When the Sorting Hat sounded, the entire hall fell silent.

Then, warm cheers sounded from the long table of Ravenclaw.

"We actually got Shafiq!!!"

"This is incredible!"

"Wuhu, long live Ravenclaw!"

On the other side, at the long table of Slytherin and Gryffindor, everyone was dumbfounded by the situation. They couldn't figure out why Yaris chose Ravenclaw.

"As a member of the Holy Twenty-eight pure-blood families, he didn't choose to enter Slytherin?"

"This is unbelievable, since it took the Sorting Hat so long to make his choice, he must have had a chance to come up with his own ideas!"

"Is there any particularly famous person from Ravenclaw House? I can't seem to remember it for a moment......"

"Professor Flitwick is from Ravenclaw, why don't you talk to him about this?"


As discussions spread, the entire auditorium became buzzing again.

After Yaris sat down on the long table in Ravenclaw, his eyes naturally looked at the professor's seat.

There, several people were looking at him.

Professor McGonagall's expression was a little complicated, and there was a trace of inexplicable anxiety in her eyes.

Yaris didn't know what she was worried about!

At this time, he suddenly remembered that he had not yet received an answer to the question he had asked Professor McGonagall about the nature of magic.

It's been a month, she should already have the answer, right?

Thinking about it, Aris decided immediately.

Before the dinner ends, be sure to find an opportunity to ask Professor McGonagall again!

When Aris looked at the seat to the right of Professor McGonagall, which was the center of the entire professor's seat, an old wizard with long silver-white hair and a beard was sitting there.

He wore half-moon-shaped glasses over his blue eyes. The lenses shone brightly under the light. His face always had an air of being in control, and his gaze when looking at people had a penetrating look. strength.

The moment he saw the old man, a name flashed in Yaris' mind.

Albus Dumbledore!

As if aware of the boy's gaze, the old wizard gently raised the wine glass in his hand towards the boy, smiling like a kind grandfather.

At this moment, Aris's heart beat slightly involuntarily.

Because, when Dumbledore's eyes looked over, Aris really felt a thrill all over his body, as if everything had been seen through, and there were no secrets left.

"It's Legilimency!"

Aris murmured softly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

It seems that it is necessary to extend the time of practicing Occlumency!

He does not want to have no secrets in front of Dumbledore in the future.

Although there are Some tricks can temporarily interfere with the effect of Legilimency, such as keeping your mind highly focused and thinking about the information you want the other party to know. That way

, the other party will naturally not be able to accurately detect more information about you.

It's just the most basic way to fight against Legilimency!

If you really want to fight against Legilimency, you must become a truly powerful Occlumency Master!

For the past month, Aris has been studying Occlumency. But that ability is not achieved overnight, it requires constant practice, and Aris is not willing to let others explore the secrets in his mind.

Therefore, his Occlumency has never made much progress! It was too buggy to be able to use Legilimency anywhere with just a look.

This forced Yaris to devote more energy to the study of Legilimency.

In the end, Yaris still felt that he was still a professor. There was a strange look in his eyes.

That look belonged to Professor Quirrell.

For some reason, Yaris had a strange feeling every time he saw Quirrell's eyes.

It was a kind of unwarranted malice..

Yaris can feel that Quirrell must be thinking of doing something bad at this time, and the bad thing may be directed at him!

"Could it be that this is a manifestation of the gift of prophecy?"

Aris glanced thoughtfully at the professor who looked a little submissive, and finally shook his head slightly.

Whether it was Quirrell or Voldemort, with their current strength, they did not pose a great threat to Aris..

And he believes that in a few months, this gap will only get smaller and smaller.

"Next, we turn our time over to Principal Dumbledore!"

After that, basically no one paid attention to the few remaining little wizards in the branch.

Everyone was discussing Aris, or Harry Potter.

Until Professor McGonagall returned to the professor's chair and gently knocked on the Knocking on the wine glass.

The clear voice spread throughout the entire auditorium as if by magic.

Then, Dumbledore stood up, cleared his throat, and the rich and old voice immediately echoed throughout the auditorium:

"Now, what I want to say is: idiot! Cry! Residue! screw!"

As the silver-haired old wizard's voice fell, the entire auditorium suddenly burst into warm cheers.

At the same time, the four long tables also transformed into food in an instant.

The rich fragrance soon spread to the entire auditorium.

"The dinner party now officially begins!"

The little wizards who were already hungry were naturally not polite, and they all started to eat.

On the Gryffindor long table, Hermione looked at Aris's back not far away with some annoyance, frowning slightly. At this time, she was still thinking, why didn't the Sorting Hat sort her into Ravenclaw?...

Maybe he will be assigned to Ravenclaw!

In that case, he could at least know exactly how far Yaris has grown, and he could also communicate with him more about study problems in normal times, but now......

He looked at Ron and Harry, whose mouths were already full of food, and felt tired.

These two living treasures look silly, and they are so different from Aris!

If this continues, the gap between her and Aris will only grow wider.

That is something she will never allow to happen!

On the other side, Yaris, who had just eaten something, turned to look at a certain Asian little witch he had just met beside him,"Qiu Zhang, can I ask you a question?"

His face was delicate and his face was a little red. The beeping little witch quickly swallowed what was in her mouth, and then nodded:"Of course!"

"That's it, I'm thinking......"Yaris glanced at Professor McGonagall and said hesitantly:"If I ask Professor McGonagall some questions now, will she think I'm rude?"

"ah? The little Asian witch was stunned for a moment, and then said in a funny voice:"Of course not. As long as there is nothing particularly urgent, professors are usually happy to answer students' questions!""

"I can rest assured that!" Yaris smiled and nodded.

Then, he stood up and walked towards the professor's chair.

"Wait, what do you want to know? Maybe I can tell you?"Qiu Zhang looked at Aris's handsome face and long silver hair, and subconsciously stopped the boy again.

"Well, with all due respect, Professor McGonagall said that this question is a bit difficult and is not something we should study at our age, so I think there is a high probability that you will not know the answer!"

"But I promise, if I find out the answer from Professor McGonagall, I will tell you!"

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