Hogwarts Everything is Three

Vol 2 Chapter 517: Anonymous letter (modified, sincere thanks to the leader Shaoxia 1 ear...

"After thorough cleaning, it will be more comfortable here." Alan stood in front of the stone fireplace burning with magic flames, watching the evening show received on the installed wizard TV, which was playing some replaced videos. Picture of Muggle pop songs.

"Master Ellen, the area of ​​this house is not very large, and the living room occupies most of the space. Except for the kitchen, dining room, and bathroom, there are only three rooms-the Montes’ bedroom and their only son’s bedroom. And a small study room. And how should we allocate it?" Long Eyes, who had been scolded before, said embarrassedly.

"Master Ellen naturally lives in the master bedroom. Miss Luna can live in the room of the son of the former Vice Principal Montgomery. Then the other girls can remodel the study. Although it's a bit small, it's good enough." Wolf Mom suggested.

The fat man who was also being trained was still heartless: "From the perspective of the relationship between the doctor and the wolf mother, you have to be careful with all eyes. Don't the doctor tried to find the wolf mother in the middle of the night, but ended up touching your bed."

Four eyes just stared at the fat man coldly.

The long eyes stared at the fat man, then ignored him and continued: "As for the big men of us, we don’t need a bedroom. Although the warmth is less, it’s better to squeeze in the living room than before. You have mastered the survival skills in the wild, and you can live outdoors for a month without difficulty. That is, you have to be careful when you want to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

"Huh? When Principal Karkaroff visited the cellar before, he didn't say that he prepared an extra room..." The fat man who was lying in his chair with his legs curled up and crossed his arms was weighed heavily by Vic as soon as he spoke. With a kick to the ground, he jumped up from the surprisingly expensive reclining chair like a spring, but his fat **** also took the chair off the ground slightly, and the sound of landing clicked.

Allen’s eyes swept across their faces, and his sensational thoughts told him that these guys deliberately sang together, trying to deliberately run on Luna to achieve the purpose of arranging Luna and Allen in the master bedroom. In this way, they can win their favor and make up for the bad impression that Victor and the others made just now. But obviously they shouldn’t be afraid of the fat man’s bad things and didn’t tell him in advance...Although Alan was right This time the arrangement is indeed more satisfactory.

Wolf mother's flexible eyes made her not outstanding face come alive, adding a bit of beauty. "It's a pity that these stone houses didn't cast the Unmarked Stretching Curse. Even our study was a little bit reluctant to accommodate our three girls. There was no way to place more beds. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter if you guys come in. Isn’t it a human bed?"

Afterwards, Alan's eyes couldn't help but stop at Luna who was watering the vase full of rabbit ears with a clear spring like water curse.

"Then I will live with Alan in the master bedroom." Luna put the vase in place, took a brisk swaying step, walked around the table, turned her back, fell backward, and sank half-paralyzed. On the sofa near Allen, "It's all single beds anyway."

At this time, at Hogwarts, Umbridge, who was sitting at the faculty table, was full of anxiety. Time passed by. She couldn't find a starting point to attack Dumbledore, so she crossed it fiercely. Little potato, as a result of too much force, the potato cracked in all directions, she grumbled angrily, pushed the plate aside, and the black velvet bow on her head trembled.

At this time, the owls rushed into the auditorium as usual. Umbridge frowned and wanted to get up and leave. Unexpectedly, an owl hovered down and landed in front of her, and pushed her to the side of the plate. Hit the floor. This is a common owl from the Ministry of Magic. Umbridge raised his eyebrows and was very surprised. The Minister would never send her a letter at this time.

The owl threw a letter in her arms, flapped its wings and flew away.

Umbridge's two fat fingers with dark blue gemstone rings twisted the envelope, but there was no information on it. She turned to the back of the envelope again, still empty, her eyebrows raised higher Some, her eyes were obviously cold, she thought it was a prank by some little wizard.

Umbridge violently tore open the letter paper and unfolded the letter. Suddenly, her eyes froze. After quickly scanning the letter, she unbelievably read it again from top to bottom. Umbridge squeezed the letter into the small satchel she carried, and left the auditorium beamingly.

"What happened? Umbridge seemed very happy. She obviously stopped making that toad-like expression for many days." Harry forkped a piece of bacon and put it in his mouth.

"Dumbledore is here, don't worry about her." Ron whispered a brightly-paced tune, and recommended to Harry in a good mood. "This song is called "YMCA". The song is pretty good."

Hermione next to them just flipped through her "Daily Prophet", pursed her lips when she heard the words, and said nothing. Glancing at Harry who followed Ron whispering to the song, he thought with pity that when Harry was at his aunt's house, he was usually locked in the attic and derailed from the Muggle world.

Umbridge, who was jogging all the way, couldn’t control her expression. She smiled and was smug, although she didn’t know who sent her this letter, nor did she know the lesson about the defense against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. The information that Professor Lupin is a werewolf is true or false, but after all there is a clue, isn’t it? Even if it is false, Umbridge has to find a way to make it true, not to mention that he is very sensitive to political struggle and rich in this aspect. Intuitive Umbridge thought it was possible that this was true-Dumbledore's existence was not the only obstacle to Fudge.

She hurried back to the staff dormitory, used her stubby fingers to grab a few large Jin Jialong from her suitcase and threw it into the purse, put it in a large black tote bag, and flashed towards Hogg Walk outside Woz Castle.

Umbridge's figure appeared in a dirty alley~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Both sides are full of black magic shops. Umbridge walked to one of the biggest stores, "Bokin-Bok" familiarly.

A few seconds later, when the bell rang, Umbridge walked into the store. She bent down and looked at the magic items on the counter carefully, carefully reading the instructions.

A hunched man appeared behind the counter, stroked his shiny hair backwards.

"Miss Umbridge, it's really nice to see you again." Mr. Borkin said in the same slick tone as his hair. "It's a great honor. Welcome. What can I do for you?"

"Fetch me an invisibility cloak." Umbridge resisted his excitement, pretending to be calm, and confessed to Mr. Borgin.

Mr. Bogin, who confirmed that Umbridge was indeed here to buy illegal magic items, smiled more enthusiastically. He nodded happily: "It's just that this invisibility cloak made from the fur of invisible beasts living in the Far East is extremely precious, you Knowing that invisible beasts have the characteristics of predicting the future, it is very difficult to catch them. Therefore, invisibility cloaks are very rare, and the price is naturally..."

"With the passage of time, the invisibility cloak woven with invisible animal hair will eventually lose its effect and become opaque. But, the price is good," Umbridge smiled sweetly. "Mr. Borgin, I miss you I will definitely not reveal my purchase of the invisibility cloak, right?"

"Of course, a beautiful lady, my credibility is guaranteed to be able to gain a foothold in this industry. Keeping clients confidential is the first rule of my work." Mr. Bojin's flattering tone cannot conceal his inner joy at all. I like this kind of non-bargaining guests.

Umbridge just waited for a while, and Mr. Borkin handed a black package to Umbridge.

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