Looking at the various fish, shrimps and crabs in the pool wagging their tails and spitting bubbles, Adam nodded.

Sure enough, according to the research of several professors before, this liquid will create creatures that can survive in the liquid according to the size of the environment. No matter what the requirements of the living environment are for the creature, as long as it lives in water, it can be created.

If it is in a beaker, it is small fish, duckweed, spherical algae and the like, and if it is a huge lake surrounded by layers of soil, it is a sea monster.

While lamenting the magical means of ancient wizards, the professors are also curious about why the ancient wizards want to create sea monsters in the sky garden for fun. Now they know the real situation.

Although it is used as a food refresher by Adam, in fact, this magical liquid that can use magic to achieve self-proliferation and create living aquatic animals has an immeasurable prospect if it is truly developed.

And such a magical power is just the tip of the iceberg of the sky garden. From the current point of view, it is probably used to enrich the environment and connect various nodes.

So this half-destroyed Sky Garden is a bit useless for Adam who can go back to the past to copy a normal Sky Garden, but its value is actually quite high. If it falls into the hands of someone with bad intentions, I don’t know how much trouble it will cause.

"Should it be destroyed? That would be a bit of a waste..."

Looking at the Sky Garden ruins in front of him, which are more ornamental than practical, Adam's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Since I have it... I might as well maximize the ornamental value."

The Sky Garden kept shrinking and shrinking... and finally turned into a small miniature landscape, which was wrapped by Adam in a layer of crystal.

Although it is crystal, even if it is thrown into Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, this crystal ball will not be damaged at all, let alone affect the Sky Garden ruins sealed inside.

"Not bad, not bad, the previous copy of the Old Summer Palace can also be copied to make this, and there are various ancient landscapes..."

Adam began to recall the specific age of the Sky Garden as a collection of one more.

Well... good question. After Adam recalled it, he found that this seemed to touch upon his own blind spot in knowledge.

Finding the book that Professor Dumbledore provided at that time, which recorded the Sky Gardens, Adam went back hundreds of years before finally finding the specific record of the Sky Gardens.

"But isn't this a little too specific? It would be fine if there was a description of the process, but why is it so specific that it even has the date?"

Adam was a little embarrassed, but then he found that the ancestor of the author of this book had witnessed the fall of the Sky Gardens on the way to the Sky Gardens, and this legendary experience that was almost only one step away from death has become a story passed down from generation to generation in the author's family.

Well, no wonder it is so detailed.

Adam worked backwards according to the current calendar and quickly got the date of that day, and reserved a few days of error tolerance as usual.

Time magic, start!

After coming to the past, Adam almost didn't need to find the location of the Sky Gardens-because it was now hanging brightly not far from his head.

That's right. Now there are only a few days before the Sky Garden falls. Even if the Sky Garden has been floating in the air, it can't be in a state of continuous high-speed flight.

"Well, there are still several days. Before studying the magic of the Sky Garden, I can use this time to experience the customs and customs of the Sky Garden..."

Adam used illusion magic to hide his body. In order to prevent the Sky Garden from having any detection magic, he put on another layer of protective magic before entering the Sky Garden.

In the area that seemed to be the main street, there were many vendors in the area where only the white rock platform was left in the future.



"Well, the language used by everyone in the Sky Garden is unfamiliar but a little familiar, but I still can't understand it basically..."

Adam shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​blending in, but that was not his main purpose.

Let's try the specialty of the Sky Garden~

Waving his hand, he copied a fruit he had never seen before from a roadside store. It was probably a specialty of the Sky Garden or the fruit of some magical plant that disappeared in later generations. Adam peeled the fruit like the customer next to him and took a bite with great expectation-

"Pah--Fuck! What the hell is this?!"

Adam was shocked. He could accept that the early human ancestors did not know how to cultivate fruits. He could accept shortcomings such as not being sweet enough and having many large seeds.

But why is this soft, sticky and slightly floury fruit actually! Salty!!

Why are there salty fruits in this world?

And it's not just ordinary salty, it's the kind of salty with... an indescribable strange taste. In short, it doesn't feel like something that people eat.

Why can he eat this kind of thing with a calm face?

Is his taste really good?

Or does this thing have some medicinal value that he doesn't know about?

Adam fell into confusion, and turned around to see the customer next to him chatting with the boss while eating. He was silent for a while, and after removing the fruit on his hand and the residue on the ground, he tried to copy a bread from the stall next door.

There are also red dried fruits and chopped nuts on this one, which looks like it should taste good-

"Fuck my teeth!"

Adam touched the corner of his mouth that was scratched by the rough bread crust, and looked at the bread in amazement that was unharmed after he bit it. There was not even a trace of saliva on it, and there was not even a tooth mark!

He exerted a little force on his hand, and it was not until Adam used the magic to enhance his strength that a "crack" sound came from the bread.

"Oh my god, this...isn't it really a weapon of ancient wizards?"

Adam grabbed the long loaf of bread and waved it, and for some reason he suddenly remembered Hagrid's rock cake.

Before, he just thought that thing was ridiculously hard, but now think about it, it can't be an ancient recipe passed down by ancient wizards, right?

So how to eat this thing?

Just bite it directly?

Are all ancient wizards half-giants?

Just at this time, a wizard stopped in front of a small stall selling bread for a moment, then took out the currency to buy a bread like the one in Adam's hand - in fact, this stall only had this kind of bread.


Under Adam's wide-eyed gaze, the wizard took out a magic wand that looked not much different from later generations, and chanted a spell on the bread.

It sounds a bit like the "Fractured into Pieces" of later generations...

Adam subconsciously simulated the operation of magic power and found that this spell seemed to be the predecessor of "Fractured into Pieces". It was more powerful but more complicated and dangerous to control. If you are not skilled, you may also be "fractured into pieces".

Such an enhanced version of "Fractured into Pieces" fell on the bread and broke it into pieces. The wizard took a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth with a normal look...

"So you have to keep it in your mouth for a while before eating it?"

Adam finally understood how this weapon could be used as food, but... why is it so?

Can't wizards eat normal things?

In the river not far from you, is it illegal to catch those fish and eat them?

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