International Confederation of Wizards?

Uther mentioned this, and Adam remembered the existence of such an organization.

The International Confederation of Wizards is roughly equivalent to the United Nations in the wizarding world. The Ministry of Magic of each country will participate in it, and its head is the President of the International Confederation of Wizards...

It sounds like it is very powerful, but compared with the presence of the United Nations in the Muggle world, the presence of the International Confederation of Wizards in the wizarding world is even lower, and much lower.

By the way, Professor Dumbledore was once a member of the International Confederation of Wizards in the UK and also the President of the International Confederation of Wizards.

But after Voldemort was resurrected, Professor Dumbledore was revoked of his status as a member of the International Confederation of Wizards by the British Ministry of Magic for "spreading false information" and "causing social panic", and naturally he also lost his status as the President of the International Confederation of Wizards.

Adam had only seen this matter in the corner of the Daily Prophet before, and it was briefly mentioned. It is conceivable how low the presence of the International Confederation of Wizards in the wizarding world is.

It's normal to think about it. Unlike Muggles who are very keen on encroaching on the interests of other countries, the society of wizards is more closed. Basically, no Ministry of Magic in any country is interested in the affairs of other countries.

At the same time, the composition of the International Confederation of Wizards is also quite casual. The President of the International Confederation of Wizards is just a symbolic leader.

So Grindelwald wanted to break the Statute of Secrecy by becoming the President of the International Confederation of Wizards. He was really thinking too much. The International Confederation of Wizards started to promote the Statute of Secrecy because it met the needs of all the Ministries of Magic.

If the President of the International Confederation of Wizards really wants other Ministries of Magic to do something they don't want to do, they can just not come, or if there are many opponents, they can just not recognize you as the President.

The International Confederation of Wizards doesn't have any five permanent members to endorse the rules of the International Confederation of Wizards.

However, despite this, the International Confederation of Wizards cannot ignore it casually. After all, it is a force that almost all the Ministries of Magic in the world participate in... For most people, this is the case.

"Don't worry about it. If they ignore it, I don't care about them. If they want to interfere in the internal affairs of the British Ministry of Magic, it just gives me an opportunity to take action."

Adam shook his head:

"I will give the other party the power to decide when to start the war, but I will reserve the power to decide when to stop the war. I also send this sentence to other ministries of magic."

Such arrogant words simply do not take the magic ministries of various countries seriously, but Uther just nodded after listening.

Since Adam said so, it's stable.

"Then I have nothing else to do."

"Gringotts in Egypt...?"

"The Ministry of Magic has never trusted Gringotts. Only a part of the funds are stored in it. Just take it out later."

Uther was very calm about this:

"As for other wizards... the Ministry of Magic will issue a notice to remind everyone to take back their assets, but it will not be forced."

Adam frowned when he heard this:

"If you do this... when their assets are swallowed up by Gringotts, they may be dissatisfied with the Ministry of Magic, and may even attack the Ministry of Magic or other ordinary wizards when the war breaks out."

"People who don't trust the Ministry of Magic , has this tendency, Gringotts is just an opportunity. "

"That being said, it will always cause additional damage, and compared to goblins, this group of wizards is more hidden."


Uther touched his chin and thought for a moment:

"Then let's change the wording of the notice and make it mandatory."

Adam raised his eyebrows:

"I'm afraid this won't make all wizards really take out the assets in Gringotts."

"But this can help us screen out those wizards who don't obey orders and deal with them in advance."

"Deal with them?"

Adam was shocked and silent.

Friend, I think you seem a little extreme...

"Adam, this is Egypt after all, not Britain, and different countries have different customs..."

Adam suddenly realized that the essence of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic is the kingship of the Pharaoh, and of course it will be tougher in its attitude towards those who don't obey orders.

Thinking about it this way, Uther's previous idea of ​​just wanting them to lose some money and learn a lesson was already quite tolerant...

"Let's do it this way for now... Feel free to send me a letter if you need help."

Adam took out a new piece of letter paper and handed it to Uther, who put it away close to his body:

"No problem, I won't be polite to you if necessary."

After saying goodbye to Uther and returning to England, Adam continued to dig out the secrets of those equipment from the memory of the old goblin.

The lifespan of wizards is not short, and the lifespan of goblins is even longer than that of wizards. The memory of the old goblin is Adam'sWhen the total amount of memories read is the largest, it contains a lot of invalid information.

However, Adam also grew up in this process, and became more and more skilled in processing memories. Now he can achieve the effect of keyword retrieval, by implanting a subconscious thought to trigger the memory of the old fairy, and then search for those triggered memories.

After seeing a lot of memories about the fairy's forging skills, Adam finally found the information of those equipment.

"Still failed."

In the sight of the old fairy's memory, a fairy who was still in the young stage put down the bracelet in his hand. Adam saw several fairies wearing similar bracelets that day.

"What went wrong?"

The voice of the old fairy sounded.

"No, I did it exactly as the notes said. You have tried countless times yourself, but you didn't succeed once, right?"

The goblin picked up the bracelet it had just put down, and picked up another bracelet from the forging table and put them together:

"Look, there is almost no difference between these two bracelets... Only that step is different."

The goblin raised the two bracelets, and the one taken from the forging table quickly emitted a scarlet light, condensing into a beam of light that smashed the dummy in the distance.

"Just one step difference, so we can no longer forge the weapons that our ancestors once forged. What our ancestors forged is the nightmare of wizards, while we can only forge scraps of copper and iron with nothing to show for it."

The goblin threw his forged work back into the furnace mercilessly.

It stands to reason that anything made of goblin mithril can be sold at a good price, but it cannot be sold in this form. Maybe a wizard can see something from this shape and interfere with the goblins' plans.

"Ancient magic..."

Adam heard the old goblin sigh after a moment of silence.

Ancient magic? What is that? Is the energy on the goblin's weapon ancient magic? I'll search for keywords later.

"The ancient magic energy left in the outside world was completely dealt with by wizards decades ago. We are ultimately powerless to do anything about it."

After the young goblin finished speaking, Adam heard the old goblin say:

"No... there is another place... underground at Hogwarts, which may be the last place where ancient magic exists."

Adam Hogwarts Principal Reed: ? ? ?

What? There is the energy used by goblins underground at Hogwarts? How come I don't know?

Thinking of the extremely unstable nature of that energy, which would explode directly if slightly disturbed, Adam fell silent.

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