As if thinking of something, Kahn suddenly suggested: "By the way, since you are joking, do you need to invest in commodity points?"

These two brothers still have a bit of talent for making money, which proves that they will be able to squeeze out Joko’s joke shop in the future. Doesn’t this explain anything when two young people take over an old brand?

Anyway, it is a steady profit.

George was so excited on the spot that his tone was a little trembling: "You want to invest in me?"

Kahn nodded: "That's right, it's for you to invest."

At this time, Fred hugged George: "George didn't expect that there are really people who support our joke product point."

Seeing that the two brothers were about to cry with excitement, Kahn expressed some understanding. If the two brothers did not have Harry's support in the future, "Weasley's Magical Wheezes" would not be able to open at all.

These two brothers have only saved dozens of Galleons in a few years, and they were reprimanded by the head of the sporting goods department for gambling in the Quidditch World Cup. If they want to open a store on their own, that is really far away. .

George's tone was a little trembling: "Our mother has always opposed our research on joke magic products, saying that she would break our legs when she found out that we were researching these. Can you understand our feelings? We are really happy."

"Yes, no one in our family can understand us."

Kahn expressed understanding: "Now I can invest in you, and after you make money, your family should not object to your research on these joke magic products."

Think about the Weasley family, the eldest brother Bill Weasley served as a prefect and the head of the Boys' Union during his Hogwarts studies, and he also got twelve certificates in the O.W.Ls examination, the excellence is obvious.

Although Charlie Weasley's academic performance is not that good, he is also the captain of Gryffindor Quidditch, and now he has graduated and entered the dragon farm, which is considered very good.

Platinum Weasley is already a prefect this year, and her academic performance is also unquestionably excellent, but the twin brothers are a bit hip-stretching. They are the first in pranks, and the old mother Molly has also received a lot of complaints from Hogwarts for this. Xin, thinking about how to play a prank all day long, it would be a ghost to get Molly's support.

But in Kahn's opinion, the twin brothers are also very good. You can't make these alchemy items without the others, and the twin brothers have the strongest communication skills.

If there are no accidents, the worst one is Ron. He is not good looking, average talent, bad brain, not motivated, good face, strong jealousy, and spends all day with Harry to do nothing.

Without Ron, Harry's strength at Hogwarts was at least a level stronger, and the only advantage should be that he was more loyal to his friends.

"That's right, as long as we make money by making achievements, my mother will definitely support us."

The two brothers said in unison, and then they both saw the light of hope in each other's eyes.

Kahn tossed the dragon skin bag containing Galleons, looking very proud: "How many Galleons do you need?"

George thought for a while before making up his mind: "How about 200 Galleons?"

"Are you sure 200 Galleons are enough?"

Kahn was a little speechless, this child has never seen money or something, 200 Galleons sent beggars!

What is this money enough for?

"Enough is enough, we are now, at school, mainly working on our joke magic goods."

George was a little incoherent, thinking that Kahn was just supporting, and now he still thinks that 200 Galleons are missing?

That's right, the person on the other side was the one who tricked Malfoy with 10.1w Gold Galleons, even if he still has 100,000 Galleons.

Kahn directly made a decision for them: "I'll give you 1,000 Galleons first, if it's not enough, I'll give you more Galleons later."

After the two brothers discussed in low voices: "Yes, we will share 30% of your shares, and you will be our major shareholder in the future."

Kahn nodded: "No problem."

It is already very good to get 30% of the shares. Although the two brothers did not contribute money, the real important thing is the person who makes the money. 1000 gold galleons are all. It will not take much time to earn back with the skills of the two brothers. Even the Ministry of Magic needs to shop in their little shop.

If the current Weasley brothers were not too poor, they would never have come up with shares. The joke shop was their lifelong dream.

Fred rolled his eyes and came up with a bad idea: "How about our joke shop, or just call it Grindelwald Joke Merchandise?"

George followed with a laugh: "That's right, but we have provided financial support for you, so this honor is for you."

Kahn coughed twice and quickly refused: "No, your joke store, of course you have to use your name, besides, I'm not proficient in these things."

What if it's called Grindelwald's Magical Wheezes?

I'm afraid it wasn't the day when the store opened, it was kicked off by the voodoo party, and Kahn still needs to save face, this name is really shameful!

"For you, what products do you have now?"

Kahn was a little curious, did the two brothers have any inventions at this time, although some are cheating, but there are still some good things.

Fred looked proud: "Of course, we now have Peruvian stealth smoke bombs, constipation kernels, automatic inkjet quills, and magic wands."

George put his arms around Kahn's shoulders: "We happen to have constipation kernel first, do you want to try it?"

Kahn immediately shook his head: "No, thank you, I don't think I need it."

Who would want to try something like this, it's a scam.

"It's really a pity, the effect of constipation kernel is actually pretty good, Ron tried it."

Looking at George with a face that you don't know how to appreciate, Kahn has nothing to say, why don't you try it yourself, and instead harm Ron?

After handing over 1,000 Galleons to the Weasley brothers, Kahn immediately suggested, in order to prevent the two brothers from acting as demons, "Take me to Hogwarts! I just want to visit Hogwarts today, Sorry to get lost."

Fred patted his chest: "Leave it to us. We know more about Hogwarts than those professors."

Kahn has no doubts about this. The two brothers hold the Marauder's Map in their hands, and together with their unscrupulous night travels, they have found a lot of secret passages. Some professors may really be inferior to them.

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