The two consecutive Eyespells failed, which made Harry blush.

Sitting in the stands were his friends, his enemies and all the professors.

Krum and Fleur had already completed their challenges.

If he couldn't do it, he would be embarrassed.

Three times is the limit, Harry turned around and rushed towards the dragon again, holding the Firebolt in one hand and the wand in the other hand, aiming directly at the Chinese Fireball Dragon.

Then, miss!

A flash of light flashed by the dragon's head.

Harry was angry, four times is the limit!

Five times is the limit!

Six times is the limit!


For a moment, on the field, Harry and the Chinese Fireball Dragon formed a tacit combination.

Harry kept circling the dragon, flying from a distance, trying to attack the Chinese Fireball with spells, but all failed.

The Chinese Fireball Dragon was not idle either, and kept spitting out terrifying fireballs to attack Harry.

But the speed of the Firebolt was too fast.

Harry never dared to get too close to the dragon. Whenever a fireball flew over, he could dodge it with a turn in the air.

Everyone just watched Harry circling the dragon in the sky.

He cast eye disease spells frequently, but he just couldn't hit the eyes of the fireball dragon accurately.

The eyes of Cedric and others in the stands gradually sluggish.

Obviously, no one expected this situation to happen.

Neither the man nor the dragon dared to actively approach each other.

Qiu Zhang looked for a while and couldn't hold on any longer: "No, my neck is so sore."

Cedric stubbornly raised his head and chose to hold on.

Then Harry turned in the sky, and Cedric turned his head hurriedly.

With a click, Cedric screamed and fell down, holding his neck.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, and after countless attempts, Harry barely hit the forehead of the Chinese Fireball Dragon with an Eye Spell.

Although it did not have the desired effect, it made the dragon instantly furious.

The little bug in front of him was flying around, annoying the dragon.

It roared, and finally rose from the ground and flew towards Harry in the sky.

Ludo Bagman woke up and shouted excitedly: "Here it comes! His tactics finally succeeded, and the fire dragon was led out of its nest!"

Harry also excitedly sped up his movements.

He kept a distance from the Chinese Fireball Dragon and flew around the field.

Every time a fireball was spit out, Harry changed direction quickly.

The flames almost burned the tail of the Firebolt several times, but fortunately Harry was faster.

Despite this, he did not dare to relax at all.

After dodging fireballs many times, his cloak had been burned with many black spots.

Harry felt a burning pain in his calf, as if it was stung by the flames, but he did not dare to stop to check the injury.

After circling several times, Harry finally caught a gap and took advantage of the Chinese Fireball Dragon changing its flight direction to suddenly descend and fly close to the ground.

Harry rode the Firebolt and whizzed past, narrowly avoiding two large rocks and quickly flew to the center of the venue.

Then, he stretched out his hand without hesitation, grabbed a golden egg steadily, and then turned around, intending to escape before the Fireball Dragon could react.

The Chinese Fireball Dragon noticed Harry's intention, and a trace of anger flashed in its eyes.

Its scales looked even more red under the light of magic, like a charcoal in the flames, bursting out at an unprecedented speed and approaching Harry.

The Chinese Fireball Dragon spread its wings and floated to Harry's side.

It opened its bloody mouth, and a huge ball of fire burst out from it.

Harry was startled and dodged quickly. The ball of fire flew past his shoulder and almost swallowed him.

The hot red flame drew an arc in the air and finally fell to the ground, creating a huge pit and shaking Harry off the broom.

Harry was shaken off the broom by the aftermath of the flame, and rolled in the air for several rounds like a light leaf, and finally fell heavily to the ground with a painful expression.


The audience in the stands screamed in fear when they saw this.

In the Gryffindor formation, Hermione and Ron were so nervous that their faces turned pale.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted loudly.

However, Harry was already lying on the ground and no longer moving.

The Chinese Fireball Dragon did not seem to intend to let him go. It opened its mouth again, and the red light in its mouth lit up again.

At the moment when the Fireball Dragon was about to spit out flames, the scene

A strong pressure suddenly came from the tent at the edge of the ground, instantly covering the entire venue.

The Chinese Fireball Dragon was shocked by this force, it suddenly stopped, and its body stiffened in place.

The fire dragon looked up in the direction of the tent, the vertical pupils on its face shrank to the extreme, and even swallowed the flames in its mouth.

The whole venue fell into a brief silence, with only Harry's faint groan echoing in the air.

It was only a short delay, and the wizards waiting around to protect the warriors woke up as if from a dream.

They hurried into the field and surrounded the Chinese Fireball Dragon.

Moody, who was responsible for protection on the periphery, was the first to react.

He came to Harry first and cast an eye disease spell on the fire dragon, preventing the Chinese fireball from approaching.

"Use the Stunning Spell together! One! Two! Three!"

Under the command of a red-haired wizard, more than a dozen wizards cast spells on the fire dragon together.

The Chinese Fireball Dragon roared in reluctance, obviously hurt.

It lost its direction and turned around blindly.

Soon, another round of new spells was fired.

This time, it finally couldn't hold on and fell heavily to the ground.

The wizards responsible for dragon training were very experienced, and no one dared to approach the angry dragon.

They used the Transfiguration Spell to summon several huge chains and wrapped them around the Chinese Fireball.

They didn't step forward until their jaws were tied tightly, and then they continued to use magic to control the rest of the dragon's body.

Ludo Bagman shouted loudly: "Thrilling! This is really the most exciting contest I have ever seen!"

"Although it took the longest time among all the warriors so far, there is no doubt that he finally succeeded in getting the golden egg!"

"What happened just now? The Chinese Fireball Dragon suddenly stopped when it was approaching Harry. It seems that he is really lucky!"

The paramedics on the sidelines hurried into the field under the leadership of Madam Pomfrey.

Moody squatted beside Harry, pointing his wand at Harry's body: "Don't move, Potter, we will stop the bleeding for you."

Harry could only groan in pain.

"Thank you, Alastor."

Looking at Harry who was carried to the stretcher later, Madam Pomfrey hurriedly checked and said: "Six fractures, large areas of abrasions, leg burns, shoulder pierced by a stone..."

"They are really crazy, they actually let a fourteen-year-old child become a warrior."

Madam Pomfrey shook her head and took others to carry Harry down.

The audience in the stands burst into warm cheers at this time.

Harry's performance impressed many people.

If it were them, they might have been hit by the flames in the air and could not hold on to get the golden egg.

The Weasley twins jumped on the chair, waving their arms vigorously, and shouted: "Harry! Our warrior!"

"He did it! He is no worse than that Krum!"

The judges gave Harry polarized scores.

Dumbledore gave a good eight points. Ludo Bagman, who was once a professional Quidditch player, admired Harry very much and gave him nine points.

Madame Maxime and Barty Crouch did not give high scores, only six points.

Harry's competition with the Chinese Fireball Dragon was visually good, but it took too long, and he was almost killed by the Chinese Fireball Dragon in the end.

The loss of time made Harry suffer a lot.

Therefore, Karkaroff gave four points openly, causing boos.

Gryffindor students shouted and accused Karkaroff of favoring students from his own school.

Normally, Professor McGonagall would prevent this phenomenon from happening.

But at this time, Professor McGonagall also blushed, stood on the chair, and loudly questioned whether Karkaroff's mind was well-developed.

"To be fair, I have seen better flyers, such as Viktor."

Karkaroff snorted and said.

Ludo Bagman: "A wonderful match! Three warriors have completed their projects and achieved their goals. Next, let's welcome the last warrior!"

"Let's see how he will deal with the fire dragon! I am also looking forward to it!"

"But please be careful, because the Hungarian Horntail is the most radical and violent of the four fire dragons! This type of fire dragon is extremely fast, tenacious, and extremely easy to be angered!"

"In short, it is extremely dangerous!"

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