The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few minutes.


If this was a romantic drama, there should be a gust of wind blowing with fallen leaves, and a close-up of the petrified Cedric and Harry.

The corridor fell into silence, and no one spoke for a long time.

If there were no people walking nearby, someone would have wondered if time had just stopped.

Andy looked at Cedric in front of him, then at Harry behind him, touched Qiu Zhang's arm lightly, and imitated Qiu Zhang's tone, holding back a smile and saying, "Did I disturb you?"

Qiu Zhang covered her face and said, "You win. I felt embarrassed enough about Furong's performance just now, but I didn't expect there would be a higher level."

She herself was that higher level.

Qiu Zhang quickly put away his expression, coughed twice, and raised his head.

Harry and Cedric woke up instantly.

They moved in unison, looking at Qiu Zhang in bewilderment, wanting to say something but stopping.

Qiu Zhang gently took Andy's arm, carefully considered his words, and tried not to look at any of them, saying, "Thank you for your invitation, but I will go to the dance with Andy."

After that, Qiu Zhang hurriedly pulled Andy away as if he was escaping. It was so cold here, so he quickly went to the greenhouse to warm up.

Cedric and Harry were left standing there staring at each other.

The two of them were motionless, still maintaining the same movements just now, staring at each other in a daze.

This scene seemed to have been seen somewhere.


Andy and Qiu Zhang didn't take the invitations of others to heart.

The next day, when Andy came to the hall, Qiu Zhang was already sitting at the long table of Ravenclaw, with Marietta and a large group of students beside her.

Everyone's face was excited, with a gossipy smile.

"What are you doing?"

Andy walked over, and Qiu Zhang held the latest issue of the Daily Prophet directly in front of him.

"The ugly duckling wants to become a swan! She calls herself a socialite, but she is cheating on three people!"

"What the hell?"

Andy was really shocked. He flipped through the text and found that it was another article written by Rita Skeeter.

It reads: "Hermione Granger was originally just an ordinary fourth-year girl at Hogwarts, but now, she has some thoughts that she shouldn't have."

"She first got together with the savior Harry Potter. Since the first year, she has actively approached Harry and won Harry's attention. During this Triwizard Tournament, she successfully became Harry Potter's girlfriend."

"But a warrior obviously can't satisfy her heart."

"According to Mr. Draco Malfoy, who does not want to reveal his name, Miss Granger usually has high expectations and disdains to interact with other students. She only focuses on those who can bring her huge benefits."

"So, when she met the famous After she met the famous Seeker Viktor Krum, she soon got tired of Harry Potter and turned her attention to Krum. "

"She succeeded without a doubt. Viktor Krum, who is also a representative of Durmstrang, has been fascinated by her recently and can't wait to pursue her."

"That's not all. She also planned to attract the attention of another Hogwarts warrior Andy Hall, and even admitted in person to Harry Potter that she was also considering Andy Hall."

"She announced to the public that unless Andy Hall took the initiative to invite her, she would never appear at the Christmas ball..."

Seeing this, Marietta and several other girls let out a strange cry, and then laughed loudly.

"Oh my god, she's dreaming!"

"Does she really think Krum will like her?!"

"Fortunately Delacour is not a man, otherwise, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape!"


Qiu Zhang said: "Don't be like this, Rita Skeeter is just a big liar."

Marietta: "Qiu, why are you still speaking for her? She wants to be Andy's dance partner."

A girl next to her poked her shoulder and whispered: "Uh, didn't you... before?"

Marietta was dissatisfied: "I'm different from her!"


Just then, a whimpering sound came from the door of the auditorium, and something fell heavily to the ground.

Andy turned his head and saw Harry and Hermione standing at the entrance of the auditorium. They obviously heard what Marietta and the others said.

Hermione's eyes were red and tears were already flowing. Her schoolbag fell to the ground and the things inside were scattered.

Seeing Andy and the others looking at her, Hermione pursed her lips, raised her head, turned around and walked back quickly

Out of the hall.

Her pace was very fast, gradually changing from a quick step to a trot, and then running at full speed.

Many students saw Hermione along the way and shouted loudly.

Hermione disappeared quickly from everyone's sight without saying a word.


Harry wanted to call her, but failed.

He wanted to chase Hermione, but saw Andy and Qiu Zhang again, and was in a dilemma.

Harry's face was very embarrassed.

It can be seen that he tried hard to pretend that nothing had happened, but unfortunately the cover-up was not perfect.

Yesterday's incident was a huge psychological shock to Fleur, Cedric and Harry.

But at least now everyone knows that Qiu Zhang is Andy's dance partner.

"Hi...hello." Harry pointed at Hermione and said, "Hermione is not that kind of person. Don't believe what the newspaper says."

Andy smiled and said, "Let me believe that Hermione is the same as what the newspaper says, unless you believe that I am the heir of an ancient family."

Harry was shocked: "What?! So you are not?!"

Qiu Zhang couldn't stop laughing at all, and Andy could only look at the sky in silence.

Harry looked outside and said anxiously: "I'm afraid I have to go. I have to go see how she is."

After that, he hurriedly picked up the schoolbag left by Hermione and followed Hermione's footsteps and left the hall.

Qiu Zhang was puzzled: "Hasn't Rita Skeeter been banned from entering Hogwarts by Professor Dumbledore?"

In fact, after Rita Skeeter's first report on Harry came out, she was banned from entering the castle freely.

This is what Dumbledore meant.

Andy said: "Maybe she has other information channels, or her own methods."

Andy just knew how Rita Skeeter did it, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

Rita Skeeter is a bit annoying. Andy didn't care how she described him.

But now she has really crossed the line and has expanded the scope of the rumors to people around Andy.

He has to find a way to solve this problem.

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