Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 39 Authentication

"Mr. Chronos Slughorn, did you really do this?" Fudge obviously remembered Chronos.

Chronos shrugged, then looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled, and drew his wand. Say to the surrounding damaged walls: "Restore to the original." Soon the walls become exactly the same as before.

"Mr. Minister, let's continue with the next process." Dumbledore helped Connelly stabilize his bowler hat that was tilted to one side.

The "Mr. Minister" made Kronos want to laugh, but he held back.

"Yes, you are right. Dumbledore." Connelly returned to the sofa in the middle again, but he did not sit down.

He looked at the wizards around him, and then cleared his throat: "If you have any questions, ask them all again."

There was another chattering sound around, but this time his eyes fell on Kronos.

"Mr. Dumbledore." A witch stood up. "Are you sure this is not something you researched and then handed over to your students? We all know that you... are a great wizard."

"Of course, Ms. Burns. I can vouch for my wand. This magic circle was independently developed by my students. Maybe Professor Snape helped a little, but the whole process was completely done by Chronos himself." of."

Dumbledore's words caused another uproar. In the wizarding world, the wand is the wizard's second life. Therefore, Dumbledore's use of the wand as a guarantee is very credible.

"Well, Mr. Slughorn?" Ms. Burns stood up again. "Can you tell us a little bit about why you created this magic item and why?"

The world is like this, when people see your strength, they will fear you and respect you.

Kronos nodded, but he didn't get up this time, but sat on a chair.


"The principle of the magic circle is to use the magic power free in nature to facilitate wizards to use their bodies to activate more advanced magic." Kronos talked eloquently, and the wizards of the Wizengamot stared wide-eyed. This theory affected him as much as the impact of an asteroid hitting the earth.

And Kronos is not worried about them going back to study by themselves. Just kidding, not to mention feeling the forces of nature and using them. Only Kronos knows the rune on the outer magic ring.

"I can definitely hand over this forbidden magic stone with the Volcanum tellus magic circle to you for research, and use it to prove my theory." As soon as Kronos said this, the wizards of the Wizengamot looked at Krono. His eyes were different. Fudge, who was standing in the middle, was about to come down and hug her.

Kronos noticed that Dumbledore also looked at him several times intentionally or unintentionally, which obviously meant "he also likes this magic circle very much."

"Mr. Chronos Slughorn." A voice made the courtroom quiet again.

"Mr. Chronos Slughorn, I have to admit that the magic props you created are indeed powerful. However, such a powerful magic circle is not suitable for the current wizarding world. Now we are in a time of peace, and There is no external threat. I am afraid that such a powerful magic item you have created will be useless!"

Chronos saw the woman speaking, and recognized her.

Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic - Dolores Jane Umbridge.

The description in the original book said that she was a big pale toad. Short and fat, with a wide, slack face, the neck is so fat that it can't be seen, and a big mouth is pulled down the tower. Her eyes are bulging, round, and slightly protruding. "The original book really does not deceive me." Chronos thought.

Kronos also spotted a little black velvet bow in her short curly hair. Watch Chronos stomach flip straight.

Chronos suppressed the feeling of vomiting and said, "This..." He deliberately glanced at Dumbledore.

"Dolores Umbridge, Senior Minister of the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore introduced her identity.

"Oh! Ms. Umbridge, I have just explained it. The creation of the magic circle is to facilitate people to launch large-scale magic with their bodies. This is not only for you wizards, but also for the squibs among wizards. Humans can even use magic circles with a small load." Hearing the last sentence, all the wizards in the Wizengamot gasped. They looked at each other, and they both saw surprise and a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

"And." Kronos didn't finish his sentence. "Who told you that I only have this kind of magic circle? Ms. Umbridge. There can be holy magic in the magic circle to heal those injured wizards, and some powerful defensive magic circles can be carved to protect things. The most important thing The most important thing is that the wizard can draw the magic circle in advance for emergencies, the biggest difference between the magic circle and the magic wand is that it does not consume the magic power of the wizard when he casts magic."

Umbridge was speechless at what Chronos had said, and she smacked her lips.

"There, Umbridge," Fudge interrupted.

"Now vote with a show of hands, please raise your hand if you agree to use the magic array as the latest magic prop." Fudge stood in the middle and shouted.

"Swipe, swipe, swipe..." All the Wizengamot wizards raised their hands, even Dumbledore raised his left hand.

Chronos almost forgot that Dumbledore was also a wizard of the Wizengamot. Or a high-ranking chief wizard.

"Okay, I'm announcing now. The magic circle is listed as a magic item together with the wand, allowing British magic schools to set up and teach students the knowledge of the magic circle." With Cornelius Fudge's final word, Chronos' reputation is destined to Tomorrow is a household name.

"Mr. Slughorn." Cornelius Fudge blocked Chronos who was about to leave.

"What? Is there anything else? Minister." Kronos looked at the pudgy old man in front of him. He couldn't remember his name just now. Now he calls out with a friendly face.

"Mr. Slughorn, tomorrow we will announce today's events to the public. So I would like to invite you to attend the press conference tomorrow, when all the major media in the wizarding world will come back." Fudge looked at Ke Ke with a flattering expression. Ronos, he glanced at Dumbledore next to him again. "Of course, we also invited Mr. Dumbledore to float here. You, the headmaster, have also contributed a lot to being able to teach such outstanding students."

Dumbledore smiled, not clearly defeating Fudge.

"I will go, Mr. Minister." Chronos agreed, and he was already ready to stand at the top of the wizarding world.

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