The first time, the last time, the last time.

This is a reserved program at Hogwarts every morning.

However, there seem to be more owls today.

This is the second wave of owls that have flown in today.

A part of the owls flying in the air found their target as soon as they flew into the hall, and turned around and flew towards Andy, with a kind of beauty that didn't care about Andy's life or death.

Andy was startled and quickly put on a shield for himself, blocking his hand in front of him.


The two owls flying in front directly hit Andy's hands and fell dizzy on the long table.

Seeing this, the remaining owls behind did not dare to act rashly, and quickly slowed down and surrounded Andy in the middle.

They are all messengers.

Andy opened several of the letters, and the contents were fan letters, fan letters, and fan letters.

Rita Skeeter praised him too much, and he also enjoyed a wave of celebrity treatment.

Andy didn't have time to open these letters one by one, and he was ready for class.

He simply collected them all and planned to deal with them at a time.

This is not a solution. He has to find a way to hide himself so that strange owls can't find him.

Otherwise, he will be annoyed by fan letters sooner or later.

The first class after a day is the divination class that Andy and Qiu Zhang took together.

Professor Trelawney, who teaches the divination class, is usually not very popular with students.

She wears a pair of thick glasses, is unkempt, and often talks to herself.

It fits everyone's stereotype of a prophet.

Crazy, talking nonsense, and extremely illogical.

Except for the Patil sisters in the fourth grade, most people who took the Divination class were just for credits.

Hermione also took the Divination class last year, but later she couldn't stand Professor Trelawney's nonsense and dropped out of the class in anger.

The Divination classroom is on the top floor of a remote tower.

After reaching the top floor, you need to climb a ladder to reach the attic where the classroom is located.

The classroom is arranged like a small salon, with more than 20 futons and matching low tables placed along the entrance.

There are also two spacious curtains hanging from the ceiling.

The dim light shines on it, and the shadow presents a strange lavender, which looks extremely mysterious.

About ten minutes after Andy and the others arrived in the classroom, Professor Trelawney finally arrived.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly felt the enlightenment of fate on the way here, so I was delayed for a while."

A girl smiled and said, "Few people would call the toilet fate, but we respect your idea, professor."

Professor Trelawney looked at her in a panic, thought for a while, and said with a clenched neck, "In fact, when I was doing routine divination this morning, I got the vision that someone would leave us forever at the end of this semester."

"All the clues point to the first person who spoke to me after I arrived in the classroom."

Although Professor Trelawney often talks nonsense about people dying, everyone is used to it, but rarely makes such a clear prediction.

The girl turned pale, looked around in fear, and stopped talking.

"Okay, let's continue to interpret tea leaves in this class."

Professor Trelawney, who successfully counterattacked, sat on a futon in the middle of the classroom with a smug look and spread out the book in his hand.

She gave each person a tea bowl and asked them to make tea using the method in the textbook, then drink it in one gulp and observe the shape of the tea leaves.

Qiu Zhang picked up a few grains of rock salt and threw them into his tea bowl, complaining: "My tea leaves look like a Hungarian hornbee, so I threw a few meteorites to try to kill it."

Professor Trelawney walked back and forth between the seats.

From time to time, she picked up a classmate's tea leaves, observed them carefully, and finally told a few mysterious words about her understanding, usually some clichés that made people confused.

Andy remembered some fortune tellers he had seen before, who were similar to Trelawney.

A nephew had his hair cut in the first month of the lunar year, and his uncle subsequently had a car accident. The aunt appealed to the court and did not accept the case, so she found the master to verify it.

The master said that the nephew knew that the custom of cutting his uncle's hair in the first month of the lunar year would kill him, but he still did this, which objectively aggravated his uncle's psychological pressure and anger.

In the end, the nephew's behavior increased the probability of his uncle having an accident, and the two were obviously related, so the nephew needed to be held responsible.

From this, it can be seen that fortune telling actually requires logic.

But Andy really couldn't see what the fortune telling was about.

Qiu Zhang

Said: "It's easy to get high marks in Trelawney's class, as long as you can see the ominous signs through various signs, she likes this very much."

"She predicts that someone will die every year, but no case has been verified so far."

Andy looked at his tea bowl. He hadn't drunk it yet. How should he make it up?

At this time, Andy suddenly remembered that the Yingtianzuo was Mona's God's Eye.

And Mona happened to be an astrologer.

Astrology and divination, it seems that there is not much difference, right?

Andy tentatively opened the Yingtianzuo God's Eye and felt the energy transmitted from it.

The next moment, Andy's eyes, which were originally staring at the tea bowl, suddenly changed, and he looked at Professor Trelawney in surprise.

Some tiny spots of light appeared on Professor Trelawney, and they were connected to each other by white thin lines, just like concrete constellations.

Andy blinked, thinking it was his illusion.

But it turned out not to be. Andy looked at Professor Trelawney again, and the light spots on her body were still there.

Andy looked at his tea bowl without saying anything, and saw that in the tea, there were also interconnected star patterns.

Suddenly, Andy's sight shook!

The scene in front of him became blurry in an instant, and an indescribable feeling of dizziness came over him.

In his tea bowl, the tea and the tea leaves suddenly began to rotate strangely.

The originally calm tea drove the tea leaves in the bowl as if being pulled by an invisible force, forming small whirlpools.

And the originally static star patterns on the tea bowl also began to rotate in a strange rhythm under the action of this force.

As the tea and the stars continued to rotate, they seemed to form a strange resonance.

The stars began to combine in a complex pattern, presenting various star maps.

Each star map seemed to contain endless secrets and information, making it impossible to peek into its full picture.

Andy couldn't understand it easily, he widened his eyes, trying to interpret something from it.

But the information seemed to be shrouded in a thick fog, making it impossible for him to touch it.

Just when Andy was confused, the scene in front of him suddenly changed dramatically.

He found himself suddenly leaving the divination classroom and placed in a deep lake.

His body was tightly surrounded by the cold lake water, and the feeling of weightlessness made him panic.

Andy subconsciously wanted to use the power of the Eye of God to allow him to breathe in the water, but found that he had lost the induction with the Eye of God.

He immediately realized that this lake was not real, but just a constructed illusion.

He could still feel his body here, but he didn't need any substance to survive.

Andy looked up and saw the sunlight above his head pouring down through the water, illuminating a small piece of water in front of him.

And in the depths that the light could not reach, the lake showed a deep black, swallowing all the light and sound.

A soft singing came from the lake in the distance.

The sound sounded extremely pleasant, like the singing of a mysterious creature.

"You have to find your treasure. It is the most in your life..."

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