The outline of the invisible beast flashed almost instantly, and then only the commotion caused by the invisible beast could be seen, but the invisible beast could not be seen.

This is also in line with the characteristics of the invisible beast. Even among wizards, only those who professionally capture invisible beasts can capture their whereabouts. Obviously, the previous scene was just to let everyone know what kind of magical beast this is.

At this time, some people were puzzled. Whether it was the ability or habits of the invisible beast, it didn't seem like it could create the ruins before - referring to the ruins at the beginning of the movie, not Jacob's home.

So some people were so stupid that they couldn't help it. Who said that the magical beast that can be invisible must be the invisible beast? What does the invisible beast that ran out of Newt's box have to do with the species of the magical beast?

The people who were puzzled before were stunned by what they said, so they were angry... angry.

The audience who were originally prepared to watch the excitement sighed, and at the same time couldn't help but sigh that the British wizarding world is really different now.

In the past, the law in the British wizarding world existed in name only. Even wizards like the Weasleys, who were kind-hearted, would only abide by the law on the surface.

After all, most of the members of the Wizengamot were very busy. They didn't have time to attend hearings every now and then to try prisoners. They would let you go if you gave them some money and made some excuses.

Of course, if you were really stubborn or had no money, you could only be sent to Azkaban.

But now... hehe, the Supreme Court of the Ministry of Magic already has more than 20 judges stationed there. They can hold court in three shifts 24 hours a day. There is nothing they can't judge, except for those they don't want to try and those they don't know!

After several times of going from "obey the law? I obey your grandma!" to "Grandma, I'm here to see you~", the weight of the law finally became heavy in the hearts of every British wizard.

So now when people see this situation, their mentality has gradually changed from "Damn, a fight is about to break out, run away" to "Damn, there's a stubborn guy here, look quickly", and they will even feel a little disappointed when they see the other party calm down.

Well... really only a little.

Although the extra scenes are not available, the movie is still wonderful, and everyone looks back at the screen in front of them.

Because of the little episode just now, many people missed the process of New Salem - the anti-wizard organization before - seeking support from the newspaper but being rejected, but it is obvious that the wizards don't want to see them.

Tina took Newt and Jacob back to her home. In addition to her, there was Tina's sister Queenie at home.

It must be said that Queenie is very beautiful, and... how to say it, Queenie does not have the kind of office animal aura that is common in adults and has experienced the destruction of work. She looks smart and lively, and many viewers can't help but stare at her eyes.

After seeing her younger sister's appearance for the first time in a long time, Mrs. Tina, who had just been brewing a trace of sadness, heard a whistle from somewhere in the screening room, and a question mark popped up above her head.

Mrs. Tina held the wand in her arms at that time.

Fortunately, Newt pulled it fast enough, and the overly excited wizard seemed to have forgotten the female companion beside him, and was dragged out of the screening room by the ear.

It seems that he doesn't want to watch the next movie and wants to go home to solve the problem-after all, real-person PK in public may be reported.

Unable to see the follow-up, the audience in the screening room couldn't help but sigh again with regret, and then put the previous scene behind them, looking at the screen with shining eyes.

Because Queenie on the screen is changing clothes!

The expressions of the audience are almost the same as Jacob's.

"What is Adam doing?"

Mrs. Tina said that she couldn't accept it, but...

"Isn't this what happened that year?"

Newt was puzzled.

"You can't take pictures of everything, right?"

"Isn't this pretty?"

Queenie just changed her outer clothes, not her underwear. Newt didn't think it was a big deal. He couldn't understand Mrs. Tina's mentality of having her own cabbage taken away.

Fortunately, everyone woke up from Queenie's beauty, because Queenie could actually use Legilimency... and it seemed that she often and normally used Legilimency on other people!

Even though Queenie showed her beautiful skills in making food with silent spells, people still felt uneasy when they saw her.

Even that sweet smile seemed to have a deeper meaning.

"These people are too shameless. They talk as if they can choose anyone they want."

Harry was shocked. What a weird idea.

"But it is indeed very impolite to use Legilimency on others casually... A person can know yourThinking about something... or something like that."

Just thinking about that possibility, Ron's expression was not particularly natural.

"Maybe she can't control it, such as a natural telepath, just like Professor Gandalf."

Harry didn't think there was anything wrong, maybe because there were too many people who knew Legilimency among the people he met.

Professor Dumbledore, Professor Gandalf, Professor Snape, and Voldemort, and all of them were masters of Legilimency.

"No, Harry, a natural telepath is a very, very rare talent, even rarer than Parseltongue."

Ron found that Harry might still lack this kind of common sense that is not so common sense - referring to those common cognitions that are not used at all in normal times - so he popularized it to him:

"Even Parseltongue has been passed down from generation to generation in the Gaunt family... um, well, now the inheritance is broken. "

Ron changed his words awkwardly, and then continued:

"But there may not be one natural telepath even in a hundred years, and she should be about the same age as Professor Gandalf."

"But she is American, right?"

Harry couldn't help but say:

"The world is so big, it's not strange that there is one in a hundred years in Britain and one in a hundred years in the United States..."

This is a bit of a quibble, but it has to be said that this statement is really reasonable. The world is so big that there are all kinds of things. This sentence can solve many problems.

Ron couldn't think of a rebuttal for a while, but still insisted on his opinion:

"Anyway, I think she is not a natural telepath, but a witch who can't help but use it after mastering Legilimency... I bet with you."

"No problem, what's the bet? "

After listening to Ron's popular science, Harry knew that natural telepaths were extremely rare, and he also knew that the probability of losing the bet was much greater than the probability of winning the bet.

But the mystery has not been revealed yet, and even the movie may not specifically explain that Queenie is not a natural telepath, just like a movie will not specifically explain that a person is not a Parseltongue.

And he has so much money in the vault, it's not like he can't afford to lose.

In this case, backing down now, is that Harry's character?

Ron thought about it, it would be meaningless to gamble with their relationship, why not...

"Whoever loses the bet will wear Ginny's skirt and dance in Hogsmeade Square! Let Fred choose which one to wear!"


It must be said that Ron's words were indeed beyond Harry's expectations. He was not afraid of gambling, but betting on this...

"Surrender and lose half. If you don't dare, you will treat me to supper tonight, and forget it. "

Ron waved his hand mockingly, and Harry blushed on the spot.

How could he tolerate this?

Ginny only had a few dresses anyway...

"Let's bet!"


Adam, who had seen the whole process of Ron digging holes for him and then stepping on him, took a breath of cold air, then touched his chin:

"It seems that I should give Ginny a few dresses... What styles should I give her?"

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