Before the express train departed, Adam quickly gathered with the badgers who had not met during the holiday, and they all shared their holiday experiences.

"Adam, why are there many foods not available in your restaurant?"

This is probably the most frequently asked question to Adam, and Adam can only explain that those are the specialties of his place, and don't ask, just tell him whether they are delicious or not.

The badgers who have brought their families to experience it: emmm, it is indeed delicious.

Adam did not open the store because he could not perform magic at home and did not prepare any goods, so after the express train departed, everyone dispersed, and Adam and his dormitory also found a private room for a small meeting.

"Brothers, I thought about it carefully after I went back. It turned out that we didn't choose the right time last time."

Bernard whispered:

"This time we go at night. Five of us will hold lanterns together and look for the footprints of the moon-crazy beast under the moonlight. It must be a special atmosphere!"

"Aren't you afraid that we will step into the territory of the eight-eyed giant spider again under the moonlight?"

Cologne looked entangled. He didn't want to experience the feeling of disturbing the eight-eyed giant spider again.

"Didn't we already know where the nest of the Acromanthus was last time? This time we just need to avoid it."

Bernard touched his chin and said:

"And we had no experience last time. I thought about it after I went back. When we didn't find any traces of magical animals along the way, we should have realized that the direction was wrong."

That's true...

"And we didn't see any unicorns, centaurs, or moon beasts last time. Don't you feel regretful?"

Bernard stretched out his hands to both sides:

"If it doesn't work, there are still these big legs to hug, and do you have a flying broom? If you can't beat us, just run away!"

The three people who were hugged by the shoulders looked at each other and nodded.


Cologne thought for a while. Forget about unicorns and moon beasts. Even he has never seen magical animals like centaurs.

As for the safety issue, Bernard's words seem to make sense.

"Okay! Let's go check it out sometime!"

"What to check out?"

The door of the carriage was suddenly pulled open, revealing the curious faces of the twins.

"Go check out the kitchen."

Adam readily conjured up a table of desserts:

"What's wrong? What do you want from me?"

"Haha! We know!"

"Adam, you must have some stock for yourself!"

The twins unceremoniously reached out and grabbed a candy and threw it into their mouths:

"Nothing, we just came to check it out!"

"By the way, ask about the business plan after school starts."

During this holiday, the book list sent by Hogwarts made the already poor Weasley family even worse off.

Although Mrs. Molly liked Lockhart very much, her liking obviously wouldn't make Lockhart's books cheaper. Every child who was still studying at Hogwarts had to buy seven books, not to mention that the youngest Ginny was going to school this year, which was a big burden on the Weasley family's financial situation.

At this time, the twins, who were able to take out a sum of money so that Ginny didn't have to buy second-hand goods and the family didn't have to cut down on expenses, enjoyed an extraordinary sense of accomplishment.

As for the small question that was also questioned by Mrs. Molly about what they were doing in school when they didn't study hard... The twins, who received the admiring eyes of their sister, said to sprinkle water~

Adam thought for a while:

"Let's put it on the afternoon of the first Saturday. By the way, I also plan to put the first new product experience on that day. The weather is so hot that I think I can make some ice cream to eat."

Last year, when Adam's store was formed, the weather had turned cold. When it turned hot again, it was the review period before the exam. Adam had never thought of selling ice cream until he ate ice cream in Diagon Alley during the holiday.

After the twins left, Adam thought that the next journey would return to normal.

"Have you, the British wizarding world... started to study flying cars?"

Uther looked out the window, his expression confused and a bit dreamy, with a beauty that was questioning whether he had woken up.

Adam, who was playing with a cat toy with candy on the top and a toy, was stunned when he heard this. He turned his head and looked out the window. What caught his eye was a Ford car outside the window - or to be more precise, in the air outside the window - wobbling and barely keeping the same direction as the express train.

"Wow - this is so cool!"

Bernard's eyes lit up:

"Why doesn't Diagon Alley sell flying cars?"

"I think that kind of thing is probably not for sale... because it is probably illegal."

Eugene said silently.

There were two people in the same dormitory who had just come into contact with the wizarding world. One was Edwin.and others, the other one likes to play and doesn't know much about the law. Eugene is the one who knows the laws of the wizarding world the best among the five people.


Cologne leaned against the window and stared carefully for a while:

"Am I seeing it wrong? It seems that the person in the car is Harry Potter? Who is the other one? It's blocked and I can't see clearly!"

Uther frowned:

"Your savior really brings some surprises to everyone every year."

"I think he is probably not attracting attention."

Eugene shook his head:

"Look at his expression, it doesn't look like the excitement of successfully attracting attention, but more like fear."

Adam did not participate in the discussion. Seeing this scene, he remembered some details that he had forgotten - there was no way, he couldn't remember everything after so many years - there seemed to be a lively scene to watch tomorrow morning.

"Just now you said that thing was illegal, right? Will they be expelled?"

Bernard looked at Eugene.

Eugene narrowed his eyes at the flying Ford outside the window.

He recalled the last school year, the trolls on Halloween, the evil curses in the Quidditch game, and the inexplicable extra points Harry and his friends got at the end-of-year party...

A series of abnormalities added together seemed to foreshadow something.

Eugene spoke slowly:

"I think... probably not."

As Eugene said, they did not receive the news that Harry Potter was expelled, and the absence of the Sorting Ceremony made everyone who was paying attention to this matter know that the other person in the Flying Ford with Harry was Ron.

"Ronald Weasley--!!!"

Mrs. Molly's voice, amplified a hundred times, rang in the hall.

Well, everyone who is not paying attention to this matter should know it now.

It was obviously the movement from Gryffindor, but the exaggerated sound of the Howler still shook the tableware on the Hufflepuff long table.

"...What is that?"

Bernard was shocked when he saw this kind of scene for the first time. Is this some kind of wizard version of a stun bomb?

"Howler, the effect is as you can see..."

Cologne wiped his hands and turned to look at the Gryffindor table with interest.

Although the half-eaten baked potato fell into the cream of mushroom soup, this little thing was obviously not worth mentioning compared to the rare excitement of the Howler.

Although he was not very interested in the breakfast at Hogwarts, Adam, who came to join in the fun because he remembered this, also looked over.

The content of the Howler continued, and under the gaze of almost everyone in the hall, Ron - poor Ronald Weasley himself - buried his face deeply in the plate in front of him.

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