Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 267 Weasley Our King

Chronos is optimistic about the Slytherin team. After all, they have won and lost their games against Gryffindor before.

And their new goalkeeper Ron is nowhere near the level of the previous goalkeeper Wood, although he is trying to improve. But his biggest weakness is that he loses confidence when he makes a mistake. If a ball is not held, he will get upset and lose more balls as a result.

Of course, Chronos had also seen some really good shots from Ron when he was in form, and in another memorable training session he slung the Quaffle away from the goalposts with one hand hanging from his broom. Make it fly to the other end of the field, through the ring in the middle of the opponent's goal, even Chronos had to applaud for it.

But the Slytherins are all seasoned old players, and they don't have a new player like Ron this year.

Moreover, Professor Snape's bias is also very obvious. He was always pre-renting the ground for the Slytherin team, making it difficult for the Gryffindor team to find a place to practice.

He also turned a deaf ear to reports of Slytherins attempting to entrap Gryffindor players with magic in the corridors.

When Arya Spinnet's eyebrows grew to cover her eyes and mouth, and she was sent to the school hospital, Professor Snape insisted that she used the Hair Growth Charm herself, and refused to listen to the testimony of fourteen witnesses.

To be honest, the fact that Professor Snape played in the Quidditch match was really embarrassing, and he made great use of his professorship. He was just a step away from taking the Quidditch Trophy himself and giving it to the Slytherin team.

On the playing field below, Mrs. Hooch put the whistle in her mouth and blew it hard.

The kick-off kicked off, and fourteen players soared into the air. The Quidditch field was so big that Chronos couldn't see it all for a while. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Draco head straight for the goal ring.

He rose extremely fast, dodged a Bludger, and began to fly in a wide circle, privately looking for that little golden light. On the other side of the playing field, so did Harry Potter. .

"That's Johnson, Johnson and the Quaffle, what a team that girl is, I've been talking about it for years and she still won't go out with me—"

"Jordan!" cried Professor McGonagall.

"Just kidding, to spice things up - she dodged Warrington, she swung Montague, she - oh - she got hit by a Bludger from Crabbe... Montague Grabbing the Quaffle, Montague turned back to the field - George Weasley hit a nice Bludger. It was aimed at Montague's head, and he dropped the Quaffle and was caught by Katie Bell caught it, and Katie Bell from Gryffindor sent back to Arya Spinnet to—"

Lee Jordan's commentary echoed in the field,

He is from Gryffindor and is also a good friend of the Weasley brothers, so his commentary is mostly from the perspective of the Gryffindor team.

"- dodges Warrington, dodges a Bludger - close call, Arya - the audience loves this, listen, what are they singing about?"

The singing from the sea of ​​silver and green in the Slytherin stands grew louder and clearer when Lee stopped to listen.

"Weasley couldn't save a single ball,

He couldn't stop it even once,

That's why we Slytherins always say,

Weasley is our trump card. "

Chronos didn't even know that Slytherin still had such tactics, but the singing wasn't over yet.

"Weasley is our trump card,

Weasley is our trump card,

He keeps letting the Quaffle slip in,

Weasley is our trump card. "

"—Arya passed behind Angelina!" Lee cried, and when Harry turned, he was blown away by the song he had just heard, and he knew that Lee wanted to drown it out, "Come on now, Angelina —looks like she just knocked the keeper!—she shot—she—hahahaha..."

Luckily, the Slytherin keeper saved the ball and threw the Quaffle to Warrington, who slid away with it, zigzagging between Arya and Katie. , as he got closer and closer to Ron, the singing below became louder and louder.

"Weasley is our trump card,

Weasley is our trump card,

He keeps letting the Quaffle slip in,

Weasley is our trump card. "

Harry couldn't help himself and gave up searching for the Snitch, spinning to see Ron, the lone figure far down the field, circling the three hoops of the goal when the big Warrington rushed towards him. forward.

"—and now Warrington with the Quaffle, Warrington rushing towards the goal, he's out of range of the Bludger, and now there's only the keeper in front of him—"

From the Slytherin stands below there was a chorus of singing:

"That little fool Weasley,

He can't block a single ball...."

"—this was the first test of Gryffindor's new keeper, Weasley, brother of batsman Fred and George, and the Quaffle flew between them, right through the gate guarded by Ron. The middle goal."

"Slytherin score!" came Lee's voice amid the cheers and boos of the audience below, "Ten points for Slytherin—no luck, Ron."

The Slytherin sang louder:

"Weasley was born in a dustbin,

He always puts the ball in the goal...  

Weasley is our king,

Weasley is our king..."

"How about it? Chronos, how about my last dodge save?" Draco, wearing a Slytherin green uniform, ran over to Chronos and told Chronos about his most handsome move today.

"Yes, it smells like a new Quidditch star." Kronos smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"However, it's a good thing you can come up with such a method." Kronos said, "It's the best strategy to disturb the enemy's mentality!"

"We just want to cheer for Weasley, who knows that his mental endurance is so poor." Draco laughed, "Didn't you see that when I was sitting on the broomstick, I could see his calf shaking!"

"Okay." Chronos patted Draco's helmet angrily and said, "This method can only be used once. This is Weasley's first match, so it is inevitable that he will be a little nervous. Next time If we compete against them again, Weasley will probably be like Wood!"

"Then I can also confuse them, Weasley's broom probably can only see my tail!" Draco didn't seem to remember Chronos' words in his heart, but still did what he said just now. That thrilling save on the field.

Kronos shook his head helplessly, Draco still hadn't engraved the truth that a proud soldier must be defeated.

However, the next failure Chronos estimated that Draco would learn a profound lesson.


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