Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 54 Daphne Greengrass

Chronos smiled and walked over to Draco's side. After taking over the heavy suitcase in his hand, it is all Aunt Narcissa's love for him here!

"What's in it? Why is it so heavy?" Kronos looked at Draco in confusion.

"It's a padded jacket." Draco scratched his nose in embarrassment, obviously he could take it when he returned from the Halloween holiday. But his mother insisted that he take it now.

Kronos smiled. In his previous life, he experienced "there is a kind of cold that makes mother think you are cold." It seems that every parent in the world is the same.

"Okay, let's go." Kronos beckoned, they didn't come early. The front compartment has been taken up, and they still need to carry these boxes for a long walk.

But the reality is always unexpected. Kronos was recognized by the students and parents around him before he even took a few steps. They all want to get acquainted with the famous Mr. Magister. Some of them even want to take the box in your hand from Chronos.

But how could such a good thing be in the hands of students from other colleges. Soon a large group of Slytherin students took the suitcase from Chronos' hand, and Chronos looked back at Draco. Discovered that his chest had also been taken by a fourth-year Slytherin senior. There was even a fifth-grade senior who wanted to snatch the box from Crabbe's hand, and they were arguing red-faced. And our young master has never seen such a posture before, he is now standing beside Kronos like a well-behaved boy.

In the end, a magical scene appeared in the whole station. Chronos walked ahead, followed by a large number of Slytherin students behind and on both sides. They squeezed the students in the way for Kronos, which made many students glared, but they lowered their heads when they met the fierce Slytherin students.

Soon they were at the back of the station, where Chronos saw the Weasleys with Hermione and her parents.

"Ah, Mr. Slughorn. Long time no see. How are you?" Mr. Weasley held out his right hand.

"I'm fine, Mr. Weasley." Chronos also extended his right hand. At this time Hermione squeezed into the crowd and came to Chronos. It's just that there was a trace of anxiety on her face.

"Cronos, have you seen Harry and Ron?" Hermione asked about his good friend's whereabouts before she could stand still, and almost fell on Chronos. The girl in Slytherin next to Chronos roared.

"Harry and Ron?" Chronos pretended not to know anything. "Aren't they supposed to be with you? How would I know where they are?"

"We were together originally, but they disappeared after entering the station." Hermione stomped her feet anxiously, "Mrs. Weasley has gone out to look for it, and I want to too. But the train will leave soon .”

Chronos was amazed by their friendship, so he comforted: "Don't worry, they just encountered a little trouble. You will see you at Hogwarts."

"Do you know where they are?" Hermione asked.

"Who knows? Maybe it's not necessarily flying in the sky." Kronos said and pointed to the sky with his right hand.

Then she left Hermione with a puzzled look on her face and got on the train. As Hermione had said, the train was about to leave. As soon as Chronos stepped onto the train, he heard a roar of sirens.

Chronos is still going forward, and they say there is a compartment for Chronos in the front.

Along the way, all the students leaned out to say hello to Kronos, and many of them reserved seats and wanted to invite Kronos to sit with them.

Before Chronos could reply, the Slytherin students behind him had already kindly refused for him.

Now, in their hearts. The famous magister-Kronos belonged to their Slytherin.

The location they found was really near the front, only three compartments away from the driver's cab. The first three Chronos knew that it was reserved for the prefects of the various colleges.

If Chronos had rushed in, he might have seen Percy and his girlfriend kissing passionately.

Chronos vaguely remembered that Percy's girlfriend was a Ravenclaw prefect named Penelope Clearwater. Both of them happened to be in the sixth grade, the age when their love first started.

Kronos was finally interrupted by a quarrel, and the senior Slytherins were vying for a place in the same cubicle as Kronos. Unfortunately, Crabbe and Gore were kicked out of the game.

I have to say that girls are really powerful creatures. Except for Malfoy, all the girls sitting opposite Chronos are girls. The two senior Kronos did not know each other. But another Kronos confirmation is that it is Daphne Greengrass, a Slytherin student of the same class as them.

There are not many descriptions of her in the original book, only that her sister Astoria Greengrass finally married Draco.

Chronos knew him because she was indeed beautiful. Slytherin has two good looks, and the male representative is Chronos Slughorn. The girl representative is Daphne Greengrass.

She has beautiful hair that falls over her body like a cascade of brown. Undulating waves and glittering gold. her eyes. Big and black, with sparkling eyes, very moving. There is also a nose bridge that is far stronger than that of ordinary Europeans. Most importantly, after she laughed. There are dimples like pear dimples on both sides of the mouth.

Don't ask Kronos how she knows, she is smiling at Kronos right now. He is different from the other two girls. The two senior girls lowered their heads, looked up at Kronos from time to time, then lowered their heads quickly, rubbing the corners of their clothes. And Daphne Greengrass was indeed staring at Chronos, which made Chronos a little embarrassed.

In fact, Kronos thinks that the two of them are related. Daphne Greengrass is named after Daphne, the laurel goddess in Greek mythology. And Chronos Slughorn is even more powerful. His name comes from the super primitive god in ancient Greek mythology, the god of time and space.

Kronos (Ancient Greek: Χρ?νο? English: Chronos / Khronos) is the super primitive god in ancient Greek mythology, the highest god worshiped by Orphism, one of the three mainstream sects, whose essence cannot be described. The Advent manifested as the First Cause, which is also the root time, which created chaos and order. His power is one, above all things, before the beginning, and created chaos and order and everything.

Kronos liked him the most in his previous life, so when he came to this world, he named himself Kronos.

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