Hogwarts Everything is Three

Chapter 246: Ron's jealousy (modified)

Compared with Malfoy, other little wizards' perceptions of Allen have been soaring.

"Alan Harris, Ravenclaw's ‘score controller’."

"He's so generous, if I had so much Jin Jialong, it would be great!"

"The future competitions must be more exciting, simply compete with everyone's skills and strength!"


Hermione Granger in the crowd flushed, staring at Allen standing in the center, "Allen is really great! He is the best student at Hogwarts."

Harry nodded repeatedly. To him, Allen was so good, he didn't have to worry about what type of broom to use!

"Allen actually has such a large sum of Jin Jialong!" Ron smashed his lips, "but Hermione, you are Gryffindor!"

Hermione and Harry both turned to look at him. The expression on Hermione's face was very confused.

"Well, I mean, just buy some brooms and you can get the title of the best student. It's a bit too exaggerated." Ron coughed uncomfortably, his eyes avoiding.

"If Alan, who is the best in class, is not the best, are you?" Hermione blurted out.

Ron's face was as red as his hair. "You can buy people's hearts and seduce a little witch like you by spending some Garon. Why not go to Slytherin with this method?"

"Like you, it shouldn't be in Gryffindor that you have to copy other people's homework! Why don't you go to Slytherin if you like to say bad things behind your back?!" Hermione said sharply.

"You're smart, you're good, you're so good, why aren't you in Ravenclaw? I happened to be with Alan! It just so happened that I could take away your pesky cat!" Ron roared angrily.

"What does this have to do with Crookshanks?" Hermione became excited and looked at Ron in disbelief.

Harry looked at two friends who had quarreled inexplicably, feeling a little at a loss.

"Hermione, Ron is a real Gryffindor." Harry said cautiously, "Of course, you too..."

"Okay, stand aside with Ron, I knew you would be like this!" Hermione's tears rolled in her eyes, and she turned away. "Okay, let's play, don't bother me, I still have a lot of homework to do!"

"Ron, you are really too much, you are jealous of Alan!" Ginny suddenly appeared and interjected.

"Ginny, go away, it's none of your business." Ron was upset, and he didn't rush people off.

"Okay, you will regret it." Ginny raised her head and left proudly.

Ron and Harry stared at each other, stunned.

The crowd gradually withdrew, and for the Ravenclaws, their celebration had just begun.

After the hustle and bustle, the castle gradually restored its former tranquility.

Now in the potions class, the Ravenclaws have a very difficult life, and they get the same treatment as Gryffindor.

Professor Snape was extremely strict with their schoolwork, and he was merciless when he reprimanded them, causing the little wizards to complain.

"But your academics have indeed improved, haven't they?" Allen's comfort made the little wizards try to cheer them up. In Ravenclaw, Alan's reputation is unmatched.

Although Allen didn't get a point in the Potions class, he was not specifically targeted either.

Professor Snape seemed to have forgotten that there was such a little wizard in the classroom, completely treating Alan as nothing.

In this regard, Allen didn't care, and still carefully brewed all the medicine.

Despite winning the game, Roger did not relax. Surprisingly, with his crazy energy, he led the players to train as hard as ever in the cold rain of Faey, which lasted until December.

There are still two weeks until the end of the semester. The sky suddenly cleared and turned into a bright and dazzling egg white.

One morning, the muddy ground was covered with a layer of crystal hoarfrost. There is a busy atmosphere of Christmas in the castle.

Professor Flitwick has decorated his classroom with colorful lights, they will become real fairies, flapping their wings.

The students are happily discussing plans for the holidays.

Luna handed Alan an invitation letter.

""Singing and Singing" Food Appreciation Conference?"

Allen looked at this unique invitation letter in surprise—the letter was the appearance of a rabbit eating carrots. The text of the invitation was written on the carrot. When you read the text above, the rabbit ate all the carrots.

"Yes, you know, Helga's food spell collection is very interesting, and there are some recipes behind it." Luna took the carrot out of the rabbit's mouth again.

"I copied some of them and sent them to my dad. He issued a special issue of food for this purpose, and the response was overwhelming. Therefore, he decided to hold a'Food Appreciation Conference' this holiday, and select some lucky readers to thank them." Lu Na looked at Alan.

These big silver-gray eyes rarely showed expectation. Allen couldn't bear to refuse, and nodded gently in agreement.

Interestingly, everyone seems to be concerned about how Ellen’s Christmas holiday will be spent.

In the library, Hermione, who had always been immersed in reading, also found Alan.

"You look very haggard, this holiday, you can take a good rest." Allen looked at the red blood streaks under Hermione's eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the unconcealable dark circles, kindly persuades.

Hermione sat next to Alan with a thick pile of books, and rolls of parchment rolled off the table.

Alan gathered them together quickly with his hands, avoiding their fate of splashing ink.

"Oh, thank you, Ellen." Hermione carefully packed some of the volumes of the written essays into her carry-on bag.

"How are you going to spend Christmas? I will stay at Hogwarts this holiday, because I need to look up materials in the library." Hermione said suddenly.

Allen blinked. "Are you here to stay with Harry?"

"Of course not. It is enough for Harry to have Ron, and Ron will stay in the castle too! Because he can't bear spending two weeks with Percy, so he wants to stay in the castle." Hermione turned her head away, no Let Allen see the fragility in her eyes.

Alan touched his chin and suddenly invited Hermione.

"Hermione, if you want, I want to invite you to Aunt Josephine's house with me. She has a huge library at home, which should be suitable for you to relax."

Last night, Allen received a letter from Mr. Harris. This holiday, the whole family is going to Aunt Josephine's for Christmas. Allen thinks that a clever girl like Hermione would like Aunt Josephine.

Hermione turned to Ellen, his eyes flashed with hesitation, she bit her lip lightly, and finally refused.

Allen knew in her heart that she still wanted to be with poor Harry more.

In the next few days, Allen discovered an interesting phenomenon. For some reason, Ron's attitude towards him became cold again.

On the other hand, Draco Malfoy was always able to meet him by chance, and always had a hesitant expression.

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