
The representative could not help but be stunned for a moment.

"This is not all."

Colon did not let him go, but continued.

Looking at the documents in Colon's hand, how could the representative not realize that Colon had been prepared, and he seemed to be used as a gun?

But now the bullet has been fired, not to mention loaded, so how can there be any room for regret?

"Just now this representative also mentioned the partners of these people, so now let's take a look at the identities of these partners..."

Colon called out the names one by one, and at the same time drew out his magic wand and waved it, and the identity information of one person after another was projected on the big screen behind him.

Drug addicts, thieves, rapists, robbers, fraudsters... This small team of less than 30 people can almost put together a criminal law.

For a while, many representatives looked in the direction of the Mexican representative in surprise, which made the brother's face dark... Well, darker than before.

"This family gathered such a group of 'partners' for the purpose of profit, so what is the way of speaking that the gentleman just said was just 'a little too radical'?"

Cologne looked at the representative who wanted to sit down, but sitting down now would only attract more attention, turned the document in his hand and continued:

"Using various methods including but not limited to threats, harassment, and teasing to influence hospital staff and patients and their families who come for treatment, maliciously disrupting the normal treatment process, etc."

At this point, Cologne's expression was slightly cold:

"Because it is not certain whether these people have guns and other items in their hands, and the local rule of law is relatively The hospital did not respond to the indifference in time, so these people became more and more aggressive--"

After a pause, Cologne's voice continued:

"In less than a day, the number of patients who were indirectly affected and eventually worsened was conservatively estimated to be more than 20. In addition, there were several patients whose responsibilities could not be accurately determined."

At this point, Cologne looked at the man:

"This is what you think, using a slightly radical way to speak for yourself, then what method they use is really radical? Directly start a gunfight in the hospital?"

The representative opened his mouth, but finally did not dare to speak.

After all, the Human Union does attach great importance to this level of humanitarian bottom line. For those who attack the elderly, weak, sick and disabled, death is already a dreamlike and beautiful ending.

The guy who didn't realize that the times had changed and dared to order an armed attack on the hospital should have been tortured for more than a month now... and the remaining sentence is more than 30,000 years.

According to Adam's theory, if the laws of various countries still emphasize humanity in punishment, then criminals who have committed crimes against humanity do not need to talk about humanity with the other party.

Mountains of swords and seas of fire, stone mill oil pots, burning with scorpion pots, slow slicing and tongue pulling... If you don't like the oriental style, iron virgins, electric shocks and other Western styles can also satisfy you, and the main point is to let the other party experience the experience of being treated inhumanely at all costs.

In this case, facing the real red line that is self-evident in the consciousness of some human groups, no one dares to cross it at will, even if it is just verbal talk.

"And the so-called 'unfair' treatment they suffered was that after depriving the so-called relative of the remaining food, they sent him to the hospital when he was dying, trying to make another fortune by letting him die in the hospital."

Cologne shook his head and looked at the man:

"To be honest, just looking at these descriptions and records, I can't help but want to punch them, but unfortunately they are already dead."


Bernard, who was sitting below, couldn't help rubbing his thumb between his eyebrows.

Although Cologne's words seemed to be fine, to be honest, he actually wanted to, but he should pay attention to the occasion when he said it.


The standing representative was also speechless, but he seemed to know that his end would definitely not be good. He blushed and refuted loudly:

"Yes, even if they are a group of scum... According to Mexican law, they have not violated the law. Why did the Human Union kill them? Who gave the Human Union such a right?"

After these words came out, the auditorium fell into silence, and Cologne did not speak for a while.

Yes, the laws in Mexico are not precise enough to this extent. The main reason is that the case is too complicated and it is difficult to determine the responsibility.

As for the so-called disruption of normal medical order, although those hooligans held the doctors and nurses and would not let them leave, they had their own reasons, such as feeling unwell.

They didThey did not seek medical treatment according to the normal hospital rules and regulations, but it would take a lot of arguing to convict them of this.

For example, do those illegal immigrants want to take advantage of others or do they really want to send the other party to the hospital for treatment? That is, people with various truth serums and Anubis's scales have been involved. Who else dares to say that the other party's motives are evil?

A group of people who can have a lot of room for activities according to normal legal procedures and may even be innocent are directly sentenced to death by others. Such a thing...

Everyone couldn't help but look at several permanent council representatives.

The Egyptian representative supported his chin with one hand and closed his eyes. He seemed to be thinking, but he had actually fallen asleep for a while.

The British representative Bernard's magic wand flew up, and his eyes were fixed on the parchment in his hand, as if there was some wonderful story on it.

The Chinese representative took a sip of the teacup, as if he didn't hear the man's roar at all.

"How could it be..."

The representative was stunned for a moment, and the situation in front of him was a little beyond his cognition.

Why did such an organization composed of countries around the world, representing the common will of the world's top countries, not cause any dissatisfaction among the permanent directors when it did such an excessive act?

Could it be that... the decision to kill those people was in line with the wishes of all the permanent directors?

But, but how is this possible?

Just like before Card appeared, no one could have thought that someone could make the five permanent members unite to kill someone.

In everyone's eyes, the permanent directors of the People's Union naturally cannot be of one mind. In the case of various games, whether to support an event, interests and positions are more important than morality.

And for such an event, what virtue and ability can make the three permanent directors stand together?

When this person had this idea, he didn't think... Since the establishment of the People's Union, the three permanent directors seem to have always stood together.

"You ask who gave the People's Union such power? Maybe I can tell you."

A sudden voice sounded, and Adam walked into the auditorium, followed by a group of people with their limbs tied up by magic and floating in the air.

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