Credence was extremely sad to see his half-relative who had just found die in front of him.

Nagini couldn't help but hug him. Seeing this scene, some emotional viewers couldn't help but wipe away their tears.

However, the camera turned, and Grimson, who had just escaped, met Grindelwald and told him what he had just done.

Obviously, Grimson was actually Grindelwald's man, and what happened just now was also arranged by Grindelwald - this also explains how Grimson, a magical animal hunter, found this place at the same time as Credence.

The magic ministries of various countries that were investigating Credence's life experience did not have such intelligence capabilities. Only Grindelwald, who claimed to know Credence's entire life experience, could allow Grimson to arrive at this time.

All this was to make Credence feel pain and frustration, and facilitate Grindelwald's subsequent plan, that is, to let him know that he could do nothing without him, so that he could follow him from the bottom of his heart.

To put it more directly, it is to constantly suppress Credence and make him lose confidence, so that Grindelwald can PUA him later.

In fact, it can be seen from this that Grindelwald and Dumbledore are both veterans of PUA and big promises, and coincidentally, both of them failed in the end.

Credence finally rebelled against Grindelwald, and although Newt was generally following Dumbledore's plan, the reason had little to do with Dumbledore and could be said to be completely irrelevant.

From this point of view, the International Confederation of Wizards simply owes Madam Tina a banner!

What is the greatest witch of the 20th century (tactical retreat.jpg)?

Looking at Grindelwald who spit out "for the greater good" to Grimson, the audience almost sprayed him in the face:

Grindelwald, you TNND are simply not a human being!

Professor Grindelwald in the corner couldn't help rubbing his face.

Curse, curse, he's used to it now...

After the serious and depressing atmosphere, the camera turned, and as usual, it was still a lighter plot.

Newt and Jacob, who were still on the road to find their wives, sat on the streets of Paris and looked at the intimate couples dating everywhere, and their resentment was almost materialized.

Seeing this, the audience who had red eyes just now couldn't help but "puff" and laughed, and some of the audience even had a runny nose...

Anyway, the two successfully found the wizard who took Tina away at that time, and the other party agreed to take them to see Tina.


As a result, Tina did see it, but the problem is that they are now locked up. Looking at the falling iron door, Newt was numb, and the other party smiled slightly:

Just say whether you have seen Tina now. That's it.

However, before the other party could be proud for long, he covered his eyes and fell down, and Newt...

The magical animal Bowtruckle was introduced in the previous movie. It is very good at unlocking, and Newt always carries such a magical animal with him.

It can be said that everything went smoothly. The only thing that was not smooth was probably the way Tina addressed Newt after meeting him.

"Mr. Scamander"...

When this name came out of Tina's mouth, Newt was stunned on the spot.

"The situation was urgent at that time. Can I ask how you felt at that time?"

Mrs. Tina glanced at the screen. It was the process of them conquering Zouwu at that time, not the past that she didn't know, so she turned her head and looked at Newt.

Although Professor Scamander wanted to review the process of subduing the Zouwu, Tina was obviously more important:

"Um... It's hard to describe the details, but I was very nervous at that time."



Newt tilted his head slightly, looked down at Mrs. Tina's hand, quickly looked up at Mrs. Tina's expression and then lowered his eyes:

"Second only to when you called me Newt Artemis Fedor Scamander."

Mrs. Tina widened her eyes:

"How could I call you like that?"

Even if you called the other person's full name in anger during a quarrel, you wouldn't call it so full, right?

"No, you did once."

But Newt nodded to confirm that he was definitely not mistaken.

Mrs. Tina frowned, stopped watching the movie, crossed her fingers on her thighs, crossed her legs and looked at Newt:


"That day."

"Which day?"

"On the day we get married... at night."


The fire that was about to reach Mrs. Tina's head was extinguished in an instant, and the wisps of smoke made Mrs. Tina's face flushed, and she even felt a little dizzy. She opened her mouth several times but couldn't say anything, for fear that she wouldSpoken incoherently.


Just when Mrs. Tina was about to sort out her thoughts, Newt suddenly spoke:

"Let's watch a movie!"


At the same time, a strong... oh no, it was familiar music that sounded, and the audience's memory was suddenly pulled back to the second half of last year.

As expected, the familiar castle appeared on the screen - Hogwarts.

However, happy times are always short-lived. Before everyone could sigh that they didn't expect to see Hogwarts on the screen again, they saw the people from the Ministry of Magic swaggering into the Hogwarts Castle.

Well... how to say it... at this moment, just like that moment.

Oh no, the time of this movie is earlier than "The Boy Who Lived", it should be that moment, just like this moment.

Not to mention, seeing the young version of Professor McGonagall who angrily followed the people from the Ministry of Magic and tried to stop them from breaking in, everyone really felt like they were dreaming back to the second half of last year.

Facing the visitors from the Ministry of Magic, the young... er, middle-aged version of Professor Dumbledore was obviously tougher than in "The Boy Who Lived".

But when the other party asked him to deal with Grindelwald, Professor Dumbledore looked away.

"I can't do it."

The visitors from the Ministry of Magic were obviously prepared for this. They had found out that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were as close as brothers...

"We are closer than brothers."

Upon hearing this, Professor Grindelwald sat up straight and looked at Professor Dumbledore next to him with such joy that Professor Dumbledore couldn't bear to look at him.

However, there were obviously only a few people who could be pleased by this sentence.

Travers, the then Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the person who led the team into Hogwarts, believed that Professor Dumbledore's words were proof that he stood on Grindelwald's side.

So he decisively cast a spell on Professor Dumbledore, which turned into an iron ring on Professor Dumbledore's hand. The iron ring allowed him to sense all the spells cast by Professor Dumbledore. In addition, the Ministry of Magic also strengthened its surveillance of Professor Dumbledore.

Professor Grindelwald's eyes suddenly turned cold.

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