With the combination of Andy and Dumbledore, Voldemort fell into a disadvantage he had never expected.

Dumbledore's flames isolated him from the other Death Eaters, leaving him without any support.

And every time, when he tried to use other magic to solve this situation, he would be targeted by Andy's Frost Flower Arrow and then interrupted.

Andy's ice arrows always come out from all kinds of strange angles. They are so powerful that they are difficult to guard against.

Voldemort had no choice but to ignore it, because Andy's ice arrows were very powerful and could really cause harm to Voldemort.

In this state, Andy has nothing to focus on and only needs to concentrate on output.

Anyway, Dumbledore will hold up if the sky falls.

Voldemort had no way of winning against Dumbledore alone, and now with Andy... the feeling given to Voldemort cannot be said to be very uncomfortable, it can only be said to be as disgusting as eating a dung bomb.


Voldemort's roar filled the sky. He waved his wand angrily and kept using magic to vent his inner frustration.

However, Dumbledore calmly blocked every one of his spells and gradually moved forward. Voldemort was quickly suppressed.

The magic of the two collided fiercely in the air, bursting out with dazzling light.

In the presence of Andy, the two chose to fight with straight spells, occasionally mixed with transformation. Auxiliary.

This kind of battle is the most direct, and it also tests the wizard's own strength.

Voldemort occasionally casts a death curse, but there is no way to accurately hit Dumbledore

, but he can dodge it with speed. Object blocking.

Dumbledore is extremely experienced in dealing with the Death Curse. In a head-to-head confrontation, the possibility of the Death Curse directly hitting Dumbledore is slim. Since Dumbledore still stood on his shoulder.

After Lido decided to take action, the phoenix Fox had been standing on Dumbledore's shoulder, with a natural expression, and its eyes were firmly locked on Voldemort.

It was connected to Dumbledore's mind, and any abnormality in Voldemort would be detected in time, despite Voldemort's magic. The power was astonishing, but Dumbledore always had the upper hand.

Voldemort had to divert part of his attention to guard against the ice arrows that Andy might shoot at any time, which made it even more difficult for him to resist Dumbledore's offensive.

"Are you really going to kill me!? Where is the self-proclaimed righteous Dumbledore? The greatest white wizard really doesn't mind getting his hands on my blood?"

Voldemort roared.

Dumbledore responded coldly:"Don't doubt it, I'm here to kill you, Tom. Letting you go is the biggest mistake of my life."

With a loud bang, the huge metal shield in front of Voldemort was completely shattered by the next spell cast by Dumbledore.

Voldemort's body retreated backwards under the impact of the spell.

He seemed to have lost his center of gravity. At the last moment, he lightly tapped his wand, and his body floated up lightly, landing on a gentle slope behind him, almost touching the edge of the fire wall.

Seeing this, Andy shot out a Frost Arrow that had been fully charged without hesitation. A fierce white light burst out and went straight to Voldemort.

At the same time, Dumbledore also commanded a small part of the fire wall to be separated, turning into several flaming birds, whistling and attacking Voldemort.

One in front and one behind, Voldemort seemed to be in a dead end!

However, Voldemort unexpectedly took a step forward, and his wand drew an arc, as if the Death Eaters had just arrived. Just like when he was at the scene, he circled in the opposite direction above his head.

The air behind him suddenly exploded with a deafening explosion, as if something exploded in an instant.

Then, an invisible force quickly spread in the air, forming a transparent wave vibration, like ripples on the water.

This force spread rapidly, and a hole was opened in the fire wall in an instant.

The continuous vibrations were transmitted, triggering a series of serial explosions in the air.

At this moment, the Frost Arrow shot by Andy arrived as expected.

The white light whizzed past like lightning, with a fierce attack, it would undoubtedly pierce Voldemort.

Voldemort sneered, and his figure flashed, and he instantly appeared between Andy and Dumbledore.

What a fast speed!

Andy was surprised, the anti-Apparition spell was lifted?!

""Avada Kedavra!"

Voldemort aimed his wand at Andy, who was close at hand, and roared as he cast the most powerful spell of the day.

In a hurry, Andy's body broke apart and turned into flowing water and fell to the ground.

How could Andy not be on guard against Voldemort's move?

The phoenix Fawkes also moved at the same time. It instantly flashed in the air in front of Andy, opened its mouth, and swallowed the killing curse.

After swallowing the green light, Fawkes' body was enveloped by flames, shrank instantly, and fell to the ground as a ball of ash.

In the ashes, a red chick struggled to stand up.

The phoenix is immortal and can be reborn from the fire.

This is Dumbledore's life-saving trump card. Although there was no prior communication, he used it on Andy without hesitation.

In a flash, Voldemort grinned and cast the long-planned second spell, heading straight for the unconscious Harry!

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