Ye Ting studied day and night at Nico’s house, but it was soon interrupted by one thing.

But the arrival of Christmas broke his originally peaceful study life.

According to Nico, the holiday should be like a holiday, which is the real proposition of an immortal like him.

Ye Ting thought about it and felt that this made sense.

Books can be read every day, but the beautiful time of festivals is one day less every day.

December 25th came in a blink of an eye. The weather outside was freezing cold, but in Nico’s manor, Ye Ting wore a warm woolen sweater, enjoyed the magic of central air conditioning, and felt peace and harmony.

Speaking of Christmas, the most exciting thing is of course the various gifts.

Although Ye Ting also celebrated Christmas when he was in the orphanage before, in that environment, gifts were not expected.

But now it is different. Since he stepped into the world of wizards and met so many friends, his expectations for Christmas gifts have soared. However

, time passed by minute by minute, and until the afternoon, Ye Ting did not see the shadow of half a gift.

It suddenly dawned on him that without Nicolas Flamel’s nod, the owls delivering gifts would not be able to find him at all.

These little guys, who were born with navigation skills, were still powerless in the face of Nicola Manor’s defense measures.

In desperation, Ye Ting had to ask Nicola for temporary permission.

Finally, when the dinner bell rang, the gifts that should have arrived in the morning finally appeared in the hall.

In addition to the owls, there were also unexpected visitors to Nicola Manor.

You know, Nicola is now in seclusion, and almost no one visits him normally. Those who can come to visit are all the people Nicola trusts the most.

The gate of the manor opened, and a giant figure slowly walked in from a distance. She was wearing a pair of black high heels. The shoes were as big as a small sled, and the heels were as high as 50 centimeters.

However, in front of her huge body, these high heels seemed as natural as a pair of flat shoes. 09The high heels made her already tall figure even more majestic, reaching at least five meters. If Hagrid were present, he would probably be a head shorter than her.

But unlike Hagrid’s rough appearance, her face could be described as beautiful.

On her olive-colored face, there were a pair of large, black eyes, as deep and bright as lake water. Her pointed nose added a bit of elegance.

Her hair was delicately combed behind her head and tied into a shiny bun at the base of her neck, showing an intellectual beauty.

She was wearing a black brocade robe, revealing a noble temperament from head to toe. On her neck and thick fingers, the luxurious opals sparkled with dazzling light.

In short, in addition to her larger body, this half-blood female giant was eye-catching.

Ye Ting had already recognized her identity.

There were not many half-blood giants in the entire wizarding world. Apart from Madame Maxime, who else would have such a unique appearance?

“”Oh, Mr. Nico and Ms. Perenelle, that’s great. You are still as charming as ever.”

Madame Maxime said in her deep and magnetic voice,”I sincerely hope that everything is going well for you.”

As the headmaster of Beauxbatons, Madame Maxime’s respect for Nicolas Flamel is evident.

In the hearts of Beauxbatons students, Nicolas Flamel’s status even surpasses Dumbledore’s status in the hearts of Hogwarts students.

After all, Dumbledore was only the headmaster for a few decades, while Nicolas Flamel was the founder of Beauxbatons.

“We are doing very well, thank you.”Nicolas Flamel responded with a smile.

He turned around and introduced Ye Ting to Madame Maxime:”This is Ye Ting, the young wizard from Hogwarts. Dumbledore introduced him to me personally. His attainments in alchemy are amazing. To be honest, some of his achievements even surprised me. So this Christmas, I specially invited him to visit us.”

Ye Ting walked calmly in front of the crowd and nodded slightly,”Hello, Madame Maxime.”

“Hello, child.”

Madam Maxime glanced at Ye Ting calmly,”You look extraordinary, you must be the best little wizard in Hogwarts. Then……”

A sly light flashed in her eyes, and she waved her huge hand gently, pointing behind her.

A girl of thirteen or fourteen years old walked out slowly from behind Madame Maxime.

She was wearing a gorgeous satin robe, and her delicate ears were not like those of humans, but slightly pointed. Her long silver hair fell straight to her waist like a waterfall, like a goddess under the moonlight.

Ye Ting had to admit that this was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her azure blue eyes seemed to contain a mysterious magic that made people want to indulge in it involuntarily, and even do some”crazy” actions that they would never dare to think of on weekdays.

Madame Maxime raised the corners of her mouth slightly, waiting for the moment when Ye Ting would make a fool of himself.

However, Ye Ting was only in a trance for a short time, and the resonance of will from the Eye of God quickly restored his clarity.

But in the eyes of others, he seemed to be fine, and responded elegantly in French:”Hello, beautiful lady.”

Madame Maxime’s smile suddenly solidified on her face.

The girl was extremely excited at the moment. She couldn’t believe that she had the honor to be invited to visit the legendary Nicolas Flamel with the headmaster.

As a native of France and a student of Beauxbatons, her admiration for Nicolas Flamel was beyond words.

However, she was surprised to meet other visitors here.

And from Mr. Nico’s words, she keenly noticed that this little wizard named Ye Ting seemed to be better than herself.

This made her curious, and she couldn’t help but look at this boy who seemed younger than herself.

To be honest, she was a little jealous at first.

However, when she saw Ye Ting’s handsome face, all her jealousy disappeared instantly.

As a half-Veela, Fleur not only inherited the stunning appearance and charming charm of the Veela, but also inherited the Veela’s face control.

“”Hello, Ye Ting,”

Furong couldn’t help but walked forward and asked curiously,”You can actually speak French?”

Of course Ye Ting can speak French. In fact, after binding with Lini’s Eye of God, he automatically possessed a strong French talent. He could almost speak French after reading a few French-related books.

You know, at that time he hadn’t obtained the Eye of God of the genius witch Lisa.

It can only be said that this is probably because Lini is from Fontaine.

“I’m sorry, Fleur can’t control her talent very well yet.”

Although Madam Maxime apologized, there was no apology in her tone.

“However, I am surprised that this child is not affected by Fleur’s charm.”

Children with Veela blood will unconsciously exude a certain charm as they grow older.

This ability needs to be learned to be controlled, and Fleur obviously has not mastered this skill yet.

She always unconsciously exudes this charm, causing others to have dull or embarrassing reactions when they see her. Most adult wizards cannot resist this ability. However, just now, Ye seemed to be completely unaffected by this magic.

“The hybrid of a Veela and a wizard will make it easier for the child to become a wizard. You have an excellent student.

Nicolas Flamel commented, but he did not explain at all, as if it was natural for Ye Ting to do this.

“Mr. Nicole seems to admire you very much. How did you do it?”Furong tried to communicate with Ye Ting in English.

However, compared with Ye Ting’s fluent French, her English seemed a bit stiff and awkward.

Ye Ting couldn’t help laughing,”It seems that your English needs to be improved.”

Furong also laughed, and she touched her hair a little embarrassedly,”My mother once found an English teacher for me. That person stayed in the UK for two years. However, his English level is definitely not as good as yours. So, maybe you can teach me English?”

“No problem.”Ye Ting agreed immediately.

This is Furong, one of the most beautiful girls in the original book.

As a magical world, the most classic elves do not exist in the Harry Potter world, which is a pity.

But maybe Veela can replace the role of elves?

“By the way,”

Furong suddenly put her hands behind her back, walked forward a few steps briskly, then turned back and asked,”Can you give me your address? Otherwise, how can I send you a letter, um… French tutoring?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As she said that, she rummaged through her pockets and shook her head helplessly.

“Write it on my clothes. Oh, but I don’t have a pen with me.”

At this point, she smiled awkwardly.

Ye Ting was slightly stunned, and then a bright smile broke out on his face,”It’s no big deal.”

He took two steps forward and approached Furong.

A faint fragrance came from Furong, which was refreshing.

Ye Ting reached out and gently plucked two fallen silver long hairs from Furong’s gorgeous robe. This slightly intimate action made Furong blush.

But she didn’t try to avoid it.

Then she saw a magical scene.

Ye Ting didn’t even take out his wand, but just waved his hand lightly on his hair, and one of the long hairs turned into parchment with the Hogwarts school emblem, and the other turned into a gorgeous golden feather pen.

Furong Fleur covered her mouth in surprise, and Madame Maxime’s eyes also flashed with admiration.

This kind of exquisite Transfiguration is not something that a wizard can easily master, at least Fleur herself can’t do it.

But the other party is obviously younger than her, it’s incredible.

As the founder and the largest director of Beauxbatons, he has always been respected as the spiritual leader of the school.

In Beauxbatons, his status is like that of the emperor. The principals of Beauxbatons also respect Nico very much. In addition to frequent visits and reports, they occasionally bring some outstanding students to come together[]

On the one hand, it is a reward for top students, and on the other hand, it is also to see if there is a chance to get Nico’s favor.

Furong is such a lucky person who was chosen.

But now, Madame Maxime has realized that with Ye Ting here, no matter how outstanding Furong is, she will have to admit defeat.

At the banquet, Madame Maxime witnessed Nico and his wife’s unusual attitude towards Ye Ting.

This is not only the love of the elders for the younger, but more like the casualness and intimacy between friends.

When Ye Ting and Nico spoke, their attitude was quite equal. The tone and posture did not sound like the younger generation talking to the elders at all, but like old friends reminiscing about the past.

No matter how you look at it, their relationship is not simple.

Madame Maxime does not think that this is because Ye Ting has a prominent family background. After all, in front of an old monster like Nico Flamel, even a direct descendant of Merlin is not worthy of his treatment.

There is only one answer, that little wizard is really favored by Nico.

And Ye Ting’s conversation and knowledge, as well as the superb magic that he just glimpsed, seem to prove this point.

Therefore, Madame Maxime decisively changed her strategy.

Since it is difficult for Fleur to directly win the favor of old Mr. Nico, why not change the angle and win Ye Ting’s favor?

After all, for Fleur, a half-blooded veela, it is much easier to get closer to a boy of the same age than to please a 600-year-old man who has experienced many vicissitudes of life, is knowledgeable, and whose wife is still by his side.

Even if Ye Ting has a strong willpower, Fleur is not only attractive because of her talent. Her own beauty and charm still exist.

If Fleur can become good friends with Ye Ting, then because of the love for him, Fleur will naturally get extra care from Nico.

Thinking of this, Madame Maxime glanced at him again.���her own students.

Well, maybe she didn’t need to remind them, as her own students were already doing this.

But… was she a little too proactive from time to time?

To be honest, when Furong first heard that she was going to visit the famous Nicolas Flamel, she was both excited and nervous.

Being able to have dinner at the same table with such a legend, her reaction was almost as reserved as when she met Merlin, for fear of saying something wrong.

Fortunately, with Ye Ting, her tense nerves relaxed a lot.

During the whole dinner, she chatted happily with Ye Ting.

This younger brother, who was younger than her, was very mature and well-spoken when chatting. He didn’t seem like a child at all, and he made her giggle from time to time. After dinner, Ye Ting was about to open the gifts. Seeing this, Furong came over with great interest and volunteered to help.

However, when her eyes fell on the pile of gifts, she was stunned.

Ye Ting’s gifts were piled up like a small mountain under the Christmas tree!

This number was even more than the Christmas gifts she received.

The difference is that most of her gifts come from the little wizards in Beauxbatons.

But many of Ye Ting’s gifts come from the little witches in Hogwarts.

On some gifts, the ribbons are carefully woven into Ye Ting’s name.

It can be seen that the little witches must have spent a lot of thought to achieve this.

Among them, a huge rose plate is particularly eye-catching. Among the fiery red petals, the silver ribbon cleverly outlines the words”Ye Ting”.

Looking at the flower plate, Ye Ting couldn’t help but begin to doubt the aesthetics of the little wizards. Looking at this half-baked transfiguration and the ingenious way of sending flowers, it is probably the sudden whim of a little fan girl from Slytherin College.

He waved his wand lightly, and the flower plate instantly transformed into a round table covered with rose prints.

Well, maybe Perenelle would like this table?.

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