Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 264 Decree No. 24

For the rest of the weekend, Harry was happier than he had been all semester. He and Ron spent the better part of Sunday working on their homework, which wasn't exactly fun, of course.

But because of the bright autumn sun, they no longer gathered around the table, but put aside their homework and wandered in the shadow of the big tree by the lake.

And Hermione, who was determined to finish all her homework on time, brought more wool, and cast magic on her knitting needles, so that they reflected the dazzling sunlight in mid-air, weaving more and more with a "tick" sound. hat and doily.

Knowing that they were taking action against Umbridge and the Ministry, and that he was a key figure in the rebellion, Harry found great satisfaction. He went over the meetings every Saturday in his mind.

All these people who came to him to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts, the way they looked after hearing what he did, Cho was cheering for himself! "Ron said immediately, and slammed his palm with a fist, "Or, I think Michael Kona has also betrayed!" "

"I wonder if Hermione saw this?" said Harry, scanning the door to the girls' dormitories.

"Let's go tell her," said Ron. He leaped forward, opened the door, and walked up the spiral staircase.

When he reached the sixth step, a loud, wailing sound that sounded like a tweeter merged with the steps and formed what seemed to be a smooth stone staircase. Ron tried to run away, his hands flailing wildly like a windmill. Then he was hit by the newly formed stone steps and fell on his back at Harry's feet.

"Well, I don't think we're allowed in the girls' dormitories," Harry said, lifting Ron off his feet, trying not to laugh out loud.

Two fourth-grade girls walked up the stone stairs with a smile.

"Oh, who wants to go upstairs?" They giggled happily, looking at Harry and Ron with bouncing smiles.

"It's me," said a disheartened Ron. "I didn't know that was going to happen. It's not fair!" He added to Harry as the girls walked away from the portrait hole, laughing maniacally: "Hermione is allowed Into our dormitory, why can't we...?"

"It's an old rule," she slid gracefully down the stone steps and onto the carpet in front of them, effortlessly. "It's a matter of history at Hogwarts, the founders thought boys were less trustworthy than girls. Why did you go there anyway?"

Of course, Harry and Ron didn't go in in the end, and it was Hermione who took the initiative to appear from the stairs, and the three successfully met.

"Where did you choose your secret base, Harry.

"The sudden sound startled Harry who had just sat down.

He looked back to see Chronos who was eating at the long Slytherin table, and he was looking at Harry with interest at the moment.

"What secret base?" Harry asked without knowing why.

"A place to learn protection spells!" Kronos added.

"Well...not yet, but I think any empty classroom is fine, and it would be better if there are some targets for us to practice on." Harry really frowned and remembered.

"It seems that you haven't read the notice this morning!" Kronos smiled and took a big mouthful of buttered toast.

"Notice? What notice?" Harry suddenly felt that things were not that simple.

"It's on the bulletin board next to the gate of the castle. It was just posted this morning." Kronos said with a smile.

Hearing what Kronos said, Harry was not even in the mood for breakfast, he put down the bread he hadn't even had time to bite and rushed out.

"Harry, wait for us." Ron and Hermione followed suit.

There was a big notice posted on the bulletin board, and the big one covered everything else on the bulletin board, such as the auction of second-hand spell books, the school rules that Argus Filch regularly reminded, the training routine of the Quidditch team, And lost and found.

The new notice is printed in big black letters, with a formal-looking seal underneath, and a neat cursive signature next to it.

Hogwarts Advanced Investigation Order

All student organizations, associations, teams or clubs are hereby dissolved.

Organizations, associations, teams and clubs are hereby defined to mean regular assemblies of three or more students.

Restructuring can be requested from the Senior Prosecutor (Professor Umbridge).

No student organizations, associations, teams and clubs shall exist without the approval of the Senior Prosecutor.

Any student found forming or participating in any organization, association, team or club without the approval of the Senior Investigating Officer will be immediately expelled.


senior investigator

Dolores Umbridge

Hermione's eyes flicked across the notice, her expression hardening.

"Someone must have tipped her off!" Ron said indignantly.

"They can't do that," Hermione whispered.

"You're naive," said Ron. "Because you're honest, don't you think so?"

"No, they won't, because I put a curse on the parchment with our signature on it," said Hermione calmly. "Trust me, if any of them go and inform Umbridge, We will know exactly who they are, and they will certainly regret it from the bottom of their hearts."

"So someone who didn't sign the parchment but knew about it was a whistleblower?" Ron said in reverse.

"You mean Chronos?" Harry knew who Ron was talking about.

"No, no, Chronos is not that kind of person." Hermione was the first to jump out to object. "It doesn't do him any good, he doesn't even have an incentive to do it."

"Tch!" Ron turned his head dissatisfied.

The three of them headed back to the Great Hall, and as soon as they entered the Great Hall, they knew that it wasn't just Gryffindor who knew about Umbridge's announcement. Strong emotions and uncharacteristic agitation spread in the foyer, and people gathered around the table discussing what they had read. As soon as Harry, Ron and Hermione took their seats, Neville, Fred, George and Ginny walked straight up to them.

"Did you see the sign?"

"Do you think she knows?"

"What shall we do?"

They all stared at Harry, who glanced around to make sure there was no teacher nearby.

"Anyway, of course we're going to do it," he whispered.

"Knew you would say that!" George excitedly slapped Harry hard on the arm.

"Where's the prefect?" Fred asked, looking at Ron and Hermione inquiringly.

"Of course." Hermione said calmly. But afterward, his face turned slightly red again. This was the first time he took the initiative to violate Hogwarts' school rules and orders.


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