Rozier, who was holding Kahn's little hand, warned seriously: "Kahn, it will be a little uncomfortable waiting, are you ready?"

"I'm ready, Grandma Rozier!"

Kahn is also a little nervous, he is about to prepare for Apparition, which is only eligible for 17-year-old wizards, if he is not careful, it will be the body separation technique, Kahn, who does not know any magic, will definitely be nervous if he says he is not nervous is fake.

However, with the old driver Rozier driving, it should not be a big problem, at most it is uncomfortable, but it will not make Kahn afraid.

The next moment, with the wave of Rozier's magic wand, a space-time vortex directly inhaled Rozier and Kahn together, how should I put it!

It was like falling into a flush toilet, the dizzying weightlessness and dizziness struck, making the whole person feel bad.


The moment Kahn landed on the ground, Kahn was about to vomit out his bile. Fortunately, he didn't have breakfast today, otherwise the scene would have been wonderful!

Kahn, who never experienced car sickness in his previous life, understands the feeling of strong car sickness. If he really has the chance, he will never laugh at those people who vomit every time they drive.

"Come on, little Kahn, drink this potion, and you will recover soon."

Seeing Kahn who was patted on the back by Rozier, Dora Saxon took out a small bottle of potion and handed it to Kahn. He had already prepared for this, and how many of them would not feel uncomfortable when they first Apparated of?

Kahn immediately raised his head and refused after hearing the words: "No, Grandpa Saxon, I feel that I will be fine soon, and there is no need to waste precious potions."

I would rather vomit for a while, and I don't want to try the taste of the potion. I just got out of the claws of the compound healing potion, and now I really have a shadow on the potion.

"Really! Obviously the effect is very good."

Dora Saxon was a little bit unwilling, this was specially prepared by herself, ordinary people can't enjoy this kind of treatment!

After a period of recovery, Kahn's body finally got better, and then he signaled to Rozier that he was fine.

After using the wand to open the gate of the castle, Rozier began to introduce: "This castle is also in Austria. It used to be owned by an ancient pure-blood family. Now it is our secret residence. It was originally prepared for the leader, what a pity! "

Pausing for a moment, after recovering his emotions for a while, Rozier introduced: "These two house elves are Yale and Kelan, and they are taking care of this old castle now, and we will live here together from now on. The castle also has Muggle-repelling spells, anti-apparition spells, and warning and protective spells everywhere..."

Rozier didn't stop until he reached a secret basement under the castle, and followed the two old men behind Kahn, Abernathy and Hilbert, to the front of the stone gate.

After a burst of rather complicated magic lines lit up, the dusty door slowly opened.

There is nothing superfluous here, just a simple bookshelf with a dozen wooden boxes on it, big or small, I don't know what they are.

"Kahn, to learn magic, you first need to have a wand, which is also the necessary and most important partner for every little wizard."

"No matter what kind of situation you encounter, you can't let go of the magic wand in your hand, the more crisis the more so!"

Rozier, whose hands were already stained with blood, never thought that he would play the role of a teacher one day.

Kahn nodded obediently: "I see, Grandma Rozier!"

Of course, Kahn knows the importance of the magic wand. It can be said to be another organ of the wizard. It has the function of balancing and guiding the magic power in the body. Different wands can give the owner different directions of growth. This is a far more important partner than the hands and feet.

Of course, there are also wizards who can cast spells without a stick, but that is far from the realm that Kahn can achieve now. It can be said that there are not many wizards in the entire wizarding world.

Rozier strode forward, took down a long box made of rosewood from the front shelf, carefully opened it, and placed it in front of Kahn: "Fifteen inches long, elderberry, tail feathers of thestrals, It is an imitation of the Elder Wand imitated by Gregorovich, but even the imitation is far more aggressive than ordinary wands."

"We're trying other wands if they don't fit."

Hearing this, Kahn also became excited. The Elder Wand can be said to be the strongest wand in the Harry Potter world. Even if it is an imitation, it is definitely a rare good thing. According to the protection level here, it is not difficult to see that it is for his own. It was prepared by the cheap old man. After all, the genuine product is already in Dumbledore's hands, and others really can't get it back.

With apprehension, Kahn carefully put his hand into the imitation Elder Wand in the rosewood box, wondering if it would choose him. It fits well, even if you use it forcibly.

Along with Kahn's touch, a cold touch came from the hand, and there was no other feeling, except that the tip of the wand released a thick black mist, but it dissipated quickly in the next moment.

"Very good, it seems that this wand fits you very well."

The excitement on Rozier's face couldn't be concealed, as expected of the blood of the Grindelwald family flowing, this kind of talent is nothing to say, ordinary mediocre people can't wield this magic wand.

Kahn also looked at this wand more and more pleasing to the eye. At first, he thought it was a bit ugly, but now he looks more and more handsome. It is indeed his own wand.

Although the elderberry and the tail feathers of thestrals are not auspicious things, Kahn, who has traveled through time, doesn't care about him. He has witnessed death in his previous life and this life, so he doesn't care about thestrals or not.

Looking at Kahn who couldn't stop playing with the wand, Rozier couldn't help but joked, "I was so excited when I got the wand. I always hugged the wand when I went to bed at night. I hope little Kahn won't be like this!"

Kahn put on a naive look: "Really? I wouldn't do that!"

Rozier rubbed Kahn's head: "Okay, little Kahn won't sleep with a wand at night."

"Take a good rest today, and tomorrow we will start learning magic."

"Okay, Grandma Rozier!"

At this moment, Kahn's excitement is not feigned, who hasn't imagined being able to use magic once or twice when he was a child!

Now that I have such an opportunity, of course I should cherish it, not to mention that the magic world is not peaceful, and I might burp someday.

In particular, his current surname is Grindelwald, so there are definitely a lot of old enemies, and someday they will disappear for no apparent reason.

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