Moody and the others looked at Andy in shock.

Moody was surprised that he felt his magic was about to succeed, but it was interrupted at the last moment.

Although he had to use all his strength on Andy, he was still too surprised that Andy could resist his Imperius Curse.

He was just a student?

You know, when he was a Death Eater, he used the Imperius Curse to deal with the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

I didn't expect it to fail on Andy today.

"Oh?" Andy said,"It was indeed difficult to resist this spell, but I did it, Professor."

Moody knew he had spoken out of turn, he coughed twice, and quickly changed his facial expression.

"Look! That's great! Howl did it! He successfully resisted the Imperius Curse"

"I dare say that the rest of you are not even a little shaken by this magic."

"Go on, next one! Come forward!"

Moody waved towards Andy, and Andy returned to his seat calmly.

Qiu Zhang asked:"What does that feel like?���

Andy said,"You will feel that your time has slowed down and your soul has flown out of your body. What did you see us do just now?"

Qiu Zhang thought for a moment and said,"If I hadn't seen Professor Moody use magic on you, I would have thought you were acting in pantomime."

"After he pointed his wand at you, you all stood still. After a while, Professor Moody stepped back and admitted that he had failed.

Andy nodded. His feelings were indeed correct.

In his opinion, the wrestling process with Moody just now lasted at least five minutes.

But in the eyes of others, it was just a short moment.

The next person after Andy was a Ravenclaw girl.

Her name was Ellie. Her seat was closest to Moody and she was called out.

""Soul is leaving the body!" Moody repeated his old trick and shouted at Ellie.

Ellie was stunned for a moment, without any resistance. Then her head dropped and her eyes lost their luster.

Moody used his wand to direct Ellie to walk to the wall at the end of the classroom, do a few high kicks, and then walk back, and then he lifted the magic.

Ellie looked at Moody in confusion. She had no idea what was going on.

She turned her head and saw the expressions of others, then realized that she had just been controlled by the Imperius Curse.

Moody said,"This is the consequence of your lack of concentration. Look at what Howl did. If you really meet a dark wizard, you will be played to pieces!"


Then the next student came forward, and the result was similar to Ellie's. She was instantly controlled by Moody, even though Moody had explained it in advance.

Soon, all the students in the classroom had experienced the Imperius Curse cast by Moody.

Except for Andy, no one else could completely resist Moody's magic.

Only Qiu Zhang could hold on for a few more seconds, but he was soon controlled by the Imperius Curse.

Moody directed Qiu Zhang to say"I hate Quidditch" several times before releasing the control.

Afterwards, Moody demonstrated the last spell, the Kedavra Curse, also known as the Death Curse.

In front of everyone, Moody did not let go of the spider that was used to cast the Imperius Curse just now, and let it crawl on the desk.

When the time was almost right, Moody raised his wand and whispered,"Avada Kedavra."

Unlike what was imagined, a light green light flashed and hit the spider.

There was no special movement. The next second, the spider's body fell directly, losing all breath of life.


Some students in the classroom couldn't help but let out a scream.

Even though it was just a spider that died in front of them.

But witnessing the death of a life in person still makes people feel chilled.

"The death curse means death, no exceptions."Moody said softly,"From ancient times to the present, there is only one person who can resist the death curse, and that is Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived."

"Okay, that’s it for today’s lesson."

After Moody announced that class was over, all the students walked out of the classroom excitedly and discussed the content of the class with their friends.

Moody was the coolest professor they had ever seen, bar none.

"Hall, you stay."Just as Andy followed Qiu Zhang out of the classroom, Moody said.

Andy looked at Moody, did Moody have something to do with him?

It just so happened that he also had something to do with Moody and needed a chance to be alone!

After the experience just now During the process of taking the Soul-Impering Curse, it can be felt that Moody is already a little wary of Andy, because Andy's resistance to the Soul-Tampering Curse is obviously beyond everyone's expectations, plus Andy's reputation, Moody thought. It was difficult not to notice him.

Based on this, Andy came up with a plan.

This plan was a bit risky, but if it succeeded, it would be a big deal if it failed. The whole thing was revealed, and

Andy was not afraid of the fake Moody in Hogwarts.

He could still resist the Imperius Curse. , don't worry about being controlled by Moody as soon as he comes.

Andy wants to find out more from this fake Moody!

The magical power displayed by Moody can be called the most powerful wizard Andy has ever seen..

His skills are proficient, his magic is powerful, and he is perfect in all aspects.

Not only the various spell-casting methods, if possible, Andy also wants to learn the Unforgivable Curse from the current Moody.

The power of God's Eye is very powerful, but it also has limitations.

When the God's Eye is on cooldown, Andy must have enough magic to protect himself.

After all, the best defense is offense.

There is no conflict between the two.

Andy thought for a while , separated from Qiu Zhang for the time being, and returned to Moody.

When all the students around him left the classroom, only he and Andy were left, and Moody said:"You have a strong spirit.

Hall, you are still the first student who can resist my Imperius Curse.

Are you okay? Andy shook his head:"I'm fine, Professor, it's really not easy, but I guess I'm just lucky.

"" Moody said insinuatingly:"They all said you were a genius, but I didn't believe it at first.


"But the scene just now made me believe that before this semester, you didn’t even know you were a wizard, so where did you learn magic from?"

This was an obvious test.

Andy thought about it, then showed an admiring expression and smiled:"In fact, it's because of you, professor!"


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