August is here and the temperature is already very high. This year the temperature is unusually high and the rainfall is heavy. Climate anomalies have appeared since last year.

To some extent this is good for agriculture, but some strange, previously unseen “weeds” are also springing up.

Some people have even discovered lots of “new fruits and vegetables”! It greatly "enriches" people's dining tables.

I can only advise everyone to eat less strange things, especially unfamiliar bacteria.

"Ding~ The talent [Knowledge of Other Worlds (Gold)] was triggered, and ["An Attempt to Simplify the Sequence of Potions" (Purple)] was discovered."

["An Attempt to Simplify Sequence Potion" (Purple)], Sequence Potion is a power system that refines materials related to supernatural properties into potions, then uses the magic potion, absorbs the supernatural properties, and finally ascends to the level of life. But this system is very dangerous.

Even if you don't pursue the illusory hope of becoming a god, becoming an extraordinary person and using extraordinary abilities is a dangerous behavior in itself.

And a transcendent who calls himself the Fool, after being promoted to a high-level life form, began to transform the simplified sequence potions, at the expense of the possible upper limit of promotion, greatly reducing the refining, quoting, and digestion of low- and middle-level sequence potions. Difficulty and risk, known as the Simplified Sequence Potion.

This knowledge is the original experimental notes of the Fool's Simplified Sequence Potion.

Praise the Fool~

It takes 4655 experience points to redeem.

Although it is purple-quality knowledge from another world, it is not a particularly high-end thing. Instead, it is universal knowledge.

It allows more people to use low- and middle-level sequence magic potions and become extraordinary.

Although there is no way to advance to a higher level, there are very few who can advance.

This knowledge can be popularized and will be beneficial to most people.


Ted browsed through this simplified sequence of potion knowledge and found that it was of little help to him.

But it would be helpful if it were other wizards, or even ordinary people.

Other wizards can use this knowledge to make a safe and simple sequence of potions to enhance themselves, and even add some special abilities to themselves.

Simplifying materials is a very advanced concept that should be easy to implement in this world.

The preparation method is not difficult, and fifth graders with excellent grades should already have the relevant skills.

In other words, a fifth-grade wizard who studies hard can make a simple sequence potion in a week for a dozen Galleons. After drinking it, it can be digested in about half a year, and the attributes and skills will be improved. , and even gain some special abilities!

Ordinary people can use this simple magic potion to turn themselves into extraordinary beings, or give themselves magical powers to become wizards!

You know, since Voldemort was resurrected, the contact between ordinary society and the magical world has become more frequent and closer because of the intrusion from other worlds.

In the past, only a small group of people at the level of the head of state knew about the existence of the magic world, and there were less than ten people in a country.

But now, most of the middle-level official officials are directly and indirectly cooperating with people in the magic world.

Like many mysterious incidents, in the end, official special departments and wizards have to take over.

Did the senior police officer who handled it know something about it? Repeatedly, no matter how secret it is, it can no longer be kept.

For a long time after that, the capitalists and the ruling class in ordinary society have been very interested in how to turn ordinary people into wizards.

Specifically, I want to become a wizard, I want to have magic power, use magic, and I want to live for more than a hundred years!

But this is too difficult.

No wizard would be interested in studying this kind of knowledge.

This is also the reason why all kinds of super potions are so popular in America. Even low-level gang members on the street are selling them, selling almost as much hemp!

Are America’s top management all idiots?

Are the commander-in-chief in the white house, his IQ team, and the plutocrats and financiers behind him all fools?


The reason why it is so rampant is precisely because of their deliberate indulgence and even fueling the flames.

There is no hope in becoming a wizard, but what about becoming a superpower?

Although these medicines now have huge side effects, with so many people taking them, more data can always be collected to help improve them. So why stop it?

This is the freedom of the people!

We will defend to the death their right to take super drugs and become superheroes!

Whoever dares to call for a ban on this drug will be stigmatized, banned, and shot eight times in the back before committing suicide!

Even those companies that are researching super medicines have official funding behind them.

America's military doesn't even avoid people at all: We need this kind of power to defend America and ensure the freedom of the entire world! Increase the dose! The medicine cannot be stopped!

Now, Ted had something in his hands - a simplified sequence potion with no side effects, extremely low risk factor, and much better effects than super potions. It doesn’t even cost much!

If this thing were known to the ordinary world, wouldn't it be crazy? !

Ted decided to give this knowledge to Snape and let him continue to study localization.

In order for this world to withstand various disasters and changes in the future, strength is essential.

And if you are alone, how many nails can you drive if you are covered in iron? More help is needed.

This knowledge happens to increase the power of the helper.

If all the students under him drank and digested it, their strength would be doubled, but that would be about the same! Seventy or eighty elite wizards suddenly became more powerful than the Ministry of Magic.

However, there are still many steps needed to transform knowledge into products, so let Snape do the research. It just so happens that he is very knowledgeable in this area.

When Ted went to Snape's office and handed him the written knowledge, he was also shocked.

"The Fool? I have seen this title in the Potion Professor's recipe notes. The owner of the note said that the Fool is a very active character who has appeared recently... I didn't expect that the Fool has already begun to carry out such high-end magic potion modifications. Got it!"

Snape's words gave Ted an idea - about the timeline of another world!

The note from another world that Snape got must have been from when the protagonist Klein had just gained some fame, right?

But the knowledge he gained must be at least after he has reached Sequence Three or above, right?

So, what kind of timeline is this other world?

I don’t understand, I don’t understand!

At this time, Snape put away his notes and said, "Yesterday, the Dark Lord contacted me."

"Oh? What did he say?"

Ted was not surprised that Voldemort would contact Snape again. After all, now that Dumbledore is dead, Voldemort is shaking again.

Moreover, Snape, the double agent, may have been somewhat suspected before. Now that Dumbledore is dead, Voldemort naturally feels that he has only one choice.

"He wants to return to the UK and get what he deserves...but before that, he has other things to do."

The so-called other things are actually that Voldemort wants to get the Elder Wand.

Voldemort had an ancestral ring from the Gaunt family, which was an heirloom passed down from Slytherin. It was a ring inlaid with the Resurrection Stone.

But as time has passed, even the Gunter family no longer knows the truth.

Voldemort naturally didn't know this in his early years. He didn't even know the existence of the Three Holy Treasures - he was not interested in the ethereal things in fairy tales.

But then he graduated, traveled around the world for more than ten years, became the Dark Lord, and began to be interested in the Three Sacred Artifacts.

But at that time, because of the existence of Horcruxes, he was not in a hurry. Later he was chewed to death by his own big melon.

After being resurrected by the death warlock Ryan from another world, he was severely squeezed and enslaved. Later, the Jedi fought back and took revenge. I also got a lot of knowledge about other worlds from Ryan.

Later, I captured an alien green-skinned orc pain warlock, and obtained a complete set of magic systems about soul and life from his soul. Now I changed my shot at a gun!

At this time, he also discovered a secret.

It turned out that the Gaunt family ring he was wearing on his hand was no longer a Horcrux. It was inlaid with the Resurrection Stone!

What to say about this discovery! Surprises and other absurdities.

The immortality I have been chasing all my life is actually in my original home? Keep it on my hand?

That feeling is complicated! Too complicated!

Later, Voldemort captured a monster born from the concept of Greek mythology - the Styx Ferryman. I don’t know what’s going on, this guy is so greedy for money, he always takes money to take people to see the dead.

Voldemort gained knowledge about the world after death from this monster, and in his early years with Ryan, he heard him talk about his backup plan, a plan to open the door of death and directly transform the entire world.

This total!

Voldemort: That's it, this plan is mine.

So he sent someone to the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic to steal the stone door - the Death Curtain. With the help of Ryan's half-finished plan, the Door of the Dead was created!

With this hand, Dumbledore was forced to death.

Now that Dumbledore is dead, it feels easier. It’s quite a feeling that I have in the world!

But people have to pursue something, right?

Although he is now immortal with the Resurrection Stone and Soul Stone.

But he is still interested in the three holy weapons that are said to have defeated death.

Not to mention the Resurrection Stone, it has always been in my hand.

There have been no clues about the invisibility cloak, so I won’t consider it for now.

That Elder Wand is very tempting!

And the legend about the Elder Wand has always existed in Europe. There is a lot of information on this!

He first sent people to Germany and arrested the famous staff-making master Grigovitch.

No nonsense, just extract the soul and read the memory.

Then he discovered: Ah! This guy actually owned the Elder Wand!

But then the Elder Wand was stolen by a young wizard!

After some investigation, the identity of the young wizard was revealed, and he turned out to be the young Grindelwald!

Voldemort touched his bald head: Ah! Forgot about this old guy G! I never thought that the Elder Wand would be in your hand all this time!

But Voldemort was also worried, because it is said that the person with the Elder Wand can never be defeated.

But Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore in middle age, which is known to the world!

But no matter what, now that he remembered it, Voldemort naturally couldn't let it go.

You are called the first-generation Dark Lord, and I am called the second-generation Dark Lord—what level do you have, and you dare to call me the Dark Lord together?

There can only be one Dark Lord in this world, and that is me, Voldemort!

In addition, Grindelwald is developing quite well in Africa. Compared with the places occupied by Voldemort and Death Eaters, the magical world in Africa is developing prosperously. It is said that the Saints organization now has tens of thousands of members.

The Wagado Magic School in Africa is now the cradle of saints.

No matter in terms of organizational structure, personal charm, management, or philosophy... in short, he has overwhelmed the Death Eaters in many ways!

Looking at it this way, this old guy has quite a lot of ambitions. Gotta get rid of it soon!

Voldemort: You actually have the Elder Wand, and you have a way to die!

As a result, Voldemort led his men to kill Africa.

What is Grindelwald doing at this time?

He had just dealt with a large-scale alien invasion incident.

After Dumbledore's death, the conjunction of stars reappeared, and all kinds of strange events occurred one after another.

Some of them are called large-scale events, which are events with a very large and far-reaching impact.

Africa is so big, with so many countries and so many things going on.

In ordinary mysterious incidents, it is naturally not Grindelwald's turn to take action.

But this time, at the bottom of a mountain peak deep in the Atlas Mountains, a violent alien world immersion reaction suddenly appeared.

Because of the construction of the all-round magic network, one was discovered immediately, but the emergency team went over and found that the situation was far beyond what they could handle!

Finally, Grindelwald was alerted and took dozens of wizards to deal with this strange dwarf city that appeared in the middle of the mountain. Or the former dwarf city!

Now this city has been occupied by a large number of goblins, orcs, and trolls. The nearly ten thousand dwarves have all died in battle, and their bones have been chewed until they are full of tooth marks.

If there were just a large number of mid-level and low-level monsters, it would not be difficult for Grindelwald. For the legendary wizard, no matter how much such cannon fodder comes, it will only take more time.

But when the cleaning reached the lower level, Grindelwald realized something was wrong and stopped in time. A huge amount of resources were spent to set up a magic seal on the mountain...

Deep underground in that mountain city, there was an extremely violent and huge magical reaction.

This is definitely a powerful and violent monster!

Grindelwald doesn't want to fight this kind of creature just yet. He's used to making plans before taking action... Even if things don't work out, he'll have to recruit Ted as a helper, right?

As an old professor, if you ask him to help, is he embarrassed not to come?

Now that Dumbledore is gone, I am his biggest supporter!

It was at this time that Voldemort took people to Africa.

Ted was very concerned about Voldemort.

Although you can't take action yet, you must control the opponent's movements to prevent him from going crazy and causing trouble.

Naturally, Grindelwald would not relax his surveillance on Voldemort. After all, his old friend had been fighting for this villain his entire life, and even died because of him in the end.

As a person with great aspirations, ambitions, and big plans, how could Grindelwald not pay attention to Voldemort?

Therefore, as soon as he left, Ted and Grindelwald all got the news.

But the wizard's thing is too maneuverable, including apparation, floo network, door keys, flying broomsticks... and there is no need to make an airplane.

At Voldemort's level, he can go wherever he wants, without even using the Floo network.

So when Ted and the others got the news, Voldemort had already brought people close to Africa.

Faced with Voldemort's attack, Grindelwald chose to take the initiative.

Over the Suez Canal, Voldemort turned into a black smoke and hovered in the air, followed by a large group of twenty or thirty Death Eaters wearing black robes and flying in the air using various magic props.

These people either have sinister and cruel faces, or they have dead-green and numb faces. In short, no one looks like a good person.

Among them, there are seven or eight "resurrected" death wizards.

Voldemort "realized" too many things on his new magical path.

This magic of sacrificing a living person as a sacrifice and resurrecting a dead person with certain body tissues would definitely be revealed if Ted knew about it!

Just as Ted thought before, as long as knowledge appears in this world, it will always be spread in a way you can't imagine.

Even if only you know about it, there will definitely be clues in some unknown corner.

It was as if after I redeemed it, the world was "refreshed" with this kind of knowledge.

The "resurrection" magic created by Voldemort is too similar to his "reincarnation in dirty earth"?

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