Early in the morning, Adam was dragged up by Cologne.

"Oh, don't sleep! Adam, do you remember that we are going to Hogsmeade today?"


Adam, who was still sleepy, rubbed his eyes, picked up Xiao Ke who was also woken up and stretched, and took a sip:

"Then there is no need to get up so early..."

Speaking, Adam picked up Spi and took another sip:

"And why are you so excited... Is it because my food is not as good as the Three Broomsticks? Is it because my desserts are not as good as the Honeydukes? Or is it because Fred and George's prank props are not as interesting as Zonko's Joke Shop?"

In addition to these shops, there are not many shops in Hogsmeade that attract people...

"But I still want to bring You guys go to my house and have a look!"

Hearing what Cologne said, Adam suddenly realized:

"Yes, Cologne, your shop is also in Hogsmeade... This time I can also see if there are any shops or houses for resale, just in time to buy them."

After finally being able to leave the castle, Bernard, who was rarely putting on his shirt, slowly turned his head and looked at Adam:

"You... can the money on you buy a shop?"

"It should be enough..."

Adam now has several million Galleons in his bag. If it is not enough, he can change it into two or four... It can only be said that the goblins trust them too much to identify every real coin, so the inspection of Galleons is entirely manual, which provides great convenience for Adam.

Since they are going to visit Cologne's house, they must not go empty-handed. Bernard and his friends plan to buy some souvenirs in Hogsmeade... Although it is near Cologne's house, it is always a good idea to buy some daily necessities.

Adam prepared a large box of long-lasting cakes. According to the current climate, they should keep them dry and can be kept for about a month.

There was no way. Last time, Colon's sister Kelly's mental state was so beautiful that Adam couldn't help but worry about Colon's physical and mental health.

After washing up and having a simple breakfast, everyone gathered in the castle's foyer. Filch held a long parchment scroll that almost hung down to his feet, staring at everyone's face, making sure that they matched the names on the list one by one, and no one had sneaked into the team.

After checking everyone in the team, Filch took them to Hogsmeade, and turned around to close the door leading to the outside world from the foyer before leaving.

Along the way, the classmates around were chattering about the destination that had been decided long ago. Colon looked at his roommates:

"My parents should have just opened the door at this time and are busy. We can go shopping somewhere else before going... How about drinking a glass of butter beer first?"

"Butter beer? Can we drink?"

Adam raised his eyebrows. This drink contains alcohol.

"There's no problem with butter beer. The alcohol content is very low. Even a young wizard won't get drunk. It has a mellow and dense taste and tastes good."

Cologne shrugged:

"Although it's still worse than the drinks sold by Adam, at least it has alcohol in it. It's a novel experience for you and Bernard to try it."

Even if Adam can sell sweets and drinks on campus, alcoholic drinks are obviously not available. At most, you can buy some rice wine by using the edge ball method of "add more rice wine to rice dumplings instead of rice dumplings". The rice wine made by Gan brand is not intoxicating, so the professors turn a blind eye and let it go.

People always have a natural curiosity about things that are forbidden to do, so butter beer can still hold a place in the market when Adam's drinks almost dominate Hogwarts.

"Then let's go and try it~"

Adam touched his chin. He had never drunk butter beer before~

Ms. Rosmerta, the proprietress of the Three Broomsticks, was a charming woman. When Adam and his friends saw the Three Broomsticks, she was standing at the door enthusiastically inviting new third-year students to come in and try the barbecue set meal, which came with a glass of butter beer.

"I heard before that because of you, Adam, the income of shop owners with food-related businesses in Hogsmeade Village has dropped sharply. It seems to be true."

Cologne leaned close to Adam and whispered.

"If that's the case, Adam, should you pretend?"

Eugene hesitated and said,

"There may be many store managers in Hogsmeade who are dissatisfied with you..."

"No need, I will open a store in Hogsmeade Village later, what am I afraid of them doing?"

Adam shook his head, his voice was light but full of confidence:

"I didn't have any malicious competition, but the business was still taken away by me. They should reflect on their own problems."

I really want to hate you.If he didn't want to compete, he would directly put butter beer on the shelves in the tavern, and sell it for one silver Sickle cheaper than the Three Broomsticks. Anyway, even if this liquid was copied with double brand, it would not be visible at all, and the Three Broomsticks would completely lose its student customers.

"That's what I said..."

Bernard narrowed his eyes and dragged out a long tail tone:

"If everyone thinks so, the crime rate in London can be reduced by at least three percentage points."

"If they attack me, it's not certain who will suffer the most in the end."

As they were talking, they had already arrived at the door of the Three Broomsticks.

"Oh~ all new faces, do you want to try the signature barbecue set meal in the store? Each set meal comes with a glass of butter beer~"

Ms. Rosmerta supported her waist with one hand and rested her other hand on the door frame of the Three Broomsticks, with a warm smile on her face.

"No, five butterbeers will be enough."

"Okay, just order at the bar. The customer flow is quite large during this period, so customers need to pick up the food themselves."

Hearing Adam's answer, Ms. Rosmerta's smile did not diminish at all:

"If you are a group of five, there is a large table available inside the bar. Please walk to the left after entering."

"Hmm... this lady boss is much calmer than I thought. I thought she would do more sales."

After entering, Bernard nodded.

"Ms. Rosmerta is famous for her hospitality. Otherwise, the Three Broomsticks would not have become one of the most important attractions in Hogsmeade. Everyone who comes to Hogsmeade will come here to sit."

Cologne explained, and then looked in the direction Ms. Rosmerta said:

"You go sit down first, I'll treat you~"

Five butterbeers don't cost much, everyone nodded and walked around the bar and a wall from the left, and found a round table in the space behind to sit down.

Soon, Cologne came back with five cups of butterbeer:

"Hurry up! Come and take it, brothers!"

"Wow~ What a big cup!"

Adam was a little surprised when he looked at the cup used to hold draft beer. This cup was estimated to be more than one liter.

Raising his hand, five cups of butterbeer floated up from Cologne's hand and fell on the round table.

"Huh~ Adam, your levitation spell is really amazing."

Cologne wiped the sweat from his forehead. If he used the levitation spell, he would not be sure that the butterbeer in the five cups would not spill out at all.

"I didn't expect the butterbeer in this store to be so affordable..."

Adam picked it up and took a closer look. This cup was really the real deal. The cup was filled to the brim. The foam on the top was not even one centimeter thick. The rest was butterbeer.

"The cups weren't this big before. It seems that Ms. Rosmerta made some adjustments to attract more business."

Cologne took a big sip. The cold butter beer had a special aroma, which made him let out a sigh of relief:

"Fortunately, the taste hasn't changed... Try it now!"

Adam and the others raised their glasses and drank.

However, after taking a sip, before Adam could savor the taste of the butter beer, he looked up and saw a red-haired, green-eyed figure passing through the wall of the Three Broomsticks, and then passing out again...


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