Xiaori Country, at the foot of Mt. Fuji, Coverdale Vito and a small group of people have been hiding here for more than a week.

Coverdale Vito is a leader of the younger generation of the Witch Party, and he was also the head of the Selwyn family when Kahn first took over the Witch Party.

Although his strength is not so strong, it can be regarded as the level of Snape and the others. Many things that Kahn doesn't want to do are entrusted to him, and he has done a good job.

The task I received this time is to add fire to the already chaotic Little Life Kingdom. Doesn’t it mean that they are living a good life?

I just don't know if this day will be good after this fire. "940"

Originally, the Tokugawa family has been trying to restore their former glory for the past two hundred years, whether they are Muggles or wizards, they want to catch "and the other families do not deal with it very much.

It was better before. After all, the strength of the Tokugawa family is really good, and the two sides don't dare to fight each other, and they are a little scrupulous.

It's a pity that last time the Tokugawa family cooperated with the Ministry of Magic of the United States. Because of the inner ghost of Tom, they were tricked by Kahn, resulting in heavy losses.

Dozens of wizards died tragically on the spot. This is not a small number. You must know that there are only fifty to seventy new students in Hogwarts every year. There is no direct damage to the vitality.

This opportunity was naturally seized by other families. The Xiaotian Kingdom is so big, with only so few resources, and your family has occupied so much and is not satisfied. Now you want to take it all in one pot. Of course, other people can't bear it!

So taking advantage of this opportunity, the Futian, Takahashi, and Hatoyama families led a group of small families to try to move the Tokugawa family down for half a year.

There were countless large and small frictions in the middle, but recently the conflicts have become more intense.

The Tokugawa family, which has lost a large number of elite family members, is naturally at a disadvantage, and many of the affiliates who used to rely on the Tokugawa family to survive have also rebelled.

Thanks to Kahn's credit, the Tokugawa family and the Ministry of Magic of the United States also fell out. The Minister of the Ministry of Magic of the United States before being occupied by the despicable Haibo wanted to bring a large force to kill him, but because it was private He is not good at retaliating with great fanfare, but don't even think about support.

Now the minister has been replaced, so naturally there is no connection.

Of course, the disadvantaged Tokugawa family has also sought help internationally, hoping to have the power of the Ministry of Magic of other countries to intervene, at least to give themselves a chance to breathe

But sadly not.

The Ministry of Magic in other countries is either overwhelmed by themselves, or just watching the excitement.

The United States spoke up from the very beginning. It was because of the small country itself that outsiders would not intervene. Recently, because of the despicable Haierbo, the entire North and South America have become a mess. Europe, Italy, France, and the others Because of Voldemort, the country itself is in trouble, so it is said that it is supporting others. Da Mao has just separated from his own Ministry of Magic and is still wrangling.

Britain has just lost Dumbledore, and the Aurors have changed personnel one after another in the past two years, and they haven't made up for it until now, so naturally they won't wade into this muddy water. Germany's side also has Kahn's reasons. bird them.

As for Asia, let alone, there are ones who want to play with the dog in their childhood, who will help them!

So how they fought during this time, there is no reason for the international community to intervene, but they have sent a lot of people to check out...

Kahn naturally received a lot of news, and was very interested in one of them.

Recently, those families in Xiaotian want to take action against Asama Shrine, because Asama Shrine has a great influence in the wizarding world of Xiaotian Kingdom, and its own strength cannot be underestimated. The most important thing is that Asama Shrine has been around for hundreds of years. They have always been the strongest supporters of the Tokugawa family.

As long as the Asama Shrine is removed, the Tokugawa family is equivalent to having an arm cut off, so they are going to directly operate on the Asama Shrine, and then gradually erode the entire Tokugawa family.

The Asama Shrine is on the top of Mount Fuji, which was assigned to the Asama Shrine when the Tokugawa family was in charge of the family in their small days.

Until now, the top of Mount Fuji still belongs to Asama Shrine.

If you read more books, you will find that some legends in Xiaori Kingdom are actually true, but they are exaggerated. Of course, many other countries are also true. King Arthur and Merlin and the Three Deathly Hallows and so on.

The 1.5 legend that Kahn is interested in is Yaqi Orochi, which was not dried to death but sealed at the bottom of Mount Fuji's volcano.

Now Kahn is going to play a hand here, taking advantage of the chaos to release the so-called Yamata no Orochi, and let Mount Fuji erupt again.

Other states are not doing well, for example, North and South America and Europe are in a mess, and the black brothers in Africa are also suffering!

You can't live a good life in this poor place like you!


Besides, if you want to integrate with the Muggle world, you have to let people know that there are some extraordinary powers in the world, and some extraordinary powers that Muggles can't handle. This will be beneficial to future communication.


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