After calming down for a short while, Kahn lay down on the desk and began to think wildly.

This is a history of magic class. Professor Binns Cuthbert is a ghost, and the lectures are also step-by-step. It doesn't matter if the little wizards below go to sleep and go on errands, as long as they don't miss it.

As for what Kahn is thinking at the moment, of course it is Transfiguration. Is there any shortcut to this thing?

After all, Annie Magus is definitely the top skill in Transfiguration. According to the classification, at least level 5 of Transfiguration is eligible to learn. Otherwise, accidents are easy to happen when transforming, resulting in pure animals. Or all kinds of weird and weird things.

But with such harsh learning conditions, how can three of the predator four be able to complete the transformation of Annie Magus during school, one or two is a special case, and you have met all three of them.

There are not many things that can be accomplished in the entire wizarding world. How can Peter Pettigrew accomplish Annie Magus? Even with the help of James and Sirius, it's not that easy!

If it had to be so easy, Annie Mags would have been a sucker for it.

They were able to complete Annie Magus during their school days. This group of predators really thought they were the protagonists!

If you ask me, it might be that Sirius discovered some ancient secret art in the Laike family, or found a shortcut in the restricted area of ​​Hogwarts.

But let’s not talk about the early stages of this group of four, the configuration of the protagonists is not bad at all, the hot-blooded protagonist James embraces the beauty, beats up the little bat, the loyal rich and young Sirius, the unwelcome alien Lupine, Plus the timid boy Peter.

It's a pity that others have killed Erwuzi to reach the pinnacle of life, but they have been beaten by Erwuzi. How beautiful they were when they were studying, they will be so miserable after graduation.

In the future, I can look for opportunities to see if I can figure out what the shortcut is from them, otherwise Annie Magus's current talent is just a dream.

Kahn is also curious about what his Annie Magus is, and can it really not be a magical beast?

Ordinary animals are not very useful in combat, they can only be used for scouting and escaping, and not all of them are suitable for scouting or escaping, but magical animals are very useful.

And is Annie Magus a human or an animal?

And if you're talking about human beings, the appearance and aura are the same as those of animals, even dementors can't be distinguished, and several of those that failed to transform are dangerous magical creatures of the xxxxx level.

But if it is an animal, Peter Pettigrew turned into a mouse and lived in the Weasley's house for more than ten years, and a normal mouse can live for more than ten years?

It would be great if we could get one to come and experiment.

It seems that it is not impossible!

Peter Pettigrew is in Ron's hands, so there is still room for manipulation.

In this cranky thinking, a class will soon end, there is no class this afternoon, but it can be used to experiment with one's conjecture.

After lunch, Kahn stopped the Weasley twins at the entrance of the auditorium: "George, I heard that Ron's mouse, Scabbers, has lived in your house for more than ten years?"

"There is indeed such a thing, what's the problem?"

George was also a little puzzled, Kahn asked why?

"This is a big problem. Do you know how long a mouse lives?"

George knew it was a ghost, and immediately shook his head: "I really don't know that."

Kahn put on a serious expression: "1-3 years, mice generally can't live for three years, unless they are magical animals."

Fred interjected: "Scabbard can't be a magical animal. He doesn't have any magical animal skills. He's just a lazy fat mouse."

Kahn spread his hands and looked at Fred: "But isn't it miraculous that such an ordinary mouse has lived for more than ten years?"

This is the wizarding world. If you are in the Muggle world, you will either be dissected, or you will be confessed as a smart mouse.

George stroked his chin without a single hair: "It's really strange when you say that."

Kahn took the opportunity to say again: "Has Banban given birth to a mouse in all these years?"

"Banban is male!"

"Did you give birth to pups with other female mice?"

Fred thought for a while before saying, "It seems not!"

If so, they must have been impressed. As experts in mischief, there is nothing alive in the family that has not been harmed by them.

"So I want to do an experiment. Maybe Ban Ban is a new breed of mouse. If Ban Ban's offspring also have such a long lifespan, it proves that this is not a special case, but a new breed."

"You might call him the Weasley rat."

Kahn was just doing an experiment, and had no intention of harming Scabbers, after all, who would be out of reach with a cute mouse!

If there are no rat cubs, it means that there is reproductive isolation. Annie Magus is still a human being in essence. If it is said that the rat cubs can be born smoothly, it means that the current Banban is an animal with a mouse body and a human mind.

The twins looked at each other and said in unison: "No, we don't want it, it's too ugly."

"But this kind of mouse may be sold for money, aren't you interested?"

"A kind of mouse that can live for a long time, I think there is still a market. Those potion masters or alchemists need mice, and some young wizards may also be interested in mice, and this super long-lived mouse Rats are the best choice, not to mention ten years may not be the limit of Banban, the longer the life, the greater the value."

"In that case, are you sure you want to let go of this business?"

After speaking, Kahn looked at George and Fred. The choice was in their hands, but I believe they would not refuse. Raising mice can make money, and this business is still good.

"I think I can try."

After Kahn’s analysis, George seems to be a little tricky. It seems to be nothing if he fails, and he can add some extra income if he succeeds.

After finalizing the decision, Kahn said without inkling, "Then let's go to Ron first."

But when he looked back, there was no sign of Ron on the Gryffindor long table. This guy didn't know where he went, and he was idle with Harry all day long.

"I think Ron is going back to the dorm to play wizard chess."

From what Fred knew of Ron, this possibility was the highest.

But before Kahn could take two steps, someone behind him patted him on the shoulder.

Hermione frowned: "Kahn, where are you going?"

Seeing Hermione, Kahn remembered that he had an appointment with Hermione yesterday, and there was no class this afternoon to go to the Hogwarts library to study together, but now he has to do an experiment!

Books can be read at any time, but the sooner the experiment is done, the better.

"I want to do an experiment and I need to find Ron, do you want to come?"


Now Kahn can't get it right, is this really Hermione?

Normal development should not say "Kahn, you don't keep your promise", then turn around with a flick of your hair, and go to the library to read a book by yourself.

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