Bernard still had to go back and ask his family about the issue of moving to a safe haven, so the topic returned to the selection of the Minister of Magic.

"Are you really so confident that you can push someone to the position of Minister of Magic?"

Bernard still found it difficult to understand, and Cologne nodded silently:

"Yeah, it always feels so awkward for a few of us students to discuss this kind of issue."

"Don't worry about it, just take it as a casual talk."

Adam waved his hand casually.

"Well... Minister of Magic, this kind of politician feels boring."

Bernard looked tangled.

"I can do anything."

Eugene didn't react much.

"Then Eugene, Eugene is indeed suitable to be the Minister of Magic at that time, and he looks more stable."

Bernard: ? ? ?

"What do you mean? Do I look unstable?"

The four looked at Bernard, who was filled with righteous indignation, and looked him up and down carefully, and shook their heads in unison.

Bernard: ... I'm angry, but I can't do it.

"In comparison, I think another profession is more suitable for you."

Adam suddenly had an idea, and a light bulb popped up above his head:

"You go to be in charge of the Wizengamot and Azkaban!"


Bernard didn't understand, but was shocked:

"I can understand the Wizengamot, but Azkaban... Isn't there only Dementors in that damn place besides the prisoners? What is there to be responsible for?"

"The judicial system in the wizarding world has always puzzled me. There are so many loopholes like a hornet's nest. Many prisoners were hastily released, such as the former Death Eaters who claimed that they Under the control of the You-Know-Who's Imperius Curse, he was freed from prison..."

"The Imperius Curse? I remember that it seemed to be an Unforgivable Curse..."

"Wake up! This is not the point I want to talk about!"

Adam reached out and grabbed Bernard's shoulder and shook it:

"If we use potions like truth serum, or use a pensieve, many unjust, false and wrongful convictions can be avoided. The distorted judicial system of the wizarding world may have been formed under the influence of various factors before, but after the You-Know-Who cleared away all obstacles, we can completely establish a more sound judicial system- As for the penal system, the Dementors are unreliable, but it is a bit too hasty to put all the people in Azkaban. "

Bernard's eyes lit up:

"If you want to say that, then I won't be sleepy anymore! This position is really suitable for me!"

"Oh my God, is this really something we students should consider?"

Cologne couldn't help but mutter:

"By the way, you will suddenly become the future Minister of Magic, the Chief of the Wizengamot, and the Warden of Azkaban? In addition, Uther will be the Minister of Magic of Egypt in the future, and Adam always feels that he will not be satisfied with just opening A restaurant and a dessert shop... I, the future manager of the exotic animals store, always feel a little out of place. "

"There is nothing out of place about this. Everyone has their own ambitions, and the exotic animals business spans several countries, which is not small."

Adam shrugged:

"Besides, if you also want to work in the Ministry of Magic, you can also operate it at that time. How about the director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures? Professor Scamander will probably be very happy to contribute to the management and protection of magical animals."

Cologne admitted that he was a little moved for a moment.

"But... we have rare animals at home..."

"Wouldn't it be better to give it to Kelly?"

Adam thought about it,

"If it doesn't work, you can sell it to me. I want to try to buy Hogsmeade Village while the mysterious man is rampant and the housing prices are plummeting."

"...Buy it? The whole Hogsmeade Village?"

Cologne looked up after cracking his fingers for a while, his face full of confusion:

"Where did you get so much money? Is this money legal?"

"Need I say that? What legal business can make a lot of money?"

Bernard was inexplicably excited:

"Have you finally made up your mind to rob Gringotts?"

"Of course not by robbery! This amount of money... well... should be legal. Anyway, I will have a way by then."

Adam thought about it, but still didn't tell everyone about the double cards or the Philosopher's Stone.

It's not that I don't trust their relationship. Given their relationship, it's okay for Adam to give each of them a Philosopher's Stone. It's just that Adam doesn't trust their strength to keep the secret. At least they have to wait until Voldemort is gone and their strength is strong enough to keep the secret.

"Okay, then this question is over."

Seeing Cologne in a dilemma, Adam simply started the next topic:

"The next thing is related to the previous one. It's about Rowena Ravenclaw's crown..."

Adam took out the crown from his bag and put it inAt the table, looking at the four stunned people, mainly Uther:

"Uther, you are more familiar with Professor Flitwick, and you usually go to him to learn dueling knowledge. You can find an opportunity to tell him something about this crown."

"Aren't you also familiar with Professor Flitwick?"

"I rarely go to Professor Flitwick this year, and it would be a bit unnatural to go to him suddenly."

Adam's transformation of wizard magic into a magic circle has been going very smoothly. He can complete his homework independently, and naturally he no longer bothers Professor Flitwick for assistance, including Professor McGonagall.

Now in Adam's free time, he still runs to Professor Snape, Professor Sprout and Professor Sinistra more often.

After saying that, Adam looked at Eugene:

"It just so happens that Eugene's parents are explorers, so we can say that this crown was accidentally discovered by Eugene's parents."

"What? How can this be? I don't agree!"

Eugene was shocked. That was the relic of Ms. Ravenclaw. It was a great achievement to find this treasure. How could he steal it?

Not to mention that he stole it from Adam!

"Don't rush to refuse. Finding Rowena Ravenclaw's crown is a natural impression for all wizards from Ravenclaw. Most wizards from Ravenclaw are 'smart people' who know how to protect themselves. They are engaged in research and clerical work in all aspects of the wizarding world."

Adam explained:

"The You-Know-Who will not target them, and they will not resist the You-Know-Who. After the You-Know-Who is eliminated, they will be the majority of the wizarding world except Hufflepuff. If you want to become the Minister of Magic in the future, the support of this group of people will make it much easier for you."

"Then I can't take the credit from you. You must have spent a lot of effort to find it..."

"I found this thing in the utility room of the Room of Requirement."

Adam's words almost choked Eugene.

They also knew about the existence of the Room of Requirement. Adam had told them a long time ago, but they didn't need that place much...?

Adam looked at Bernard thoughtfully.

Anyway, that place actually contains the relics of Lady Ravenclaw. Has no one discovered it over the years?

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