The owner of the footsteps walked from the shadows to the light. It was Draco Malfoy who had just opened the Vanishing Cabinet!


The Coke that Draco had just held in his mouth and didn't swallow because of nervousness sprayed out. Fortunately, there was a cup in his hand to catch it. It was a pity that the remaining Coke in the cup could not be kept.

But he didn't even regret the cup of Coke for a moment. Draco looked at himself in the movie who had already drawn his wand in shock:

No... Brother, you... want to fight Professor Dumbledore alone?

Then Draco saw himself in the movie use a disarming spell to knock Professor Dumbledore's wand away.

? ? ?

Draco's hand shook, and the cup of Coke fell directly to the ground. The remaining half cup of Coke was scattered all over the ground, but no one reacted to it because everyone was immersed in the same shock.

However, even though he disarmed Professor Dumbledore, Draco still couldn't do it for a long time. During this period, the Death Eaters he called arrived, but Voldemort ordered Draco to kill Professor Dumbledore.

At this critical moment, Professor Snape arrived.

"Severus... please..."

"Avada Kendava~"

A killing curse with a trembling ending ended the life of the greatest wizard of this century.

The moment Professor Dumbledore fell from the Astronomy Tower, the entire cinema was silent, except...

Professor Grindelwald turned his head and grabbed Professor Dumbledore's shoulders and pulled him over, whispering but gritting his teeth:

"Is this your original plan?!"

Others were still immersed in the confusion and shock of "Ah? Professor Dumbledore really died like this?", but he had already associated it with a slightly incoherent conversation between Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

Professor Grindelwald knew that Professor Snape was Professor Dumbledore's man, so he understood the relationship behind this scene more clearly.

In the movie, Dumbledore's request was not to ask Snape to let him go, but to ask him to kill him!

Professor Dumbledore blinked his sore eyes. He had to say that it was still a bit shocking to see his own death with his own eyes.

Facing Grindelwald's eyes, Professor Dumbledore whispered:

"I had no choice at the time... How could I know that Adam still had such a strong power hidden?"

Professor Dumbledore did not deny it, because they were all people who knew more inside information, and the reason that "this is just a movie fiction" was meaningless to them.

"You put it--"

Professor Grindelwald looked around, took a deep breath, and cast a silent spell before continuing:

"Even if it was the situation in the movie, you have a better solution--"

"No, I don't."

Professor Dumbledore responded to Professor Grindelwald's question directly, and shook his head:

"I am just an old man who is dying and alone. If I don't sacrifice myself, should I let Harry, who has an infinite future, sacrifice himself?"

Although his plan also required Harry to experience a crisis of infinitely close to death when he went to destroy Voldemort, there was still a great possibility of survival, and he tried his best to create more opportunities for Harry to survive.

As Voldemort's Horcrux, if Harry wanted to destroy Voldemort, there were only two possibilities: being killed directly by others or taking a gamble that Voldemort could not really kill him. As for not destroying Voldemort...

It was as if Harry took the initiative to destroy Voldemort at the beginning, and Voldemort wanted to kill him when he was still in his cradle!

Looking at Professor Dumbledore, who looked calm, Professor Grindelwald was so angry that he wanted to curse.

But he had no choice. This was his Dumbledore, who had already embarked on a completely different path compared to the guy in the castle who was always with his partner.

"...You are not alone."

In the end, Professor Grindelwald could only say this.


Professor Dumbledore responded softly.

When everyone in the Astronomy Tower left, the camera finally turned to the lower level of the Astronomy Tower, and Harry came out from under the Invisibility Cloak with a face full of grief and tears.

"What happened?"

Harry couldn't help but say as he looked at the screen.

"Maybe you were hit by the immobilization spell before."

Sirius was also shocked by the plot just now, but he was not as immersed as Harry, so he could still think flexibly.

"Dumbledore can see through the invisibility cloak, and even if he doesn't have a wand in his hand, he can use a silent and wandless immobilization spell on you. Maybe he is afraid that you can't control your reaction, so..."

Sirius didn't continue to speak. On the one hand, the words were clear enough, and on the other hand, he was attracted by the following movie plot.

Looking at Dumbledore,Professor Dumbledore's body, the teachers and students attracted by the Dark Mark in the air were in great grief. To express their condolences, everyone pointed their wands with faint light on the top to the sky.

The faint light of stars briefly dispelled the dark clouds above everyone's heads, and the Dark Mark in the air slowly dissipated at this moment because of the lack of magic to maintain it.

Killing Professor Dumbledore has achieved the goal. The invading Death Eaters are not enough to clear Hogwarts, and Voldemort does not want to kill everyone in Hogwarts now.

The camera swept across the faces of professors and students, and almost everyone had tears on their faces, with expressions of sadness or anger.

Perhaps the wizards were too absorbed in watching, and the audience in the theater also raised their wands when they saw this scene, wiped their tears silently, and even cried out loud.

"Oh... Professor Dumbledore... he didn't even have time to drink a sip of water..."

Ron wiped his tears and raised his wand, and blew his nose at the end.

The atmosphere around was so heavy that Professor Grindelwald and Professor Dumbledore, the only two who did not raise their wands, felt for a moment that they were a bit out of place.

Professor Dumbledore couldn't help but look around, and found that Professor McGonagall beside him also raised her wand, and her face was full of grief and her eyes were wet, almost the same as Professor McGonagall in the movie.

"Ahem, Minerva!"

Professor Dumbledore couldn't help but whisper a reminder, and at the same time touched Professor McGonagall with his elbow.

It's okay for you to raise your wand, but what's wrong with this expression?

I'm still alive!

"Hmm? Oh! Albus... cough——"

Professor McGonagall, who was immersed in the plot of the movie, came back to her senses, couldn't help blushing, and quickly retracted her hand holding the wand to wipe the wet corners of her eyes:

"You can't blame me for this, it's just that the movie is too realistic, it feels like I'm really attending your funeral..."

Professor Dumbledore's eyes twitched.

Should I bow to you in return?

With the sound of Fawkes's cry like fairy music, everyone's mourning for Professor Dumbledore came to an end.

Professor Dumbledore's departure is indeed sad, but the enemy has not been eliminated yet, and the situation does not allow them to immerse themselves in sadness for too long.

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