On the first floor of the Storm Restaurant, the guests were stunned, their eyes focused on the same spot——

Just now, a wizard who was still wearing a hood in the room suddenly stood up, pulled out his wand, and chanted that terrifying spell, and even the wand was glowing green!

Everyone was familiar with this. Similar things could happen everywhere in the wizarding world during this period, such as a Death Eater suddenly going crazy and killing people.

Just when everyone was looking at each other in horror, not knowing who the other party's target was...


In short, the dark wizard is now... all over the floor.

Everyone couldn't help but look up at the ceiling, where the thunderbird flying in the thundercloud was depicted vividly.

But no matter how vivid it was, it didn't make sense that a painting could really release lightning, right?

"Sorry, it was just a small accident."

Wearing a silver mask inlaid with gems, Regulus slowly walked down from the second floor. With a wave of his wand, he swept away the dark wizard fragments on the ground with a whirlwind.

"Please rest assured, Storm Restaurant will do its best to ensure your personal safety during meals. Later, Storm Restaurant will send each of you a dessert. I hope the sweet taste can soothe your heart."

It was not the first time that everyone encountered a terrorist attack by the Death Eaters. Unexpectedly, they could get a dessert for free this time. Instead of leaving, the guests enthusiastically discussed the scene just now.

After dealing with the guests on the first floor, Regulus came to the end of the corridor on the second floor.

After walking through a wall and reaching the end again, Regulus knocked on the door and pushed it open:


"I already know."

Adam waved his hand:

"Have the Death Eaters come here often recently?"

"Not often, but there is no pattern."

Regulus sighed:

"Sometimes they chase after a Muggle-born wizard, sometimes they just want to make some noise, or just want to kill people to vent their anger..."

Death Eaters are so crazy, and there are even some dark wizards who take advantage of the chaotic situation to let themselves go and do lawless things. Anyway, since Gandalf took away most of his men, Voldemort now focuses on accepting anyone who comes.

As long as you claim to be a Death Eater and are creating chaos and slaughtering Mudbloods, then even if you don't have the Dark Mark on you, you are a Death Eater certified by me, Voldemort!

Vampires, banshees, hags, werewolves, giants... These species that originally lived far away from humans under the efforts of wizards also slowly returned to human society with the help of Voldemort. Of course, there are also Dementors, which were originally regarded as political achievements by the Ministry of Magic.

As time went by, Regulus sighed more and more. Why did he believe Voldemort's lies at the beginning, thinking that the other party just wanted to revive the glory of pure blood?

He is clearly a madman who creates chaos!

The current boss has the ability and wisdom, and he is also pure blood, but it's a pity that he doesn't seem to be interested in reviving the glory of pure blood...

It seems that this dream of mine is destined to be unfulfilled.

Regulus sighed, forget it, I heard from the boss that the land next door has been bought, and it will be renovated into a bar in a while, and then there is hope that another dream of mine will be fulfilled.

After that party, there was no news about Bernard and Colon. The last time they communicated with everyone using a two-way mirror, they said they would go to the Amazon together to settle down.

Forget Cologne, I don't know why Bernard also wants to go with him...

Comparatively speaking, Eugene and Uther's contact with Adam is relatively stable.

The former took advantage of the increasing chaos during this period and relied on his own strength to repel the dark wizards near his home, vaguely forming a gathering place to resist dark wizards autonomously. Adam praised this and provided some equipment support.

As for where these equipment came from...

It turns out that Fred and George's superb alchemical talent in prank props is probably inherited from their father.

Mr. Weasley is very good at how to transform Muggle supplies to work normally in the wizarding world, but he doesn't know what his ability means.

After Adam had a profound academic exchange with Mr. Weasley as Gandalf, he successfully learned the spell that can prevent the electronic signals of Muggle supplies from being interfered by the magic force field.

Although the effective range of this spell is very small, if it needs to be used on large equipment, then this anti-interference spell needs to be cast on every place, but Adam waved his hand: This is not a problem.

Compared to the effect of this spell, this cost is not even a side effect.

Professor Gandalf immediately said that the invention of thisMr. Weasley, who cast a spell, deserves to be awarded a Merlin First Class Medal by the magic world.

"The entire wizarding world will remember your name - Arthur Weasley, you have made the entire wizarding world take a historic step forward!"

Before leaving, Gandalf shook Mr. Weasley's hand and said sincerely:

"The entire wizarding world will become better because of your invention!"

Mr. Weasley was deeply moved by this. This was the first time that someone other than his family supported his hobby.

"I must continue to work hard to make the wizarding world better!"


A giant was directly vaporized in the firelight, along with parts of the bodies of the three giants standing too close to it.

"The effect is great."

Eugene held a telescope in one hand to look at the situation on the opposite hill, and held a two-way mirror in the other hand to report the experimental situation to Adam:

"But I heard from Bernard that this thing seems to be quite expensive. It's a bit of a loss to exchange one for four giants, and it may not be able to achieve such results when it is actually used."

This time the four giants stood close, but it may not be the case next time.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is useful, don't worry about the money."

Adam glanced at the box of anti-tank mines next to him, and with a wave of his hand, it became 32 boxes:

"Nothing else, as many of these as you want! By the way, have you used up the shells I gave you before?"

It is really difficult to compare which one is more lethal, magic or guns. Anyway, if you hit it accurately, it will kill you in one shot. But when facing group targets, especially for Eugene and his team, the killing efficiency of guns is so high that magic can't catch up.

During this period, Eugene's camp has gained some reputation, so much so that the Death Eaters who really have the Dark Mark have paid attention to it, such as the Carrow brothers and sisters.

However, when they called on the dark wizards, the giants and several female demons to attack the camp, the sudden fire under the feet of a giant and the sudden empty team made them both sluggish.

However, Eugene and his men would not be polite to the Death Eaters. They aimed at the direction of the fire in the dark night and flew several RPGs directly over.


The continuous sudden attacks directly tore the Death Eaters' team apart, but the remaining people didn't even know what happened-is this the big explosion? Who set off the thunder explosion? !

A group of lawless guys were angry and afraid.

The explosion ignited the grass and illuminated the surroundings, but there was no human figure around, not even a ghost!

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