Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 132 Ron and the Monkey

In the Forbidden Forest, the friends sneaked half excitedly and half cautiously. This is much more exciting than a night tour in the castle.

"Hey, Ron, don't fall behind the line, be careful. There are eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest!"

Ted teased Ron, seeing that he looked sleepy with his head drooping.

"Wh-what? Eight-eyed spider?!" Ron was really energetic, and rushed to the middle of the team.

Harry and the others were also curious about what an eight-eyed spider is. Only Hermione knew something.

Hermione said: "I have seen eight-eyed spiders in books. It is said to be a huge, ferocious spider monster. It is native to Kalimantan Island and lives in dense jungles. It is carnivorous, And it's poisonous. Eight-eyed spiders have high IQs, and a few of them can even talk!"

"Speak? Like Anzu?" Jerry asked.

Ted reached out and touched Ansu on the shoulder: "No, Ansu is much smarter."

Ansu puffed out her chest, looking proud.

Ted: "In the Forbidden Forest, there is a habitat of eight-eyed spiders, a large hunting ground, even the centaurs don't want to set foot there. It is said that there are huge numbers of them!"

"That's right! Eight-eyed spider venom is very valuable, a small bottle is worth 100 galleons. But it is difficult to collect venom from a living eight-eyed spider, and the venom in the poison gland will dry up shortly after the eight-eyed spider dies , so it’s worth so much.”

Ted looked at Ron, wanting to see whether Jin Gallon was more attractive, or spiders were more intimidating.

Ron's face turned pale with fright! But the expression is still a little eager to try~


After two days in a row, Harry's and the others' interest in night tours in the Forbidden Forest has greatly diminished.

Although the adventure in the Forbidden Forest is indeed exciting, in the two days and nights, they saw more than a dozen kinds of magical animals with their own eyes, killed five or six magical creatures with their own hands, and collected several kinds of herbs.

Honestly, it's really exciting. Much more interesting than class.

The problem is too sleepy!

It is the age of long body and snooze.

Ted can recover quickly through deep sleep and only needs to sleep for an hour or two, but they can't.

After two days, the dark circles under the eyes were as if poisoned by a corpse.

During the day, he yawned again and again, and he nodded in class.

Ted felt that it was almost the same, and it was estimated that they would not be able to survive.

At most two days, they have to give up the night tour in the Forbidden Forest and choose to go back to the dormitory to sleep beautifully.

Only after experiencing the ravages of sleepiness can they understand the value of getting enough sleep.

Ted: See if you still have energy? ! I can't stand the twins!

"Ted, why don't we go north. We haven't been there yet, have we?" Jerry asked.

Ted looked north: "Do you know the professor who teaches the protection of magical creatures at the school?"

The courtesan Harry immediately said: "I know, I've heard of it, and I saw it once. An old man, smiling, with only one arm and a wooden leg."

"That's right, Professor Sylvanus Kettleburn. He even served at the school earlier than Professor Dumbledore. But he is still the interim Professor of the Protection of Magical Beasts."

"Why?" Neville asked strangely.

"Because he has a total of sixty-two observations! Like Hagrid, he likes those dangerous magical animals the most. It's hard to say whether his missing hand and foot have something to do with this hobby."

When the friends heard this, they immediately thought of last year's young dragon Noble.

That was such a house-breaker, not even Hagrid could stop it.

Ron's hand was bitten and it was swollen for three days!

If this Professor Kettleburn is like Hagrid, then... no, if Hagrid is like this Professor Kettleburn, it is difficult to guarantee that Hagrid will still have a few hands and legs when he is old~

"Professor Kettleburn doesn't like living in the castle. He lives in a wooden house in the north, and there are magical animals he raises nearby. So I never go there~"

Ted explains why not go there.

The outskirts of the Forbidden Forest are not dangerous for him. But if you go there, not necessarily.

Professor Kettleburn also cast an expansion spell on the Ash Snake, which directly burned the Hogwarts auditorium, so that Hogwarts has no entertainment until now.

In the original book, he lived in Hogsmeade after retirement, and was unable to participate in the final Hogwarts battle due to physical inconvenience.

But this eccentric, self-willed and extremely respectable wizard climbed into the attic and threw all his Flobberworms through the skylights at passing Death Eaters.

Also an interesting old man.


During the night tour, Ted found a piece of cool grass.

This is a herb that is not commonly used, but he recently had a small study, and it happened to be used.

So mobilize your friends to help him pick together.

The little friends were scattered within a dozen steps away, squatting on the ground to cut grass.

Ron sighed softly, and looked at the small handful of ordinary grass in his hand. This thing is cold in the hand.

He's not in a good mood recently, and the money for the wand is still a little short. Every time he attends class, he can only watch others cast spells, while he pretends to make gestures.

I don't know if this cool grass is worth money?

At this moment, a small and skinny figure silently hung down from the branch above his head, and then reached out and took the wand from his waist.

"Huh? Hey! Give me back my wand!"

Everyone was startled when they heard Ron yelling. Looking over, they found that Ron was fighting for his rebellious wand with a monkey whose tail was curled up on a branch and hung upside down.

The monkey is about forty centimeters tall, with white hair and black tail, and a very long tail, which can be entangled in trees and swing.

This thing is called Long Tail Thief Monkey!

The origin of this thing is in Southeast Asia, and it is definitely not a native species in the magic world of Great Britain. Like the eight-eyed spider, it should have been brought into the Forbidden Forest by someone.

Ted suspected that it was raised by Professor Kettleburn.

However, just as Ted was thinking about the origin of the monkey, the "battle" had reached a fever pitch.

Seeing that he couldn't snatch it, the monkey got annoyed, and went up to give Ron a small pocket - after all, the monkey is not big!

But although the beating didn't hurt, how much psychological harm did this little pussy do to a twelve-year-old child?

Ron's eyes were red, and he immediately raised his hand and slapped him back.

Then the monkey slapped back again, and Ron slapped him again...

In five seconds, the two sides exchanged three big punks.

The friends are all dumbfounded, what's the situation?

It was Ted who reacted quickly, and a freezing spell froze the long-tailed monkey, and Ron snatched back his crippled wand.

At this time Ron was already on top, and he was slapped several times by the monkey, why did he see people?

"I'm going back! This damn forest!" He left a word and walked back.

Ted said to the other friends: "Okay, let's go back too. Don't come tomorrow, let's talk about it after a good rest."

The friends looked at each other and had no choice but to go back.

Ted grabbed the frozen hard monkey: how dare he grab something? I think you are toasting and not eating cooking wine.

It just so happens that Ted is going to experiment with a new product. Isn't this the experimental material delivered to your door? !


Since the incident of Ron's battle with the long-tailed monkey, the friends did not mention that they would not take them with Ted on the night tour of the Forbidden Forest.

To tell the truth, now Ted asked them to go on a night tour, and they didn't go.

The pain of lack of sleep is really painful~

It's like someone is stirring in your head with a stirring stick, making you want to fall over and pass out.

The friends recovered for four or five days before barely recovering. This is still drinking the vitality tonic.

Ron was silent for several days because of the incident with the monkey calling.

Neville and Jerry managed to make him laugh when they asked for a big plate of chicken legs from the kitchen.

In comparison, Malfoy is proud of himself.

Because he was chosen as a Slytherin Quidditch player, and also a vital Seeker.

His father, Lucius, generously donated 7 expensive Nimbus 2001 broomsticks to the Slytherin Quidditch team, sending his son directly to the academy team.

It fully embodies what is called "the rich can really do whatever they want".

It caused Ron to scold behind his back: Quidditch chooses people like this, I'm afraid they don't even want face!

You said that the broom is not good, how many years have you been using the broom for one session after another, is it hot to change it? Change the soup but not the medicine...

With just a few people, you, Malfoy, are all Seekers, can he be one? I can't be, I don't have the ability to know!

The more I think about it, the more I hate Lockhart. If it weren't for him, I would definitely have my own flying broom this year, and maybe I would be selected for the academy team!

And speeding cars, and wands, damn wands...

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