Voldemort's voice echoed in the cemetery:"Welcome, Death Eaters……"

"Thirteen years have passed since our last gathering."

"During these thirteen years, I couldn't even believe what kind of life I had lived. I was stripped of my body and became a remnant soul, but I was still alive, because I had gone further on the road to immortality than anyone else, just as I promised.……"

"And none of you, my dear friends, ever tried to find me……"

Hearing this, the circle of Death Eaters trembled, as if everyone wanted to retreat, but did not dare to move.

"interesting! Voldemort chuckled,"I smell a stink called guilt in the air.""

He stepped up to Harry and touched the lightning scar on Harry's forehead with his hand. Harry immediately turned pale in pain and almost wanted to scream.

Voldemort stepped back again and looked at Harry lazily. Said:"I know why you are afraid. You all think that this boy is my invincible enemy.""

"After all, his mother's magic protected him very well, and I completely miscalculated. Do you really think so? Avery?"

A Death Eater who was named suddenly fell to the ground, crawled at Voldemort's feet, and screamed tremblingly:"Master! Please forgive us!"

Voldemort sneered and raised his wand to him:"Crucio!"

The Death Eater named Avery screamed in pain and twisted wildly on the ground. Voldemort���The magic tortured him for a while before it stopped.

He gasped in pain, and Voldemort's wand was slightly raised. He did not dare to delay any longer, and quickly stood up tremblingly.

Voldemort put away his wand with satisfaction and continued to look at the Death Eaters around him and said:"The Lestranges should have been standing here, but they chose to remain loyal to me and were imprisoned in Azkaban."

"We are still missing a lot of companions, Wormtail and Lucius have already told me about this. He began to walk around in a circle, stopping in front of some of them and naming them.

Harry heard many names, some he had never heard of before, and some that were new to him.

MacNeill, the Executioner of the Ministry of Magic, He had been sent to Hogwarts to execute Buckbeak last term, and Harry had seen him, as well as Crabbe and Goyle, the fathers of Crabbe and Goyle at Hogwarts, who were equally large. , it was hard to ignore.

Harry also heard many unexpected names.

Voldemort named a small number of them, and finally said:"There are five less Death Eaters here...three died for me. It has been determined that if one of them does not have the guts to come back, he will definitely pay the price for it."

"The other one must have completely abandoned me and is unwilling to show up.……"

"And of course, there is one of my most loyal servants, who has done almost everything for me and has just returned to me via the portkey.……"

Suddenly, Voldemort was stunned. He counted and found something wrong.

Three dead, one ran away, one betrayer, and one unconscious little Barty.

Why did the total equal five?

Through what Peter and Lucius said before, Voldemort knew the total number of Death Eaters who were still free. When he said it, he subconsciously subtracted the number of people present from the total number, and the result was five.

Even the other Death Eaters noticed this slip of the tongue. They looked at each other and exchanged glances.

Remind the Dark Lord?

Are you crazy? If you want to die, don't drag me with you.

Voldemort was offline for a while and realized that something was wrong. No, it was not because he counted wrong, but because there was one more person!

He turned around quickly, his eyes locked directly on one of the Death Eaters in the circle, and said sternly:"Who are you?!"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of water waves emerged from the ground out of thin air, and quickly formed a sphere, enveloping Voldemort from all directions.

Voldemort subconsciously used his wand to block in front of him to avoid the vital points, but he didn't expect that the attack was not an offensive magic, but an extremely fast water prison spell.


The next moment, the water balls merged into one and directly imprisoned Voldemort!

Andy opened his hood and used the water prison spell to lock Voldemort inside. He couldn't help but���Said:"Let me tell you something, you people who engage in black magic really talk nonsense!"

The dark blue water ball formed a round closed space, and inside was the newly resurrected Voldemort himself.

Voldemort's thick murderous aura came out through the water waves, making people frightened.

He was trapped in the water balloon and turned into a dark, squirming shadow, and his face could not even be seen clearly.

But Andy's hand movement didn't stop. The next moment, he clicked the wand and shot out a ray of white light, hitting the water ball formed by the water prison spell.

There was a crackling sound, and the white frost instantly froze the entire water ball into a huge round ice cube.

Freezing spell!


"Stop him!"

The sudden change occurred, and the Death Eaters reacted at this moment. Many of them were startled and quickly backed away.

They had a ghost in their hearts. When encountering a surprise attack, their first reaction was to subconsciously protect themselves.

Of course, some of them had already become Frightened, thinking that the Ministry of Magic was coming, they hurriedly fled to the side.

Among the people present, only Lucius Malfoy in the distance and Harry, who was surrounded in the middle, stared closely at Andy and screamed in shock.

"It's you!"


Yingtianzuo, elemental combat skills, water fantasy wish!"

【Fantasy wish in water: Gathering water splashes to form a shadow of fate, continuously taunting surrounding enemies, attracting firepower]

Andy no longer hides his secrets, takes a few steps forward, raises his left hand, and summons a pool of water splashes in front of the ice ball that traps Voldemort. A flat shadow is formed.

Just like a three-dimensional projection, once the virtual shadow appears, it turns into a flat���The image of a big-headed wizard wearing a pointed hat.

The face of the big-headed phantom was the same as Andy's, expressionless. He stretched out his hands in front of him, clenched his fists, pressed down four fingers, and only raised the middle finger.

No matter which direction you look from, you will be pointed at by the phantom's middle finger.

360-degree no dead angle all-round contempt for everyone.

Along with the phantom, there was also a splash of water covering the entire venue.


The watermark hit the faces of the Death Eaters around. They instinctively avoided it, but found that it was just a splash of water.

The damage was not high, but it was extremely insulting!

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