Madam Pomfrey reappeared at the right time and asked them to leave.

Dumbledore led Andy and Fudge out of the hospital ward and came to the corridor outside, where he introduced the two parties again.

Fudge shook hands with Andy perfunctorily, looked at Dumbledore anxiously, and asked in a low voice:"What's going on?!"

Dumbledore suggested:"Why don't we move to my office? We can sit down and talk slowly."

Fudge said anxiously:"No! I don't want you to hide from me! I want to know the truth now!"

"Everything is in chaos! First Barty disappeared, and now there is an attack by a dark wizard! The victims are two warriors of the Triwizard Tournament!"

"It happened that Barty fell down again at this time. He was the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department! The Bulgarian Ministry of Magic has sent a letter to ask, and I don’t even know how to reply to those Bulgarians!"

"I had to ask his personal assistant, that guy Weatherby, to handle this.……"

Andy corrected:"That's Weasley"

"Yeah? whatever. Fudge kept chattering:"Albus, and listen to what crazy things you are talking about, you actually told me that you met Peter Pedro.""

"He is already dead! All have been dead for more than ten years!"

Dumbledore:"I'm afraid that's not the case, Cornelius, you will have the evidence, because we have found the body of Peter Pedroe."

Fudge looked at Dumbledore in disbelief, as if he was looking at a madman. He still couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry, Cornelius, you will see him soon." Dumbledore smiled indifferently,"As for the specific details, I'm afraid you have to ask Andy, I just arrived later."

Fudge had to look at Andy and squeezed out an ugly smile:"Hello, Andy, I have heard of your name a long time ago."

"You have fought off dark wizards more than once, right?"

Once was during the World Cup final, and once was now.

Fudge didn't want to mention these two things. Andy's success represented the failure of the Ministry of Magic.

Under his instructions, the Ministry of Magic would be even less likely to publicize this incident as a positive example.

Fudge:"What's going on, Andy? You're not going to tell me that you met Peter Pedrillu, are you?"

"of course not." Andy said.

Fudge breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Dumbledore proudly.

Andy added:"Because I have never seen what the Peter you are talking about looks like before, and I have no way of judging his identity."

"All I saw was a dark wizard trying to control Mr. Crouch with the Imperius Curse, who tried to attack me and was accidentally killed by his companion's spell."

"During the battle, I did hear his companions call him Peter, but there are so many people named Peter, who knows?"

"He was short and fat, with a bulging face, a slightly bald head, and looked like a mouse. He was also missing a finger on his right hand.……"

As Andy spoke, Fudge's face became worse and worse, until Andy said that a finger was missing, and he suddenly shouted

"stop!! Andy stopped with a smile, paused, and said,"I can go on and on, and I can also testify in court."

Fudge shouted:"This is impossible!" You saw it wrong, you must have seen it wrong!

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, thought for a moment, showed a flattering smile, and patted Andy on the shoulder:"Andy, you must be kidding me, right?"

Andy:"I just told the truth what I saw.""

Dumbledore:"Cornelly, come with me, go to my office, and you will see the truth with your own eyes.

Fudge's face showed a look of fear:"No!" I dont go! I don’t want to see the so-called evidence of your pretense."

"This must be false, it is impossible for Peter to come back from the dead and then die again!"

Dumbledore advised:"Cornelly, sometimes you have to face reality."

Fudge:"The reality is that Peter is dead! How many times do you need me to say this!"

""That's enough! I shouldn't have come tonight!"

After saying that, Fudge walked away without saying anything, his speed was not proportional to his size.

Dumbledore and Andy did not chase him, but stood there tacitly, watching Fudge leave the corridor quietly.

After a long time, Dumbledore said:"Peter was a good friend of Sirius and others. Later, some things happened, which led to Peter betraying Harry's parents in the end."

"Sirius chased him into a street, and the two fought. Peter died with only one finger left, and the entire street was blown up."

"Afterwards, Peter was awarded the Order of Merlin by the Ministry of Magic. Did he tell you these things before he died?"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and looked at Andy."Go on, make it up."

Andy nodded calmly:"I gave a general idea. He also demonstrated that he was an illegal Animagus and could turn into a mouse."

Anyway, Peter is the one to take the blame, so what?

Dumbledore pretended to be surprised:"Then it explains why he was able to escape."

Andy:"Maybe we should have kept the minister here just now?"

Dumbledore:"Everyone has something they care about. Cornelius is unwilling to face the facts, and I don't want to force him."

"But if he does this, it will undoubtedly make our situation more difficult.

Andy asked:"Was Peter recognized as a hero and received the badge of Sir Merlin during his tenure?"

Dumbledore shook his head:"No, but as the current Minister of Magic, he will definitely be affected."

Andy:"How many years will the Minister of Magic serve?""

He really doesn't know.

Dumbledore:"The longest is seven years. Connelly has already begun to prepare for the next election. He hopes that he can be re-elected."

Andy nodded and understood.

From the conversation between Fudge and Dumbledore just now, we can see that Fudge has a somewhat weak character. When faced with a crisis, he will habitually seek support from stronger people, such as Dumbledore, or someone better than him. Crouch is more capable.

Such a person can get Dumbledore's support when he first takes office, and his nature is definitely not bad.

But as the saying goes, power is the best medicine, and Fudge has now become a standard. Politicians.

Anyone who prevents him from being re-elected as Minister of Magic is his enemy.

Even Dumbledore was no exception.

When Fudge first came to power, he would never dare to reject Dumbledore like this.

, said:"I want to go to the Owlery.

Dumbledore meant something:"Such a big thing has happened, and you really should send a letter to the people who care about you."

Andy nodded:"That's right.""

Dumbledore:"After you finish sending the letter, come to my office to meet up. Peter's body has not been disposed of yet."

"The password to the principal's office is: Extra Chocolate Frog.

Andy couldn't complain.

It is said that Dumbledore likes to use snacks as passwords, but this password is too unique.

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