After the wind spirit disappeared, Cedric lay on the ground, pointing at Andy, his face flushed. He tried to speak, but he started coughing violently again.

Of course he knew Andy was behind it.

After all, he was experienced.

During the Quidditch World Cup, he was still impressed by the scene of Andy controlling lightning.

Cedric coughed for a long time before he pulled Filch, who had been lying on him, away.

Filch was still screaming and dancing in fear.

Although they were not directly attacked by the wind spirit, the incident happened suddenly and they were not prepared at all.

Filch was a squib and was afraid of all the magic he could not use.

This was the first time he had experienced such powerful magic at such a close distance.

Harry next to them was calmer than Filch, but he had no idea what was going on and was still confused.

Andy walked over, helped Filch up, and asked, "Are you okay, Mr. Filch?"

"What happened?" Filch asked in a panic, "What happened?"

Andy said, "Thanks to nature's gift, the stands are now cleaned."

"No, that's not right!" Filch pointed at Andy and said, "It's you! It must be you. The wind started blowing as soon as you finished speaking!"

Andy was dissatisfied: "Don't talk nonsense without evidence. Be careful, I'll sue you for defamation."

"Did you see me do anything? I didn't even take out my wand."

Andy turned to Harry and asked, "Did you see me use magic?"

Harry shook his head in confusion, "No."

Qiu Zhang also said, "That's right, Andy didn't move at all. Why do you say it was him?"

Only Cedric kept looking at Andy. Just as he was about to speak, he was stared at by Qiu Zhang.

Cedric wanted to cry but had no tears. Is there any fairness in this world?

"This... this..." Filch was incoherent and began to doubt his life.

He stood up tremblingly and said, "There must be something fishy here... It's better not to let me find out who did it. It must be the Weasley twins..."

Andy asked, "Can we go now?"

Filch looked at Andy with some horror, and said after a long while, "Get out of my sight!"

Andy asked, "What about her confinement?"

Filch waved his hand in disgust, "Go away, go away, you are lucky."

Andy pulled Qiu Zhang and turned to walk out, and Cedric and Harry were about to leave with them.

Filch pointed at the two of them and vented his anger on them, shouting: "I didn't say you! Clean the stands for me!"

"Damn it! I suggested to Dumbledore a long time ago that you ignorant guys should be taught a bloody lesson! Then no one will dare to break the rules again."

"What kind of magic school is it if you can't hang students from the ceiling with chains?!"

Cedric and Harry each held a broom in their hands, staring at each other, staring at each other, and remained silent for a long time.

On the other side, Andy and Qiu Zhang had already left the Quidditch field.

Walking on the path back to the castle, Qiu Zhang stared at Andy and asked, "What happened just now?"

Andy said, "It was just a little trick."

Qiu Zhang suddenly stopped, looked at Andy and said, "Andy... Thank you, but I don't want you to do too many things for me that you don't need to do."

"I know you have some secrets. No matter what they are, you have just been exposed to magic for a short time. I am very worried that you will..."

Qiu Zhang didn't say the rest of the words, but Andy already understood what she meant.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Andy said softly, "You were locked up for me. It's not reasonable for me to let you clean up all night."

Qiu Zhang wanted to say more, but was stopped by Andy: "This is my talent. I won't get hurt."


Andy spread his left hand and summoned a small wind group from the palm of his hand. Then he flicked his fingers and blew the breeze to Qiu Zhang's face, blowing up Qiu Zhang's bangs.

Qiu Zhang, who was teased, slapped Andy, but seeing that Andy was indeed fine, he did not continue to dwell on this topic.

"Thank you, Qiu."

When Andy demonstrated the power of the Eye of God, he did not hide it from Qiu Zhang, but Qiu Zhang respected Andy very much. If Andy did not want to talk, she would not take the initiative to ask.

This way of getting along made Andy feel very comfortable.

The two chatted and walked slowly back to

In the common room, after saying goodnight to each other, they went back to their rooms.

The next day.

The first ray of sunlight shined through the spire of the castle and onto the long table in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Andy sat in the classroom, staring at the entrance.

The professor of this class was Alastor Moody.

Moody's identity was much more complicated than he seemed.

Because the real Professor Moody was imprisoned in his office by Barty Crouch Jr., a Death Eater disguised as him.

The name Barty Crouch Jr. was well-known in the wizarding world.

He was the son of Barty Crouch, the current director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation. He was better known as a loyal follower of Voldemort.

Fourteen years ago, after Voldemort's fall, Barty Jr. was captured to Azkaban along with other diehard Death Eaters.

Everyone thought he had died there long ago.

But in fact, Barty Jr. was secretly replaced by his mother with the tacit consent of his father Barty Crouch.

Since then, he has been living in the shadow, controlled and monitored by his father with the Imperius Curse.

Barty Crouch could not kill his son personally due to the relationship between father and son.

But he could not let Barty Jr.'s escape affect his career.

So he could only hide Barty Jr. with the invisibility cloak and try not to let him contact the outside world.

Originally, everything was fine.

The incident happened during the Quidditch World Cup.

While Andy and Qiu Zhang were busy avoiding the crowd, Barty Jr., who was at the scene, also took the opportunity to secretly escape from his father's control and regained his freedom.

The Dark Mark that appeared in the sky later was actually released by Barty Jr.

This is why Andy went back to rest at ease after seeing the Dark Mark appear.

Barty Jr. was a diehard fan of Voldemort. The appearance of the Dark Mark he summoned was a threat to everyone, and the riots would soon stop.

After that, under Voldemort's arrangement, Barty Crouch Jr. used Polyjuice Potion, a magical potion that can change a person's appearance, to perfectly disguise himself as Professor Moody.

At the same time, they also controlled Barty Crouch Sr. in turn.

These are Andy's general impressions of Barty Crouch Jr. in his memory.

As for him, Andy has not met him yet.

Andy only knows that Barty Jr. is a very powerful wizard, at least he can make people have no doubt about his identity as Moody.

And he is a filial son.

The kind who kills his own father without mercy.

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