Ye Ting did not need to receive the test broom, he directly took out his own Nimbus 2000 from his baseball cap.

As soon as this latest flying broom appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of all the little wizards around. They exclaimed and gathered around, wanting to appreciate the style of Nimbus 2000 from a closer distance.

Ye Ting noticed that even the captain Becky showed a trace of envy in her eyes.

As the latest product of Nimbus Company, the high price of Nimbus 2000 was far beyond his ability to afford.

“Okay, okay, stop crowding and disperse!”

As the captain, Becky waved his hand to disperse the increasing number of little wizards who were watching.

He turned to Ye Ting, his eyes flashing with expectation:”Ye Ting, come and show everyone the speed of the Light Wheel 2000, so that everyone can open their eyes!”

Ye Ting did not refuse, and he sat on the Nimbus 2000.

The selection of the Quidditch school team was just a piece of cake for him. The magic ring hanging in the sky was huge and eye-catching, and the distance was wide enough. For those who could skillfully control the flying broom, the difficulty of this test was not great~.

But the selection is not an exam, and it is not enough to pass the test. What the contestants really need is to be faster than their competitors.

This is the first time that Ye Ting rode the modified Nimbus 2000 in school.

As soon as he got on it, Ye Ting felt that this broom was completely different from any he had ridden before.

Whether it was the old broom in the flying class, the original Nimbus 2000, or the Sweep One Star that he had modified, this broom undoubtedly had a qualitative leap.

This is also natural. You know, this is a unique flying broom that Ye Ting created by gathering all the top parts of all the accessories he collected and installing them on this Nimbus 2000 without thinking.

In terms of performance alone, Ye Ting believed that even the Firebolt two years later, or even the flying broomstick twenty or thirty years later, could not compare with the modified broom under his crotch.

For example, the seat of this modified version of the Nimbus 2000 even has a backrest.

As soon as he sat on it, Ye Ting felt an invisible magic seat belt wrapped around his body, allowing him to sit firmly on the broom. This level of comfort and safety is beyond the reach of ordinary brooms.

As Ye Ting’s mind moved, the broom was like an arrow from a string, taking him up to the sky at high speed.

This selection test was a piece of cake for him. He shuttled lightly between one magic ring after another, and the arc of the turn was much smaller than anyone else, which not only demonstrated the extraordinary speed and flexibility of the broom, but also highlighted his excellent control skills.

When Ye Ting landed steadily, thunderous applause broke out in the field. Some little witches even screamed with excitement and wanted to take the opportunity to rush forward to hug Ye Ting, but the scene was so crowded that they could only sigh in despair.

“”Great! 45 seconds! All 25 magic rings have been passed!”

Becky was holding an hourglass in her hand, dancing with excitement.

It was unknown whether he was praising Ye Ting or praising his Nimbus 2000.

But in fact, Ye Ting had tried his best to fly as slowly as possible, just to avoid showing too much performance that exceeded that of the Nimbus 2000.

Otherwise, with his broom’s acceleration of no more than one second for a hundred meters and a maximum speed that was enough to break the sound barrier, it would not be a problem to reduce this result by half. Although the following contestants also tried their best, their results were obviously inferior to Ye Ting’s.

Among all the contestants, only Roger Davis passed through all 25 rings, and the other two veteran team members made some mistakes and only passed through 24.

Roger’s result was also as long as one minute and 35 seconds, almost twice that of Ye Ting.

This sharp contrast was even more prominent. It showed Ye Ting’s outstanding strength.

With just this first test, Ye Ting’s identity as a player was almost set in stone.

But he still took part in the second test – pitching.

The rules are also very simple, pitching to the ring at different positions, the higher the hit rate, the greater the chance of being selected.

This is naturally a piece of cake for the highly skilled Ye Ting.

He flew to the designated pitching point and pitched ten times in a row, all of which hit the ring accurately.

But the most amazing thing about Ye Ting is his shooting speed, which is even more astonishing. Whenever he receives the ball, he can throw it directly without any adjustment, and he will definitely make it.

This made Becky, who was watching the game on the sidelines, stunned and her eyes lit up.

In the fierce competition, this ability to shoot in seconds is undoubtedly a killer.

Once a chaser receives the Quaffle, he often becomes the focus of the opponent’s siege, and the enemy Chasers will come to steal him, and Beaters will drive Bludgers to interfere with him.

In this tense and exciting situation, the longer the aiming time for a pass or a shot, the greater the risk of being stolen.

However, a player like Ye Ting who can shoot in seconds can make a decision in an instant, leaving the opponent no chance to react at all, thus gaining an absolute tactical advantage.

It is no accident that Ye Ting can do this.

Amber is not only the flying champion of Mondstadt, but also an excellent archer with the special skill of hitting two hills with one arrow.

In addition, Amber is also good at throwing, and throwing the Earl Rabbit is her forte.

All these talents were reflected in the process of Ye Ting throwing the Quaffle.

What’s more, Ye Ting also has Sucrose’s Eye of God.

The Eye of God does not require a wand at all to shoot, and the Wind The power of the elements is invisible and intangible.

If Ye Ting is willing to play tricks a little, it is not a problem to control the trajectory of the Quaffle at will.

At some point, Professor Flitwick also came to the court. He signaled everyone to be silent so as not to disturb Ye Ting who was concentrating on the test.

He waved his wand and kept directing the Quaffle to fly onto the court.

However, these balls did not fly directly to Ye Ting, but deliberately flew to different locations on the court to test Ye Ting’s ability to catch the ball.

Ye Ting had to drive the flying broom to catch the ball everywhere and then shoot.

Compared with the previous test, Professor Flitwick obviously increased the difficulty.

But Ye Ting seemed to be unaware and looked like he was enjoying it.

Professor Flitwick passed a total of 128 balls. What was amazing was that Ye Ting not only caught all of them, but also accurately threw the ball into the goal every time.

Throughout the process, Ye Ting seemed to have turned into a god of war on the court. No matter which corner the ball flew to, he could handle it with ease. Bottom corner, in front of the goal post, in the penalty area, outside the penalty area, and even outside the half court – his pitching was no dead angle, and every shot was amazing.

When the last ball came, Ye Ting had already retreated to the baseline of his own team.

He took aim casually and easily sent the super long throw across the entire court into the goal.

This monster-like performance immediately triggered thunderous cheers.

In fact, when the difficulty was increased to this point, Ye Ting could no longer guarantee that he would hit the target every time.

Amber was only the flying champion of Mond City, not the God of Wind.

So this time, Ye Ting made a slight exception and secretly used the power of the Eye of God.

At the moment of pitching, he attached the wind elemental force to the Quaffle, allowing the ball to enter the goal steadily.

But in any case, in the eyes of outsiders, he had completed this challenge that even many professional players might not be able to do.

Professor Flitwick stood on the training platform, his hands on his waist, his face filled with joy that was difficult to conceal.

Seeing this, there was no need to say more about Ye Ting’s level.

He could only say that this young man’s talent in Quidditch was almost as good as his talent in the field of magic. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Seeing this, he no longer cares about whether to be a substitute player or a regular player.

With the precedent of Harry Potter, Flitwick made an exception for Ye Ting without any pressure.

Professor Flitwick has already made up his mind that the future of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team lies in Ye Ting.

This team has been silent for a long time and has been hovering in the trough. Now it has finally ushered in a key figure who can turn the tide.

The professor is determined to use Ye Ting as the cornerstone to restore the team’s former glory.[]

In the process of reconstruction, it is necessary not only to introduce new players, but also to innovate old tactics.

The most critical thing is to hand over the core of the team to Ye Ting, let him lead the game, give all the balls to him, and all the tactics revolve around him.

Ye Ting also knows this tacitly.

Although this strategy sounds radical, even a bit unconventional, and has something to do with the snail shell, it is undoubtedly the best way to break the deadlock for Ravenclaw, which has been ranked at the bottom for a long time.

Ye Ting is responsible for scoring goals, while Zhang Qiu is responsible for finding the Golden Snitch. This is the dual core of the future team.

When Ye Ting landed from the sky, Professor Flitwick held his hand tightly, and his wrinkles were full of excitement and expectation.

His face was full of smiles, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Students from other colleges around him cast awe and envy at them. They knew that the Ravenclaw Quidditch team was about to usher in a brand new future under the leadership of Ye Ting.

In the following days, people in the corridors and dining tables of Hogwarts were talking about the Quidditch selection.

Ye Ting’s amazing performance in the selection was like a bombshell, causing a sensation in Hogwarts.

Some people even joked that Ye Ting was simply a bug on the field, and his appearance was simply a”dimensionality reduction attack” on other players.

0Please give me flowers

“The”Ye Ting Threat Theory” naturally caused many people to sneer, but this voice does exist.

Opponents argued: No matter how well Ye Ting flies or how accurate his pitching is, that is only a performance on the training ground. Training and real competition on the field are two different things!

Speed and open shot percentage cannot explain anything.

In a fierce confrontation, where are there so many opportunities for you to shoot with peace of mind? Bludgers are used to disrupt the game, and there are all kinds of fouls on the court.

In the eyes of many people, Ye Ting, a novice, can’t prove anything just by his pitching accuracy.

Hearing these discussions, Ye Ting just smiled.

Time will prove everything. Those who put forward the”threat theory” are the ones with real vision.

However, as a newcomer to the team, Ye Ting has already enjoyed it before he officially played in the game. He has the privilege of a ball hog – not participating in training!

In other words, he never participates in that kind of basic project training, but only participates in the team’s tactical training to develop tacit understanding with the players. The original chaser, Herbert Fleet, who was replaced by Ye Ting, has now become a substitute, but he can replace Ye Ting as a tool man in training.

This frees up a lot of time for Ye Ting, allowing him to concentrate on his work.

During this period, Ye Ting seemed to be possessed, and he stayed in the Room of Requirement all day to tinker with his clockwork machinery, and even threw the night tour activities out of the window.

He is really busy now.

Research projects come one after another, and the to-do list is piling up.

In addition to the clockwork machinery, he also has to take care of his potted plants and prepare the nutrient solution every day; he also has to spend time repairing the Vanishing Cabinet – this job is not complicated, but it requires… He had to persist in casting spells; spending time digesting the copied books in the library was a daily must-read homework; and he had to use his divine tongue to study various potions.

In order to improve research efficiency, Ye Ting even combined Transfiguration, Lightning Element, and Fire Element together to create his own [Welding Spell].

The effect is to perfectly fuse the two pieces of metal together, which plays a significant role in the process of manufacturing clockwork mechanical parts.

There is actually a reason why he is so low-key now.

Not only Professor Snape, but even Professor McGonagall seems to have a lot of complaints about him, and has always been trying to find fault with him in the Transfiguration class recently.

That look was as if Ye Ting had pushed the cabbage she had carefully cultivated.

Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore gave him a vaccination in advance, so that he would not face Professor McGonagall’s difficulties. As for being at a loss.

In the final analysis, Professor Dumbledore is really a rare kind person in Hogwarts.

Fortunately, Ye Ting is talented enough in magic. No matter how picky Professor McGonagall is, she can’t find any flaws in him. In the end, she can only warn him not to lead Hermione astray.

Are you kidding? Is he that kind of person?

In the whole Hogwarts, who can be more obedient than Ye Ting?

Professor McGonagall should be thankful that Hermione is completely close to him and will become more and more outstanding under his influence.

In a blink of an eye, two months have passed since the start of school, and Halloween is quietly approaching.

At this time, it was still early in the morning. Ye Ting woke up in the Room of Requirement early in the morning and started working before class.

The Room of Requirement has changed a lot.

The room is brightly lit, and two rows of workbenches are neatly arranged on the two adjacent walls.

One row is a standard wizard workbench, which is filled with various crucibles, flasks and test tubes. The automatic cutting knife is constantly cutting medicinal materials, making a rhythmic”click” sound.

The other row of workbenches exudes a steampunk atmosphere, with furnaces and stamping machines, and tool racks full of wrenches, screwdrivers and other tools.

Various parts are scattered on the table, including alchemical devices such as magic crystals and magic prisms. If it weren’t for these typical magic elements, this place would be like a Muggle engineer’s workshop.

Except for crucibles and test tubes, most of the equipment in the room is from the Room of Requirement.

Ye Ting originally just wanted a room where he could brew potions and study magic, so the Room of Requirement directly created a professional laboratory for him.

As Ye Ting brewed more and more potions, he also had the need to study clockwork machinery, so the equipment in the Room of Requirement became more and more abundant.

The only thing that Ye Ting regretted was that this room could not provide raw materials, and all experiments had to be completed at his own expense.

Although he had some savings before and earned a lot of money by reselling crucibles, these funds seemed a bit stretched in the face of a large amount of research..

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