Andy and Qiu Zhang moved forward quickly and found their tents based on their memories.

The dark wizards led by Lucius Malfoy did not have time to destroy this area.

There were not many people in the camp at this time, and most people were still staying around the stadium.

Riots in this area started quickly, but were suppressed even faster.

Lucius Malfoy and the others were unlucky enough to meet Andy.

Without Andy, according to the original plot, Lucius Malfoy and the others would gradually expand the riot and spread it to all other camps.

Now that Lucius Malfoy has been beaten away, I wonder if he will continue to act.

There are definitely more than four or five dark wizards.

In the distance, there are several groups of dark wizards planning operations together.

But now, at least Andy and Qiu Zhang are safe.

Andy made no attempt to catch up with the other dark wizards.

This is a matter for the Ministry of Magic, and Andy just wants to be responsible for ensuring his and Cho Chang's safety.

Judging from the actions of Mr. Diggory and the others, the reaction of the Ministry of Magic personnel was quite fast.

It’s just that the space around the stadium is too big.

Dark wizards are wreaking havoc everywhere, and the Ministry of Magic doesn't have enough manpower to control them.

After making an agreement with Qiu Zhang to pack up in the tent and prepare to leave at any time, Andy had time to sort out what he had just gained.

He returned to his tent and began to think carefully.

Along with the new Eye of God, there is also a lot of information related to other disciplines.

This knowledge made Andy even more excited.

Like Lisa's Eye of God, Sugar's Eye of Flask has many abilities that are common in the magic world.

Such as basic alchemy and potion knowledge.

Andy looked around and found that in his opinion, all the natural elements around him also contained a lot of alchemical materials.

This perspective was something he didn't have before.

Sugar itself is an alchemist.

Although some of this knowledge will be covered by Lisa's Eye of God, Lisa's Eye of God brings Andy more of a comprehensive understanding of magic.

The Eye of God has no entity, and what it brings to Andy is only part of the ability of the original user.

Since there is only a part, it is impossible to completely copy the original user's abilities.

When it comes to alchemy, as the alchemist's sugar, her God's Eye Flask brings more growth to Andy.

Obtaining a new Eye of God also means a guarantee of safety for Andy.

After thinking for a while, Andy switched to the ability of the hourglass seat again, and his thoughts suddenly changed.

After the battle just now, he hadn't had time to check the status of the Eye of God.

【[Cang Lei]

A little purple lightning appeared in the palm of his hand, vaguely gathering into a ball.

Andy quickly stopped the magic.

【Rose's Thunder]

Immediately afterwards, Andy tried to summon the more powerful and autonomously locked thunder and lightning again.

As a result, there was no response from the surroundings.

Andy looked at the two icons representing skills in the lower right corner of his field of vision.

The icon of Rose Thunder Light has become dim at this time, obviously it has fallen into cooling down

"System, how long does it take for skills to cool down?"

【It depends on the situation. In a situation like the one just now, it will take about a day before you can use the corresponding elemental burst of the Eye of God again.】

【The more powers you activate, the longer the cooldown time】

【Warm reminder, switching the Eye of God to the background will not reduce the skill cooldown time.

It actually takes a day.

Andy was secretly shocked. It seems that he must keep at least one Eye of God available at any time.

Ordinary elemental skills are okay for dealing with ordinary black wizards, but they will be a little weak when encountering other powerful wizards.

The elemental burst of [Lightning of Rose] is much stronger in both power and damage range than the elemental skill [Lightning].

He didn't want to find that all his Eyes of God were in a cooldown state when he was about to fight. That would be embarrassing.

Andy walked out of the tent and packed up the tent and luggage with Qiu Zhang.

Qiu Zhang always carried the basketball as a door key.

If this door key was lost, they would have to fight with others for another door key.

It was getting darker and darker, and the chaotic fire in the distance became more and more conspicuous.

The fire dyed the sky red, and Andy and Qiu Zhang could clearly hear the crying coming from afar.

Qiu Zhang was a little nervous:"What's going on?"

Andy said:"A small group of people can't sit still, they want to scare everyone."

Qiu Zhang asked:"Will it last long?"

"No, but what happened just now was just a rehearsal."Andy said,"The real climax hasn't come yet, we have to change place."

Andy took Qiu Zhang away from the original camping site and came to a remote hillside nearby.

The view here is wide, and anyone who tries to approach can be observed at any time.

But with Andy's magic just now as a prelude, I believe that as long as the dark wizards are not crazy, they will not come to harass them.

Andy was just in case.

He and Qiu Zhang set up the tent again, let Qiu Zhang go in to rest, and he was responsible for keeping watch outside.

Who knows who will try to fish in troubled waters.

After waiting quietly for a while, Andy saw a huge green skull appear in the dark night sky in the distance, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

That is the Dark Mark, which has not appeared in this land for nearly ten years.

During the period when Voldemort was rampant, every time the Dark Mark appeared, it meant that someone had lost their life.

Now, its appearance is of great significance to everyone. It will arouse the deepest fear in their hearts.

Even the dark wizards represented by Lucius Malfoy don't want to see it.

Because these dark wizards who caused the riots have now left their original identities as Death Eaters.

They gathered to make trouble just to vent their dissatisfaction.

They really don't have the courage to return to Voldemort.

Those Death Eaters who are truly loyal to Voldemort are either in Azkaban or buried in the ground.

Witnessing the appearance of the Dark Mark with their own eyes made many people even more terrified.

Every camp began to become more chaotic.

People were crying, making noise, and even trampling.

But Andy knew that this would also be the final climax.

From now on, the Ministry of Magic will regain control of the situation, even if it is quite late.

Andy said nothing, got into the tent, and slept peacefully.

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