Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 269: Hagrid Is Back

"Now Azkaban doesn't have many dementors guarding there." Mr. Malfoy said, "If the detainees hadn't been tortured by dementors, maybe Azkaban There was already a riot."

"Creatures like dementors shouldn't belong to this world. It's fine if they are extinct." Kronos waved his hand indifferently, "Otherwise, they would turn their heads and throw themselves under Voldemort's helmet, which would be a troublesome problem."

"Well, that's true." Mr. Malfoy nodded, and he quite agreed with Chronos's words.

Then he said, "What are you going to do now? The Mysterious Man's power has gradually returned to its previous level. If the Ministry of Magic hadn't discovered the Mysterious Man's comeback, he would have started bloodbathing the wizarding world long ago."

"Hmm..." Kronos groped his chin and pondered for a while before saying, "Why don't you go to Voldemort's side first?"


Chronos and the others could have waited a day to go back on Sunday night. However, their mountain of homework had reached an alarming height. Kronos and Draco walked to the carriage with difficulty on the two-foot-deep snow on Sunday morning.

It was still the same carriage, but this time there was one person missing, Mr. Malfoy. Chronos hadn't seen him for a few days, but fortunately he didn't have to drive the carriage. Or Chronos went to Hogwarts again through the damn Floo powder.

Chronos watched Draco say his final goodbyes to his mother, Mrs. Malfoy, from the warm and comfortable carriage.

"You also pay more attention to your body, Chronos. Don't wear yourself out for the exam." Mrs. Malfoy finally said softly to Chronos.

"I will, thank you, Aunt Narcissa." Madam Malfoy's words warmed Chronos' heart.

Pegasus's wings only flapped slightly a few times, and Kronos felt the feeling of soaring upwards. The carriage was not flying very high, and Kronos stuck his head out of the window, and he could still see the people below enjoying the joy of skating and sledding on the frozen river.

The speed of the carriage was very fast, and Kronos felt that he had just closed his eyes for a while before the carriage fell down.

As soon as the carriage landed, Kronos heard the students being hit on the carriage by the magic ball on the playground.

"Ouch!" Draco, who had just got out of the car, was hit in the head by a school ball flying towards him at a high speed.

"Who? Who threw it?"

Draco's roar was quickly blocked by the snowballs flying all over the sky, because it was still the Christmas holiday. The younger students at the school didn't have the same pain as the older students dealing with exams, so they all ran out of their common room and had a lot of time to play.

In the end, Draco could only sneak into the gate of the castle with Chronos in desperation. I'm afraid that in a little while, Draco will turn into a snowman.

"If I were you, I would definitely put them all in confinement, Chronos." Draco angrily slapped the snowball off his school robe.

"Hmm... so I guess that's why Dumbledore didn't let you be a prefect," Chronos joked.

"Cut..." Draco tossed his long golden hair in disdain. His hairstyle seems to have changed since last year. It is no longer the kind of combed hair full of shine, and Chronos arrived Only now noticed.

"Hey, wait for me!" Kronos pulled out his wand from the middle of the school robe, waved it in complicated patterns, and steam came out from the tip of the wand. He pointed it at his and Draco's robes as steam evaporated from them.

Doing so made Chronos and Draco a lot more comfortable.

At breakfast the next day, Chronos was surprised to find that Hagrid appeared on the teacher's table, but after thinking about it, Dumbledore's method of winning over the giant had failed.

However, Hagrid's appearance was not warmly welcomed by all the students. Some, like Fred, George, and Lee Jordan, yelled happily, ran between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables, rushed forward and grabbed Hagrid's big hand.

Others, like Parvati and Lavender, exchanged a sombre look and shook their heads. Kronos knew that many of his classmates preferred Professor Graplan's class, and the worst part was that a small but unbiased part of his mind knew they had a valid reason: Graplan's concept of an interesting class No one in the class is in danger of losing his head.

On Tuesday, Chronos and other students who were going to take the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class went to Hagrid's class in strict clothes. Along the way, Draco was discussing with Crabbe and Goyle what kind of funny face Hagrid would put on under Professor Umbridge's investigation.

However, the Supreme Prosecutor unexpectedly did not show up, when they walked across the snow to Hagrid who was waiting for them at the edge of the forest. The image of Hagrid did not reassure them.

The purple bruises on his neck where he had first seen him had now turned a pale yellow-green, and some of the cuts looked like they were dripping blood. Chronos didn't understand: Had Hagrid been attacked by some creature—perhaps, the creature's venom was preventing the wound from healing. As if approving of this ominous vision, Hagrid seemed to be carrying half a dead bull on his shoulders.

"We have class here today!" Hagrid told the approaching students cheerfully, gesturing to the dark woods behind him. "It's more hidden! Besides, they also prefer darkness..."

"What likes the dark?" Chronos heard Parvati ask Prallad and Lavender sharply, a little panic in her voice. "He said he liked the dark—did you hear that?"

"Are you ready?" Hagrid asked happily as he toured the circle of his classmates. "Okay, so, I'm planning a field trip into the forest for your fifth year. Thought we could go and observe these creatures in their natural environment. Now, the creatures we're going to study today are very rare , I think I might be the only one in England who can tame them—"

"Are you sure they're really tamed?" Parvati asked, the panic in his voice more pronounced now. "It's just that this isn't the first time you've brought wild animals to class, is it?"

Those who liked Professor Graplan murmured approvingly, and some of the Gryffindors seemed to think Parvati had something to say. They all nodded in agreement with Parvati's question.


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