Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 78 Another Victim

After a few simple conversations with Cedric, Chronos realized that he really had the qualities that Hufflepuff required. If other wizards were assigned to Hufflepuff because they did not meet the requirements of the other three colleges, then Cedric was a student who really belonged to Hufflepuff.

Cedric exemplifies the qualities that are so characteristic of Hufflepuff House, a kind, loyal friend and fair-playing rival.

"Next, Chronos Slughorn and Cedric Diggory." Lockhart's voice came from the stage.

"Let's go! It's our turn." Kronos said to him with a smile.

Cedric nodded, Chronos and Cedric turned to each other and bowed. Then they held their wands like arrows to their chests. Just like the dueling wizards in ancient Rome, the two most handsome men in Hogwarts, just such a simple action, caused the girls below to scream.

"Okay, listen to my password. Chronos don't use your powerful magic circles, you can only use your wand." Lockhart shouted below.

Chronos nodded.

"one two Three…"

Cedric immediately raised his wand, making a sharp movement of his wrist in the air. "Disarm!" Cedric yelled, and a blinding red light shot from Cedric's wand, and the swift stupid Kronos struck.

Although Kronos didn't want to be very strong, but the moment Cedric raised his wrist and twisted, Kronos could see that he was using the disarming spell. He silently said in advance, "Armor protection!" Cedric's disarming spell was bounced off a foot away from Kronos. The students below were all stunned, they didn't know why Cedric's spell would fail.

Looking at Chronos, after resisting Cedric's attack, he waved his right hand holding the wand in the air, and a red light hit Cedric at an astonishing speed, and his twelve The ash wand, another quarter of an inch long, made a parabolic motion in midair and fell into Kronos' hands.

Crack, crack, crack... The initial applause gradually turned into cheers from the audience. Chronos walked over to Cedric and pulled it up. Then handed him his wand.

"You're so strong!" said Cedric, the smile on his face the whole time.

Chronos patted him on the shoulder.

"Nice silent spellcasting, our Professor Slughorn showed us another powerful skill." At this time, Lockhart stood up very well.

Sure enough, many people in the audience cooperated with him and asked what is "silent casting"? And Lockhart began to talk, and began to show off his proud verbal skills.

After Chronos and Cedric looked at each other, they both laughed. They both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

In the time since then, Lockhart has been asking the students to go on stage to fight duels, encountering some who are not talented enough to release the spell. (Neville, for example.) He started to step forward and act as an instructor, pointing and pointing. In short, Lockhart didn't leave Chronos' sight all night, and Chronos didn't notice anything strange about him.

"Did I really make a mistake?" Kronos couldn't help asking himself.

The dueling club is over, and everyone has their own classes to attend tomorrow. It is impossible for the school to give them too much time to play. Isn't it just for fun? What can I learn from Gilderoy Lockhart? Dumbledore just let him play with the children to relieve his tense spirit.

The students rushed out of the auditorium and walked upstairs collectively. There were laughter and laughter along the way, and some even waved their wands from time to time and shot a ball of flames on the wall of the stairs.

Everyone in the speech ran away in fright.

Chronos seemed to be the new prefect of Slytherin, and he walked in the front of the Slytherin students. Originally, the prefects of Slytherin followed behind him, and a group of people dressed in black wizard robes looked like a gangster.

"Ah!!!" As soon as he walked up the stairs on the second floor, a scream from the front broke the laughter of the students.

Kronos had a bad idea, he quickly pushed through the crowd and came to the front.

This is the prize showroom on the second floor. Draco opened his mouth, and the pupils in his glasses shrank a little. This is the characteristic of being scared.

"Fortunately, fortunately it was only petrified." Kronos glanced at the window sill opposite Draco, which meant that Draco saw the basilisk's eyes through the reflection of the window.

"Harry..." Kronos suddenly remembered that there were three other people with Draco.

"Where's Harry Potter?" Chronos asked. The crowd shook their heads, indicating that no one had seen Harry Potter.

"Harry Potter is here." A voice came from the crowd.

At this time, Harry's trio went through the crowd and came to Kronos.

"Didn't you go to Lockhart's dueling club? What are you doing here now?" Ron asked angrily.

Hermione on the side saw Draco behind Kronos, and she covered her mouth with her hands so as not to scream out.

"Ron!" She shook Ron's arm.

"What's wrong?" Ron also followed the direction of Hermione's finger and saw Draco who was motionless.

"Where did you go? Harry!" Kronos asked in a deep voice, knowing that Harry couldn't have done it. But he still wanted to ask where Harry had gone.

"Let's go to the broom in the broomroom on the first floor." After speaking, Harry swallowed a mouthful of saliva, obviously he didn't expect Draco to be attacked, they just discussed Draco's next attack who?

"Give way, everyone. The professors are here." Someone shouted in the crowd, and soon the professors headed by Dumbledore came to the front, and Chronos saw that Lockhart was also coming. up.

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at Draco and the place where he was attacked.

"Severus, please inform Draco Malfoy's father. Professor McGonagall, find two students to carry him to Madam Pomfrey." Dumbledore began to give instructions one by one. Finally he looked at Harry and they said, "You three, come with me. And you, Mr. Filch."

Chronos saw Filch at the back of the crowd.

Chronos looked at the back of Lockhart who left with them. "Could it be that Lockhart really didn't get Voldemort's notes?" Kronos questioned his own judgment for the first time.

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