpler the alchemy can be used to carry out complex alchemy. Kronos doesn't think he is so good, and coupled with the shortage of raw materials, Kronos added a lot of auxiliary types A magic circle to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Now Kronos only needs to place the raw materials in the center of the formation, and he can use the generated energy efficiently without waste. Even if there are other substances in the formation formation, as long as it is not included in the construction formula, it will not be directly affected.

Because of this, when the energy provided by the alchemist is not enough to maintain the alchemist, the alchemist must lose part of his body as a price, which is the rebound of alchemy.

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