Andy followed Dumbledore and put his head into the Pensieve.

The world around them suddenly began to spin and turned gray.

The scene changed, and Andy and Dumbledore felt dizzy, and then found themselves in a completely unfamiliar gray-white space.

Many gray-black lines fell from the sky. Their trajectories were not straight lines, but like ink immersed in water, they fell from the sides of the two people.

As soon as the lines fell to the ground, they began to change rapidly, dyeing the surrounding environment with color, constructing marble tiles, chandeliers, elegant staircases and paintings on the walls.

Finally, many figures appeared out of thin air.

Andy looked around. They were in Hogwarts, but it was the old Hogwarts.

Because Andy also saw Professor McGonagall in the crowd.

Her hair was not completely gray, and her face looked younger.

"They can't see us or hear us talking, this is just a memory of mine."

Dumbledore said beside Andy.

The two stood in the corridor, watching the students coming and going, passing straight through their bodies.

In the shadow of a corner of the corridor, Andy saw Dumbledore at that time.

He stood quietly at the corner, without making a sound, silently looking at the other end of the corridor.

Andy:"When is this?"

Dumbledore:"1976, if I remember correctly, the person we are waiting for will show up soon."

As he spoke, a group of people rushed over from the other side of the corridor. They were all wearing the school uniform representing Gryffindor College.

In the middle of the lively crowd, a handsome boy was held high. He had black curly hair and was holding a golden snitch in his hand.

"Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Gryffindor!"

"Potter! Potter! Potter!"

Everyone kept cheering for the boy who was lifted up and successfully caught the Golden Snitch. Gryffindor finally defeated Slytherin in this way. Everyone was very excited.

Even Professor McGonagall Likewise, when the crowd passed by, she clapped excitedly and applauded the boy who caught the Golden Snitch.

Dumbledore introduced Andy:"James Potter, Harry's father, he is known as Harry. The best Seeker before Leigh, he was a man of the hour in the castle and the president of the student council."

Andy looked at James Potter's face carefully. The two father and son looked very similar, but James looked more confident than Harry.

Next to James, there were two people following him closely.

One of them The man with black hair, handsome face and arrogant expression was constantly cheering, beckoning the person holding James to lift him higher.

With his encouragement, James was thrown up high.

He has a mature appearance, deep wrinkles on his face, and wears a badge representing a prefect on his chest.

Contrary to others, he has been nervously trying to appeal to everyone to put James down, but his eyes reveal that he is just. He had to do this because of his status as a prefect, but he was actually as excited as the people around him.

Dumbledore:"You have already met Sirius. He and James were best friends, and they became Harry after Harry was born. Godfather of Leigh"

"The other person was Remus Lupin, who was also the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at the castle last year. Unfortunately, I ended up having to fire him because it was revealed to the public that he was a werewolf."

"Parents are worried that Professor Lupin will hurt their children, but I can assure you that he is a very good person."

"The three of them were inseparable from Peter and were very close friends.……"

Following Dumbledore's words, Andy turned his gaze to the back of the crowd.

As expected, he saw a timid figure with a forced smile in the back.

Young Peter followed behind the three of them, cheering with the crowd, with a very reluctant expression.

He tried desperately to stand next to James, but because of his short stature, he simply couldn't do it.

Peter was squeezed by the crowd and could hardly maintain his balance.

Finally, just when he was about to touch James' shoulder, he was accidentally bumped by the person next to him.

Peter screamed and fell to the ground.

This was just a small episode. No one noticed that he seemed to be missing. Led by Sirius, everyone surrounded James and continued to move forward.

Peter sat on the floor, staring at the scene in a daze.

When the crowd turned the corner of the corridor in front, he suddenly woke up, got up from the ground, and ran after the crowd in panic.

"Wait for me!"

Andy and Dumbledore witnessed the whole scene.

A small fragment, full of information.

Although Andy has not experienced it personally, he can also see from their attitude towards Peter that Peter's presence among the four people The feeling was the weakest.

No one cared about him, and no one paid attention to him.

He wanted to celebrate with his friends, but his friends didn't care about him at all.

He had no intention of defending Peter. There is something hateful about those who are pitiable.

The same goes for those who are pitiable. It can only be said that none of Peter's three friends are bad.

He is the president of the student union and the hero of the team, and attracts much attention. Sirius is talented, wealthy, and very popular. You can tell from his face that he is very popular with girls , although Lupine is slightly less popular than the other two.

, but he has a stable character, excellent grades, and became a prefect.

At the same time, Lupine is also the core and stabilizer of their small group. It is because of Luping that the four of them decided to study together. The opportunity for Animagus is to cover up the fact that Lupine can transform into a werewolf so that he can accompany him to the Shrieking Shack.

When a group has a common goal and works hard for it, it often ignores the hidden inaccuracies. Stabilizing factors.

For example, Peter has been neglected for a long time, his psychology has gradually become distorted, and other problems.

After they graduate, the purpose of bringing them together disappears, and only the friendship between them remains.

��The problem that he was not on an equal footing with the three of them was truly exposed. It happened to be the time when Voldemort was at his peak. It was not surprising that Peter's mentality collapsed in such a high-pressure environment where he was always threatened.

People like Peter are accustomed to following the strong.

For him in his student days, James, Sirius and Lupin were strong.

They were more popular, more confident, and allowed Peter to stay by their side.

But compared with them, Voldemort, who rose later, became a strong man, so Peter chose to follow his inner decision.

That is the so-called following the heart.

Andy and Peter have fought each other. Objectively speaking, Peter is a wizard with good strength.

His spells are powerful, and self-taught Animagus also shows that he has a high talent for Transfiguration.

Unfortunately, because of Peter's personality, it eventually led to a complete tragedy.

Dumbledore sighed:"We had already discovered that Peter's mentality was gradually becoming unbalanced, but we didn't expect that he would do that in the end."

Andy:"This is not your responsibility."

Dumbledore shook his head:"I have overlooked many things, but this one makes me regret it."

Andy:"Why do you people like to flatter yourself so much? Do you think you are the savior? Whoever you want to live can live."

"If there is no Peter, there will be another. If there is another place, some things will happen and you can’t stop them."

"In the final analysis, the death of Harry's parents must have been directly caused by Peter, but the past is in the past, and you can't live with it even if you regret it."

Dumbledore laughed dumbly and didn't care about Andy's rude attitude:"You're right."

Looking at Peter's back as he hurriedly chased him one last time, Dumbledore waved his hand, and the surrounding scene instantly froze.

"Let's go to the next place."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, the Hogwarts they were in began to collapse, turning into gray and black lines again, and then intertwined to form a new scene.

This was a dense forest, and there were two people standing in the forest. One is Dumbledore, and the other is Sirius.

Sirius's clothes are not much different from when Andy first met him, which is in stark contrast to his appearance at school.

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