Early the next morning, although Kahn didn't have much rest all night, he was in a good state of mind. If nothing else happened, it was brought by the blood of Huang Heilong.

After washing up, Kahn came to the restaurant to prepare dinner, feeling very hungry for some reason.

In the past, Kahn didn't feel any obvious hunger at this time, and sometimes he chose to skip breakfast because he had no appetite.

However, due to the fact that it was still early, there was no one at the table, obviously Kahn came early and it was not yet breakfast time.

Just as Kahn waited for a while and was about to find something to eat, Yale and Crane came over with breakfast.

"Sorry, master, I didn't know you were waiting here!"

Yale and Crane's first reaction after seeing Kahn was to apologize, and then they got down on their knees after putting away their breakfast.

It is disrespectful to make the host wait for the meal, which is why Yale and Crane are so panicked.

"Get up! It's not your fault, it's me who came early."

The servility of the house elves is too strong, but Kahn is not prepared to change all of this, and he is also a beneficiary, let alone "447", it is not my race that will punish them, but it is nothing to be nice to them.

"Thank you master!" ×2

The faces of Yale and Crane can be clearly excited, as long as it is a little favor from the master, they will be grateful.

"Kahn, you came early!"

At this time, Rozier, who was already dressed neatly, also came down from upstairs. As a nobleman, even though he was in his seventies and eighties at the moment, he still maintained elegance and dignity at all times.

"Grandma Rozier, who always gets up at this time at Hogwarts, is used to it."

It's true, at home, people usually get up at eight o'clock, but at Hogwarts Kahn always gets up at seven o'clock.

"Grandma Rozier, then I'll start."

After speaking, Kahn turned into a cook. It's not that Kahn was not polite, and started eating before everyone was here.

It's because not everyone wakes up so early. Everyone's wake-up time is different. They are all old men and women who have already lived a leisurely retirement life. Not everyone is still so self-disciplined. When I couldn't sleep, I got up at five o'clock and went out for a walk, and sometimes I didn't get up until nine o'clock.

It's just that Rozier and those born in a few nobles will strictly demand themselves in some aspects.

Therefore, there are no rules for breakfast at home, but at noon and evening, meals are served only when everyone is present, unless there is a special reason.

Breakfast is still a tube of European style, two pieces of bread, a small bowl of wheat porridge, fried sausage and eggs, and of course a cup of yogurt, which is quite rich.

Then, under Rozier's amazed eyes, Kahn swept away his breakfast like a storm. In the past, Kahn probably couldn't finish it, and he starved the child like this in just a few months.

Could it be that Hogwarts abused my Kahn?

"Yale, bring me some breakfast, meat."

Kahn felt that this was just enough to fill his stomach, and he preferred meat to bread and cereal.

"Okay, master!"

House-elves never refuse their master's request, on the contrary they are happy about it.

"Kahn, is your appetite this big now?"

After all, Rozier couldn't help but ask out of inner curiosity.

"Well, now that I'm growing up, I eat a little too much."

Kahn nodded, this thing can't be explained!

If you guessed right, this is a side effect of the black dragon's bloodline, making it edible for thieves.

Next, Kahn drank another ten sausages, seven steaks and a large glass of fresh milk, and finally felt 70% full.

Now it's not just Rozier who is stunned, but Charles and Hillport who came down to eat on the way feel incredible. Can so many things fit in the stomach?

"Kahn, are you sure your body is okay now?"

"I am very well!"

It can only be said that the current state is unprecedentedly good, but we can't talk about the specifics!

After Saxon's examination, it turned out that there was nothing wrong with Kahn's body. On the contrary, he was extremely healthy, so the old men and women didn't have to worry about it.

Although Saxon is neither a doctor nor a nurse, as a master of potions, he is quite familiar with the human body, and any problems can't escape his eyes.

"Grandma Rozier, I want to learn to Apparate."

After breakfast, Kahn made his request. Obviously no one would teach him this magic at Hogwarts, and he couldn't find this magic at home or in Hogwarts. Obviously this is It was specially put away.

And even if you find it, it's not easy to practice Apparition at Hogwarts, because the entire Hogwarts has an anti-Apparition spell.

"Before learning apparation, you must have a very solid foundation of magic spells, and have a superb ability to control magic power, otherwise the failure rate will be extremely high."

Rozier didn't agree easily, the magic of apparition was more dangerous than most black magic, other magics would kill others, but apparition could kill him if he was not careful.

That's why she didn't teach Kahn to Apparate.

Kahn didn't want to explain, and directly used actions to prove it. A pitch-black fiery flame surged out from the tip of the wand, and then twelve pitch-black crows formed in midair and combined into various patterns.

Rozier and the others stared blankly at this scene.

From the point of view of perception, this is the Fierce Fire Curse, but I don't know why the color has become black, but the strength of this control over Fierce Fire has surpassed everyone present.

Is this the level that a wizard who has awakened to magic for half a year can reach?

There are absolutely no more than five people in the entire wizarding world who can control the Fiercefire Curse to such an extent.

"Grandma Rozier, is it okay now?"

Kahn, who dispelled the Fiercefire Curse, asked softly, his magic foundation is definitely not weak, and his control is not too bad, but he just doesn't have the control of elemental magic.

In the original book, both George and Fred can achieve full marks in the apparition course, so my current level of magic makes no sense!

"I can teach you, but you can't use Apparition until you pass our assessment."

With the Fierce Fire Curse just now, Rozier has no reason to refuse, but he is still worried that Kahn will use Apparition at will, which is also known as the body separation technique!

"I know, Grandma Rozier!"

As long as he is willing to teach, Kahn has nothing he cannot promise.

"Apparition and Apparation are an inseparable combination, disappearing from Apparation and appearing after Apparating.

"The most important thing is to have clear goals, firm determination, and a calm attitude in this process."

"have you understood?"

On the open space outside the castle, Rozier said seriously that these are the three most important factors, if one of them is not achieved, it may fail.


"Very well, I'll cover it up for you next."

Rozier made a mark with his wand on the clearing ahead, then came to Kahn's side.

Then Kahn watched Rozier disappear in a trance for a while, and reappeared at the mark in front of him.

No matter how many times you watch it, it is still very amazing. This is the use of space. No matter which world it is, it is synonymous with power and rarity, and so is the traceless expansion spell.

But the magic in battle in this world is not very developed, which is also strange.

Isn't space much harder than elements and such?

"Next I'll show you how to use Apparation correctly."

"Focus your awareness on the marker ahead."

"Make up your mind, think about 1.2, you must move to that mark, let the idea of ​​where you want to go from your brain to your whole body!"

"When I said start, you can do it again, first turn around in place and feel your body become nothingness, and move calmly.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, Kahn appeared at the place where Rozier had marked just now, obviously Kahn succeeded.

"Don't be happy for now, you are just the most basic, remember that you must not use Apparition in times of crisis, and Apparation will be disturbed. These ten points must be remembered.

Before Kahn was happy, Rozier immediately poured cold water on him. He didn't want to receive the news that Kahn became two pieces that day.

"I will remember."

Kahn knows this point. This shortcoming can be seen from the fact that almost no one uses apparition in the battle. Otherwise, can't you run if you can't fight?

How can so many people die like this, and not all places have anti-apparition.

However, Dumbledore used Apparition in battle when he was young, which means that if the control is high enough, it can still be used in actual combat. .

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