Hogwarts Everything is Three

Chapter 274: Yuanjialuzhai (modified)

Professor Snape who heard Lily's name froze directly behind a tree, quietly listening to Alan and their conversation.

The cruel and fierce look on Sirius's face turned into an extremely heavy look of annoyance.

When he was in Azkaban, he asked himself countless times, what would happen if he was a secret person at that time? If we are not clever and want to use the so-called bluff... If we are not arrogant and suspect that it is Lupin who leaked information to the mysterious man and ignores Pettigrew...

Will James and Lily still live happily in this world?

Harry doesn't have to be under the fence at a young age.

Coincidentally, Alan thought of something with him.

"If you didn't make atonement for your sins and confess your sins without saying a word, Harry would not have grown up in a Muggle family that didn't welcome him!" Allen thought of what happened when he first met Harry." Do you know how Harry's life has been since he was a child? He ate some of the leftovers of the family’s food and wore clothes that the family’s son didn’t want. You know how he watched another boy being loved by his parents. Is it?-And fortunately for Harry, the family is willing to adopt him... The reason for this is to let Dumbledore explain to you later."

Every sentence of Allen was like a sharp knife inserted into Black's heart.

Black's face turned pale, his lips squirmed, but he didn't say a whole word.

"So now, I ask you, if you kill Peter Pettigrew, who will prove your innocence? You become a real murderer, and Harry loses his last relative who was really good to him. Doing so, You are refreshed for a while, are you worthy of James Potter and Lily Potter? Are you a competent godfather? You have become a real murderer-and you are the last man named Black Now, are you worthy of the noble and oldest Black family?" The other party obviously doesn't really care about the family too much, but the other humiliations still make Sirius's face appear blue and white-so Allen lifted the spell .

Black fell to the ground and shrank into a ball. He immediately broke away his shirt and struggled to stand up.

But to avoid his impulse, Allen said: "All petrochemicals!"

Sirius Black fell back to the ground again, stiff like a wooden board.

"Sorry, Sirius, in order to prove your innocence and successfully complete our transaction instead of doing nothing in vain, I need your cooperation, think about the original things, and relax."

Alan looked at Sirius's eyes sincerely, took out a bottle, and pointed his wand at Sirius' forehead.

Unexpectedly, it went smoothly. Although Sirius looked complicated, strands of silvery white matter flew out of his head without any hindrance and fell into the bottle in Allen's hand.

It seems that Allen's previous words did touch the softest and most painful part of Sirius' heart.

"Alan Harris, I want to thank you." A mocking voice came—Professor Severus Snape.

"Lucky, lucky tonight... Tonight Azkaban's fugitive will return to where he should be, but maybe he won't go back, the dementor may send a kiss directly..." Snake Yard Pointing at Ellen with his wand for a long time, his expression uncontrollably triumphant, he turned his head to look at Black on the ground with a frenzied light in his eyes, but he barely maintained the usual emphasis and asked Ellen, "Why are you talking to this? Murder deal, give me a reason, otherwise the new bedroom of Ravenclaw's best student will be in Azkaban..."

Knowing that the other party will not be calm and listen to the explanation because of what happened in the early years-in fact, if Snape knew the truth of the matter, he would even hate Black even more, he would think it was the idea of ​​these two arrogant predators to change the secretaries privately It was the cause of Lily's death—so Allen's wand was slightly lifted, trying to point at Professor Snape instead.

"Except your weapon!" Snape didn't miss Alan's dynamics, and wanted to destroy the wand in Alan's hand.

What surprised him was that, as if there was an invisible chain, the wand flew out of Alan's hand, and quickly flew back to Alan's hand.

At this moment, Allen took out the "mortal enemy double mirror" he had obtained in the previous adventure-the mirror that Sarah gave to Allen.

The mirror flew out quickly in the air, and a silver-white light enveloped Professor Snape's body.

Professor Snape looked at this mirror warily, trying to "split it" to break it.

But a person who looked exactly the same as himself appeared in front of him, and, apart from anything else, he cast the same spell at him, counteracting the attack.

The two quickly fought.

What surprised Professor Snape was that the Snape who appeared in front of him was as powerful as his own.

The opponent's magic power, mastery of magic and even combat methods are exactly the same as his own.

Professor Snape couldn't help but squeezed his wand tightly, his eyes shot back firmly, nothing could stop his determination to revenge.

Like Professor Snape who was in trouble, Ron and Malfoy also suffered the most embarrassing moment in history. They were trapped in the secret tunnel leading to the screaming hut.

They walked to the end along the dark secret road, but there seemed to be an invisible wall separating them from the door leading to the screaming shed.

They walked back helplessly, but the beating willow frantically waving the branches made them stay away.

The part that was injured before was still scorching hot, and the two of them didn't dare to act rashly.

Suddenly, Draco asked Ron in panic: "Weasley, um...Did you bring paper?"

Ron's expression was complicated and his mouth opened wide. "No, I still want to ask you."

Except for the fiery pain of the wound, their abdomen began to twitch violently, and the abdomen rang like thunder.

Both turned their heads to one side, and forcibly suppressed their gushing desires.

No one wants to make a fool of themselves in front of their mortal enemies.

The two thought in unison: "Could it be ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today's food is not fresh?"

Ron and Draco were in a situation that Professor Snape could not imagine and had no time to take into consideration.

He fought himself into a ball, and as time passed, his heart gradually became anxious.

How can I defeat a self who seems energetic and will never be able to defeat?

Alan, who had been staring at Professor Snape, brightened his eyes. What a chance! He did not miss the change in the expression on Professor Snape's face.

boom! The tip of Allen's wand shot a snake-like string, entangled Professor Snape's body, wrists and ankles.

Professor Snape lost his balance and fell to the ground, unable to move.

But Allen went too far in order not to give the opponent a chance. The rope was used by various techniques to combine the rope with Snape’s body in an orderly manner. Allen tied Snape in a pattern, so The rope is perfectly combined with the potions professor to form a unique artwork...

Another Snape mirror image disappeared instantly, and the mirror glowed brightly and flew back to Allen's hand.

Interestingly, Professor Snape and Sirius Black, who were embarrassed by the binding, happened to fall face to face. At this time, both of them opened their eyes wide, as if they were going to kill each other with their eyes.

Allen looked at the old rivals with interest, and it was difficult to tell which face had more hatred at the moment.

"Alan Harris, let me go, I'm a professor." Snape, who was humiliated by his posture, looked at Allen gloomily, "Otherwise..."

"Ah, professor, I think it's better for you to shut up." Allen stared at Professor Snape, as if trying to penetrate deep into his heart—then Allen unceremoniously let his potions professor His upper and lower lips are glued together.

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