Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 275 The Whistleblower

Hogwarts Card Drawer

Firenze pointed to the red star directly above Harry.

"In the past ten years, the signs in the sky have only indicated that the wizards are in the brief peace between the two wars, but the Mars, representing the war, flashes brilliantly above our heads, suggesting that the flames of war will not be long. Reignition. How fast? We centaurs are trying to predict by observing the burning and flames of certain herbs and leaves."

It was the most unusual class Chronos had ever had. Instead of actually burning sagegrass and sweet mallow on the classroom floor, Firenze just told them about certain shapes and symbolic meanings of these pungent smokes.

But he didn't seem to care at all whether any of them could see the signs he described, but just told them that humans have always been very bad at this field, and it took many years for centaurs to become fully capable in this field, and Humans are cautioned not to over-believe such things.

Because even centaurs sometimes interpret these messages wrongly. He didn't put teaching them first, like any human teacher Harry had ever met in the past, but wanted to tell them that nothing, not even centaur knowledge, was ever safe

"He's not very clear about anything, is he?" Draco whispered as he extinguished their sweet mallow flames. "I mean, I need some details about the war we're about to face, you want to know too?"

At this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and everyone jumped up. Kronos had quite forgotten that they were still in the castle, and was sure he was in the forest. All the people marched in a single file, and looked a little dazed and bewildered.

Just when Chronos and Draco were about to follow them in line, Firenze called out, "Harry Potter, I have something to tell you."

Kronos turned around and the centaur was standing a little ahead of him, Draco hesitated to stay or not.

"You can stay." Firenze saw Draco's hesitation. "But please close the door." Draco followed Firenze's instructions and quickly walked over to close the door.

"Chronos Slughorn," said the man.

"Yes, Professor." Kronos replied, he didn't know why the centaur called his name again.

"Then let me remind you by the way, your efforts are useless, you'd better give up."

"My efforts are useless?" Kronos repeated blankly.

"Also, you'd better give up." Firenze nodded and said, "I saw this from the astrology, and I shouldn't have told you. But for me, you have too many troubles, Some will affect the Forbidden Forest."

"But—don't you also believe in Professor Trelawney's prophecy?" Chronos said anxiously.

"What I don't believe in is human prophecy." Firenze looked at Kronos expressionlessly. "Mark my words, Chronos. Goodbye."

Chronos had been avoiding Luna for a while, ever since Luna was interviewing himself on behalf of his dad's The Quibbler. But that feeling was gone long ago.

Ever since the gloomy March turned into a stormy April, Chronos' life has been overwhelmed by a long list of homework assignments.

Professor Umbridge was still present at every class she considered informal, and occasionally made a mark on her markboard. Kronos was not in the mood to make potions anymore.

Just imagine, every time you look up, you will find an old woman all over pink tilting her head and smiling at you, no one can bear it!

But this class is okay, it's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Kronos only needs to bury his head in the thick theoretical book, and Kronos never raised his head in this class.

Finally, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. The students bowed their heads and packed their schoolbags in a tacit understanding, then walked quickly to the door without saying a word.

Chronos did the same.

But this time it's not that simple. "Cronus!" Umbridge's characteristic voice stuck Chronus to the table again like a piece of glue.

"What? Professor." Chronos glared at Draco viciously, because he just said to Chronos that you are asking for luck.

"Stay after class, I have something to ask you." Professor Umbridge walked down from the podium unhurriedly. "Of course, Mr. Malfoy can stay with him if he wants to. Your father and I are still very close at the Ministry of Magic."

"No, no need." Hearing Professor Umbridge's words, Draco took out the speed faster than he was playing Quidditch, and left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom as if fleeing.

"Is there anything I need to stay? Professor." Kronos asked again.

"Of course." Professor Umbridge purposely acted like a little girl, as if he had found some great treasure.

"Remember when I asked Mr. Filch to ask you to investigate the mysterious disappearance of students?" Professor Umbridge asked, resting his hands on the table and looking Chronos in the eyes.

"That's not the case! It's as if there are monsters eating people in the castle." Kronos leaned back in disgust. Up close, he could even see the uneven foundation on Professor Umbridge's old woman's face.

"Just tonight, I finally caught it." Professor Umbridge automatically ignored Chronos' words, and she said to herself like a madman.

"Eh...hehe...then...congratulations..." Kronos wanted to leave here quickly.

"No, you're coming with me," said Professor Umbridge sharply.

Kronos wanted to shout "Why?", but Kronos held back, and he couldn't change the established fact.

Umbridge walked faster than Professor Snape for the first time, muttering in a low voice as she walked, "I got it, I got it." A lunatic who escaped from the magic hospital.

"It's here." A voice that didn't belong to her suddenly came out in front of Professor Umbridge, and Kronos tilted his head over Professor Umbridge's fat body, looking ahead curiously.

"It's her! Marietta Aikemo. The mane-haired friend next to Qiu Zhang."

"Okay, so how do we get in?" Professor Umbridge excitedly stroked the thick wall in front of her, just like she was stroking a piece of peerless jade.

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