Andy stayed outside the castle until late that night.

He came back empty-handed and no one knew what he had done.

Harry and the others waited in the foyer of the castle until midnight, but there was no sign of Andy coming back, so they had no choice but to go back to the common room to sleep.

The next day, Harry and the others found Andy specifically and asked,"What happened last night? Why didn't the three of us wait for a long time to see you and you didn't come back?"

Andy was surprised.

He has a reflection of the sky, can turn into running water to hide himself, and also knows the two secret passages to and from Hogsmeade that the Weasley twins told him. Can this be discovered by Harry and the others?

With these means at his disposal, there was no way Andy would be caught for wandering at night.

Harry realized he had asked a stupid question, blushed and asked:"What do you want to say when I contact Cold?"

Andy:"Hey, Cold won't let me say it, so I decided to keep it a secret."

Hermione said abruptly:"I always feel like It's not a good thing for you two to meet. What conspiracy are you doing?"

Andy:"You already know it's a conspiracy, how can I tell you."

"Damn it!"

Andy asked,"Have you gone to find the house-elf named Winky? What did she say?"

Hermione fought back,"Keep it a secret! I won't tell you!"

Harry said anxiously,"Winky didn't say anything. Even though she was kicked out of the Crouch family, she still felt that she should remain loyal to Crouch."

Hermione got angry when she mentioned this,"This is simply treating house-elves as slaves! They don't care about their rights at all!"

Ron was surprised,"Have you not given up your 'vomiting' yet?"

Influenced by Dobby, the house-elf who fought for his freedom, Hermione announced the establishment of a house-elf rights protection organization a few months ago.

The abbreviation of this organization is spew, which means the same as the word vomit.

Hermione's supporters responded very little. At present, the organization only has her, Harry and Ron as the management.

There is also another Gryffindor student, Neville Longbottom, who was forced to join because he couldn't get away from her.

Hermione said angrily,"That's not vomiting! I don't understand why you just can't realize that house-elves are essentially equal to us, and they also have their own rights!"

Andy:"Because your demands are inconsistent with the public's perception. Hermione, like me, you grew up in a non-magical family. For us, the existence of house-elves goes against our values."

"But for traditional wizarding families, house elves are part of the world from birth and are not a mistake that needs to be corrected."

"The concept of the wizarding world is that house-elves are servants of wizards."

"This is just like the attitude towards pure-blood wizards and half-blood wizards. At the beginning, pure-blood wizards discriminated against half-blood wizards and called them mudbloods. For example, Malfoy was such a person."

"Only when there are enough half-blood wizards and they have a say will the public's views begin to change gradually."

"You want to change all this, but others don't have enough motivation, so you certainly won't get support."

"Let me ask you, there is a celebrity who does not keep pets. He feels that the pet you keep offends his three views and asks you to give up your pet unconditionally without giving you any compensation. Will you pay attention to him?"

Hermione was silent after listening.

Andy's perspective was clearer than hers. She never considered why everyone didn't support her. She just wanted to help the house elves.

In the end, even the house elves didn't want to see her. This has nothing to do with right or wrong.

In the real world, not many people care about right and wrong. Most people have selfish motives, and no one wants to let the house elves who are originally regarded as property escape their family's control.

To support you, you must tie the interests of both parties together.

When the benefits of liberating house elves far exceed the benefits of binding them at home, every wizard will consciously start asking for domestic support without the need for Hermione to preach. The elf has more rights and this is an extremely long process.

Hermione muttered:"I will think about it again, thank you, Andy.……"


In June, Ludo Bagman finally called for the champions of the Triwizard Tournament again, much later than the original time.

At night, the four champions all came to the Quidditch field.

If the field still looked the same when Harry and Cedric were cleaning the stands, it has now completely changed.

In the center of the field, countless low walls made of hedges have been erected, densely packed, crisscrossed, forming a maze.

Ludo Bagman smiled and said,"How about it! In a while, Hagrid will make them twenty feet tall!"

"Sorry, we have temporarily increased the difficulty. Originally you could know the content of the competition a month in advance, but we have decided not to do so now. You only have less than two weeks!"

"A maze? Fleur said in surprise.

Ludo Bagman nodded proudly.

Harry asked:"What are we going to do?" Is this the third project?"

"That's right!" Ludo Bagman said,"You will decide the order of entering according to your previous scores. There will be many tests in the maze. Generally speaking, it involves many aspects, so I can't reveal them one by one."

"The final way to determine the winner is very simple. Whoever finds the Goblet of Fire placed in the maze first will be the champion!"

Hearing that the order was decided based on points, Fleur shrugged at Andy indifferently.

She was at the bottom in points and didn't think she could win at all.

With Andy's speed, she probably won't have time to enter the maze before the official competition starts. Andy Got the Goblet of Fire���

"Okay, that's it. If there are no problems, let's go back to the castle."

Ludo Bagman announced the disbandment.

Krum stopped Andy immediately:"Can you come with me?"

Andy:"What's wrong?"

Krum:"It's about Hermione...Hermione."

Andy suddenly realized that he had not given up yet.

Andy suddenly asked:"Do you have a house-elf at home?"

"Yes, what's wrong? Drew Sr. has been in my family for many years.

Klum was stunned and suddenly asked why? Andy:"After his death, he plans to cut off his head and hang it on the wall of your house?""

This is the tradition of house elves to demonstrate their status and prove that they can continue to serve their masters after death.

This is what many ancient wizarding families, including the Black family, do.

"right. Krum nodded.

"It's okay, let's go."Andy said hello to Harry and Fleur, and left with Krum.

Poor Krum, I guess he will never be able to catch up with Hermione in this life.

Krum somehow took Andy around the Quidditch pitch. , walking towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

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