Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 240 Artificial Man

Harry wanted to ask what the Order of the Phoenix was, but Moody interrupted him roughly.

Moody pushed Harry from behind and called, "Come here." Harry walked up the old steps, his eyes fixed on the new extra door. Its black paint was battered and scratched. The silver doorknob had twisted into a serpentine shape.

There is neither a keyhole nor a letterbox on the gate. Lupine took out his wand and knocked once on the door. Harry heard a loud, metallic click from the door, which sounded like a metal chain. The door creaked open.

"Go in, Harry," whispered Lupine, "but don't go too far and don't touch anything."

The full text of Chapter Four, 12 Rue Grimandy

The full text of Chapter 4, 12 Rue Grimandy

"What's the so-and-so order—?" Harry started asking.

"Not here, boy!" cried Moody, "until we get in." He pulled the parchment out of Harry's hand and set it on fire with his wand. Harry looked around the houses again as the note curled up in the flames and floated to the ground. They were standing outside number 11 now, and he looked to the left for number 10, then to the right, and it was number 13.

"But where is—"

"Try to recall what you just remembered," Lupine said quietly.

Harry began to think back, and before long he was at number 12 Grimandy Street, which, save for a broken door which now appeared between numbers 11 and 13, was all filthy facades and Dirty windows. No matter which direction these things look from the outside, they look like extra parts from another house. Harry yawned at it. The speakers in Room 11 boomed. Apparently the Muggles who live in it don't feel anything.

Moody pushed Harry from behind and called, "Come here." Harry walked up the old steps, his eyes fixed on the new extra door. Its black paint was battered and scratched. The silver doorknob had twisted into a serpentine shape. There is neither a keyhole nor a letterbox on the gate. Lupine took out his wand and knocked once on the door. Harry heard a loud, metallic click from the door, which sounded like a metal chain. The door creaked open.

"Go in, Harry," whispered Lupine, "but don't go too far and don't touch anything."

Harry entered the almost completely dark hall. He could smell a dank, dusty, rotten-sweet smell, and the place felt like an abandoned building.

He looked over his shoulder as the others followed neatly behind him, Lupine and Tonks holding his suitcase and Hedwig's cage in their hands.

Moody was standing on the top step and was using the lighter to restore the streetlights that had been extinguished outside. The light flew back into the bulbs, and the little plaza was on again immediately before Moody limped in and closed the gate. It was shrouded in orange light again, and Moody had closed the door, so the hall became completely dark.

"Listen everybody, stand still while I give you a little light," Moody whispered. The silence of the others gave Harry an odd foreboding, as though they had entered the room of a dying man.

He heard a soft hiss, and then all the old-fashioned gas lamps on the walls came on, casting a flickering, erratic light on the mottled wallpaper and a strip of worn carpet. Yes, a long, dark corridor, with a cobweb-covered tree-shaped decorative lamp flickering on the top of the corridor, and old blackened portraits hanging on the crooked walls.

Harry heard some kind of valve opening in the skirting boards behind him. Both the lighting tree and the candelabra on a rickety table nearby are shaped like a large poisonous snake.

There was the sound of hurried footsteps in the distance, and Ron's mother, Mrs Weasley, appeared from behind a door at the far end of the hall. She hurried to Harry with a welcoming face, but Harry noticed that she was even thinner and paler than the last time he saw her.

"Oh, Harry, nice to meet you!" she whispered and gave Harry a rib-stripping hug, then took his arm and examined it critically. "You look thinner. You need to strengthen your nutrition, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait until dinner."

She turned to the group of wizards behind Harry and whispered eagerly, "He has just arrived, and the meeting has already started." The wizards behind Harry made a noisy noise of interest and excitement, and lined up neatly across the hall. Harry walked towards the door from which Mrs Weasley had just appeared. Harry tried to keep up with Lupine, but Mrs. Weasley pulled him back.

"No, Harry, this meeting is only for members of the Command. Ron and Hermione are upstairs, and you can wait for them until the meeting is over, and then we'll have dinner. Keep your voices as low as you can in the hall," she added at last. added in an eager whisper.


When Harry was still reminiscing with his long-lost partner, Chronos's body training had reached a critical step.

The eleven pointed stars have been fully lit up, and Chronos just needs to wait until the final momentum appears to send in the Philosopher's Stone and soul fragments.

Kronos's face was already covered with layers of slenderness. He thought it was because the fire was too hot, but in fact the fire was not warm at all.

"It's now!" Kronos' pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately threw the thing in his hand into the ghost fire, and then immediately pulled out his wand.

"Soul Giving! In the name of Chronos Slughorn, to give you life, soul, thinking, consciousness and freedom requires absolute loyalty to the creator."

Kronos took out his brown wand and pointed it at the flame above the candle, a white soft light was pulled out from the front end of the wand, and then wrapped around the flame, which was stored in Kronos' wand. A part of his own soul imprint, this thing can ensure that he will not be betrayed by the artificial man he created.

And in the process of the soul surrounding the flame, the flame also began to become bigger and bigger, and the soul became smaller and smaller, as if the fuel was sucked away by the flame.

Until the flame became as big as a basketball, it simply broke away from the burning of the magic circle, and could directly float in the air, and it would never go out.

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