The unbreakable contract is broken!

night cut!

The replica of the Elder Wand, which had already been prepared, was directly used, and a dark red blood blade slashed across silently, and it was about to cut Voldemort in half.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A miserable green light emanated from the top of Voldemort's wand, instantly piercing the dark red blood blade in front of him, and then attacked Kahn unabated.

"I already knew you were unreliable, en!"

Voldemort smiled contemptuously, and originally wanted to leave Kahn to Dumbledore, but unfortunately, Kahn seemed to have some connection with Dumbledore, so he could only take over directly now.

Although this cannot lead to a fight between the Witchcraft Party and the Order of the Phoenix, it is enough for me to get the Philosopher's Stone.


Just when the green energy ray was about to hit Kahn, countless pitch-black crows appeared from above Kahn's head, and it happened that one of the crows bumped into the big melon and ended the killing curse with his own life.

"Harry, hide yourself!"

Glancing at Harry who was at a loss while holding his wand, Kahn couldn't help reminding.

It's only 50,000 Galleons, to fight Voldemort and protect Harry at the same time, what a blood loss!

"This... what the hell is going on here!"

Harry, holding his wand, looked at Kahn, and at Voldemort, how the two got into a fight.

Didn't Kahn14 join Voldemort?

He also gave the Philosopher's Stone to Voldemort, what the hell is going on?

Harry felt that he had never had such a headache in his life, his brain was not enough, and there were too many reversals.


Voldemort glanced at Harry who was still in a daze, and then realized, Kahn is not easy to hammer, but Harry is not easy to hit?

The orange-red Fiercefire floated out from the top of Voldemort's wand, turning into a huge fire snake and attacking Harry at high speed.

This brat Kahn was very evil, and his best skill of gnawing big melons was actually blocked, so that at this moment Voldemort had to give up the stunt he was famous for.

Watching this scene, Kahn felt a headache, this Harry was taken so stupidly by Ron, he didn't know how to hide, as expected, there was no Hermione with two big children, this brain is even worse!

Horror of Insects!

Kahn also targeted Harry, and immediately hundreds of hungry and thirsty poisonous insects appeared on Harry first, including worms, spiders, leeches, and centipedes.

The extremely large number of poisonous insects stopped the fierce Fiendfire for a while, but this also became the nourishment of Fiendfire, and it could not stop Fiendfire for long.

And Harry was also quite frightened by the sudden change, trembling like a sieve.

"Harry, hide if you don't want to die."

Kahn couldn't help reminding again, this magic consumes a lot of mana!

This is the only magic I have learned from the ancient book Black Veil: Human Skin Flayer at this stage, and my proficiency is only level three.

It was originally an extremely evil black magic, which can create hundreds of hungry and thirsty poisonous insects on the enemy. These poisonous insects with curses and poisons will devour the enemy's flesh and blood. However, Kahn regards it as a savior at this moment. Human magic.

"Whoa~, Harry vomited and crawled towards the corner to hide."

These poisonous insects that suddenly appeared on his body were far more disgusting than the horror from the flames, and Harry couldn't stand these poisonous insects crawling on his body.

Without the oil bottle of Harry, Kahn could also let go of his hands and feet. A jet of black Fiendflame shot out from Kahn's wand, and in an instant it turned into a pitch-black Fiendflame tiger and rushed straight at the orange-red fire snake.

Facing Voldemort, Kahn wouldn't hold back. With black magic, he didn't have to wait for the Chinese New Year to fail. As for whether Dumbledore would care.

Now was not the time to think about that, to fight Voldemort without using black magic, and he wasn't at Dumbledore's level yet.

"Kahn, you did a great job!"

Voldemort was a little out of breath, every time he used magic, Quirrell's life force dropped by one point, and he was fighting with his life.

Even if he devoured a lot of unicorn blood, he could only keep Quirrell's vitality at a relatively healthy level. However, when he broke through the level, he took a lot of shots. Could it be that all this was the other party's scheme?

"What can compare to Voldemort you!"

"Didn't the Philosopher's Stone go to your hands?"

Kahn smiled lightly, and while speaking, Kahn stomped his feet lightly, and a wave of magic power spread out.

In the next moment, five sharp blades flowing with magma attacked from all directions, four blocked Voldemort's position, and one directly poked out from the bottom of his feet.

But a wizard of Voldemort's level has a very keen sense of danger, and by the time he senses something is wrong, it has already turned into a cloud of black smoke and shot up to the ceiling.

This didn't touch the ground, and the sword of the cliff consumes more, and it hasn't worked yet. It's a blood loss again!

"Avada Kedavra!"

"It's useless Voldemort, you can still send out a few big melon bites now!"

With a wave of Kahn's hand, a crow easily blocked the incoming Killing Curse, and the remaining crows turned into a series of sharp arrows, aiming their sharp beaks at Voldemort.

At this moment, Voldemort's complexion became even more gloomy, and it was obvious that he would drain Qi Luo's life force and return home in a short time, but he couldn't care less.

A huge black snake rose from the ground, devouring the countless crows that attacked it.

This should be an oolong coming out of the hole!

Kahn looked at this giant python that was at least 1.5 inches thick, and the snake in the original Malfoy was less than 1.5 meters long, so the gap between the two is really huge.

However, Kahn's crow was not so delicious. A violent explosion came from the black python's body, and countless flesh and blood fell from the sky. Before it even landed, it was swallowed by the black flames around Kahn, and swept up to Voldemort.

night cut!

Seizing the opportunity, a dark red blood blade cut towards Voldemort's head, and Kahn didn't mind a sneak attack.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Looking at the dark red blood blade pierced by the green light, Kahn had to say with emotion; "Ginger is still hot!".

Obviously Kahn had found the right opportunity to attack when Voldemort was avoiding Fiendfyre, but was still easily resolved by Voldemort.

But the armor can resist the night mow, but Voldemort just likes to eat big melons. Could it be that the offensive spell is more powerful than the defensive spell?

"Kahn, ah..."

Voldemort, who was running around, couldn't help roaring, these things were nothing to me in the period of complete victory, it was a dream to think that a crow could resist his improved version of eating big melons, and now this is really the end of the world Bullied by dogs!

"Super armor protection!"

At the critical moment, Voldemort was finally willing to use protective magic, a transparent barrier wrapped Voldemort in all directions, blocking Fiendfyre from the front.

But the pitch-black tiger that had already dealt with the Fiendflame Serpent below quietly approached, pounced on Voldemort's back.

At this moment, Ka860en knew that the battle was over, and at the moment Voldemort was thrown down by Fiendfire Tiger, even if he had an enhanced version of armor protection, it would be useless.

The Fiendflame that rushed forward turned into a mass of pitch-black Fiendflame and directly enveloped Voldemort. Ten small fireballs jumped back and forth between Voldemort and the crow before it was over.

No matter where Voldemort turned into black smoke, a group of crows and a fireball were always sticking to Voldemort.

Kahn integrated the fire seed of Flame Storm into the initial group of Fiendfire, and activated the fire seed the moment Voldemort was thrown down, and then used his own crow as a springboard to give the fire seed of Flame Storm a chance to jump repeatedly, but every time he had to It only costs a crow. (I said earlier that this crow is between creatures and energy. It can block the death curse, and it can also be used as a springboard for yourself. You can’t stab yourself in the game, but there are no such restrictions in reality.)

But it doesn't matter, Lord, there are many crows!

Harry, who was huddled behind the stone pillar in the corner, was watching this scene tremblingly at this moment. The mysterious man was beaten and ran wildly, Harry couldn't believe his eyes.

But he didn't let his guard down on Kahn because of this, even if he had just saved himself.

Kahn, definitely wants to grab the Philosopher's Stone, absolutely!

Cliff Sword!

Calculating the distance, Kahn directly stabbed out with a magma blade, and Voldemort, who was battered by the repeated jumps of Fiendfire, had no time to react.

When the armor body was broken, the whole person was hanging on the top of the magma blade, and the black mist-like lower body also returned to normal, but the whole person lost the slightest breath of life.

"The Philosopher's Stone is coming!"

With a flying spell, it easily removed the Philosopher's Stone that was still held tightly by Quirrell's corpse. .

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