Hogwarts: From Inheriting The Ancestral Business To Becoming The Devil

Chapter Eighty-Five: Dumbledore's Eccentricity

On the night before leaving school, Hogwarts held a year-end banquet, which is also the time when the Academy Cup is awarded every year

"Another year has passed!"

"Before I indulge in these delicacies, I must trouble everyone to listen to an old man's cliché..."

Dumbledore happily preached on the high platform, and the year-end dinner every year was his happiest time, and it was another safe year.

Whether it is the Hogwarts graduates who are about to send off, or the new students who are about to welcome in more than two months, these are the future of the wizarding world.

"Now, as far as I know, we first have to do the Academy Cup award ceremony [the scores of the houses are as follows: 4th place Gryffindor 1307 points, 3rd place Hufflepuff: 341 points; 2nd place La Wen Keluo: 425 points, last Slytherin 450 points."

As Dumbledore finished speaking, thunderous cheers erupted from the long Slytherin table, and even Professor Snape, who had always had a poker face, showed a smile.

Slater Lin has not let go of any of the college textbooks these years, among which Professor Snape can definitely be said to have contributed a lot.

"Harry and Ron, you have deducted too many points, I can't add them."

Little Lolita Hermione can't accept this result, her own college is - bottom?

Obviously I have worked very hard to add points, but Harry and Ron together deducted nearly one hundred points, of course, ten and a half of them were contributed by Professor Snape.


Harry blushed a little, and now many people in Gryffindor turned their attention to Harry and Ron. Although they didn't blame them, they felt embarrassed.

Harry couldn't help scolding Professor Snape again in his mind, it certainly wouldn't have happened without himself and Ron.

"However, I still have some points to allocate this year."

"First Mr. Ron Weasley, who won one of the best games of chess at Hogwarts in many years, for which Gryffindor added fifty points.

Gryffindor's cheers almost toppled the magical ceiling. The Gryffindors who had some opinions on Ron just now looked at Ron with admiration. It turns out that this guy will not only deduct points.

And Ron raised his head just now.

Only Professor Snape frowned, realizing that the matter is not simple, this old honey is trying to cheat!

But the principal cheated, and he was powerless even as a professor.

Especially there is a smiling vice principal next to him.

"Secondly, Mr. Harry Potter, he has shown audacity and extraordinary courage, for which Gryffindor will give you 100 points."

Now the whole Gryffindor is boiling, they have 457 points, which has surpassed Slytherin, this year's Academy Cup belongs to Gryffindor.

"Well done, Harry!"

A seventh-grade senior next to him felt like crying. God knows how happy he was to see Gryffindor win a college cup before graduation.

"Third, Mr. Kahn Grindelwald, he has shown great strength and extraordinary wisdom, for which Slytherin will add ten points."

Now it's Gryffindor's turn to be silent, and it's Slytherin's carnival. They thought they would miss the Academy Cup this year after Dumbledore's operation just now

But the Gryffindor seventh-grade senior just froze, his whole body showing a kind of graying.

How excited you were just now, how desperate you are now, Dumbledore, you are not a human being, so you shouldn't give us hope!

Professor Snape also gave Kahn an approving look, it was worthwhile for him to work so hard to deduct Gryffindor's points this semester, otherwise he would be overturned.

Only Kahn was a little annoyed, Harry didn't seem to have done anything, if it wasn't for him, he would be so cold, how could he still get the same score as himself?

And Ron is not doing his job right!

I've never heard that Hogwarts also advocates that people play chess, shouldn't they use magic to pass to get points?

When can you get extra points for not doing business properly?

This old honey is definitely eccentric.

It's a pity that it's a duo now, if there is one more person, maybe Dumbledore will add some points, and Gryffindor will reach the top.

Although I don't care about it, this kind of obvious partiality is very undesirable.

But Kahn apparently forgot about his own dean.

"So, this year's Academy Cup champion is Slytherin, let's congratulate Slytherin."

With Dumbledore's announcement, the whole scene became lively. Slytherin won the championship, and Gryffindor, who was at the bottom of the list, leaped to second place. The only one who was not happy was the little eagles who pulled Wen Keluo. Pull it down.

As for the extra points that Dumbledore just mentioned, they don't approve of them at all, it's not so outrageous, others are all five points and ten points, and 20 points have never been met a few times, you are always fifty or one hundred , totally against the rules!

Slytherin was already on top of him, so there was no objection to this, but Gryffindor, who was at the bottom, leaped to second place, and the strong eaglets expressed their disapproval.

Hufflepuff didn't have any complaints. They were brothers and sisters with Gryffindor, and after all these years, the two were basically rounded up by them.

"Kahn, what did you do and why did Dumbledore give you points."

Daphne next to Kahn asked in a low voice, Kahn hasn't done anything these days!

Harry and Ron, there is a rumor that they protected a treasure on the fourth floor, and Ron was injured because of it, but what does this have to do with Kahn?

"Just doing Dumbledore a little favor, that's all."


Daphne is a little unbelievable, a little favor to help you add 100 points?

"Remember Dumbledore's notebook?"

"That's the deal, he gave 100% when it was completed."


Daphne chuckled lightly, not worrying about it anymore, and then enjoyed the happy year-end dinner with the Slytherin students beside her.

The next day, Kahn and his party waited on the platform of the Hogwarts train station. The summer vacation starts tomorrow and lasts until September 1st.

The test results have also come out this morning. Apart from getting an A in flight class and a T in transfiguration, Kahn got 0s in other subjects.

Kahn himself doesn't have any opinion on this, anyway, it's fine if he doesn't fail, and he should be able to hand over the job if he takes it back.

"Kahn, I will send you a letter this summer, remember to reply!"

Hermione pulled Kahn's wizard robe and said in a low voice, she was still a bit reluctant to part with him for more than two months, but he knew that Kahn lived in Austria and was far away from London, so it was still difficult to meet him.

"I can't guarantee this, if you are not at home, you may not be able to receive the letter.

Kahn got vaccinated first. He is going to see Nicole Flamel this summer, and he doesn't know if he will have the opportunity to learn how to do both. If not, Kahn decided to dig out Nicole Flamel's grave when the time comes.

Anyway, he didn't have a good life for a few years. After visiting once this year, Kahn can remember the location.

...asking for flowers......

And when my house is in a state where various spells are turned on, the owl seems to be unable to fly in.

"Kahn, where are you going for the summer vacation?"

Daphne was a little curious, "For example, she decided to travel to France with her sister and mother during the summer vacation.

"I'm not sure, by the way, what's your home phone number, Hermione?"

"When I go back and buy a mobile phone, I should be able to contact you."

Kahn thought about it, but modern tools are more convenient. Sending letters and so on is outdated. Now that Motorola mobile phones have appeared, I just don’t know if there is a signal at home.

But Hogwarts definitely has no signal. ,

"Kahn, I've been looking for you for a long time, can you do me a favor?"

Just when Kahn memorized the phone numbers of Hermione and Penello's house, Ron and Harry used the levitation spell to find this place with two large iron cages.

"Is there a problem?"

Looking at the two big iron cages, the corners of Kahn's mouth couldn't help twitching, Ron hasn't given up on his mouse yet!

"I want to take them home, can I borrow one from you that has cast the No Trace Expansion Charm?"

"It's all the fault of those house elves, I was planning to put them in Hogwarts and let them help me raise them during the summer vacation, but they didn't expect them to be willing.

"It's unbelievable that the house-elf turned down the wizard."

Ron was a little annoyed. The house-elves in wizarding families were absolutely obedient to their masters, and the house-elves in Hogwarts generally would not refuse a little wizard's request, but they clearly said they were going to discuss it. Say no, there is no such thing.

"Okay, I'll give you one."

Kahn is a bit of a headache, I will definitely not use it if I have raised mice, even if I sell it, it is not easy to sell!

And Hogwarts can help you raise mice, it's a ghost, and keep Professor McGonagall as a tabby cat to catch you clean.

"I will use it!"

Throw Ron a box the size of a tea box. This is his own experimental work at the beginning. It is not bad, and the space has the size of 30 cubic meters.

Others that were worse were sold by Kahn at a low price, and this is the worst at the moment.

"Thanks, I'll use it!"

Ron took it happily. He originally wanted to borrow it from George and Fred, but they were unwilling, so he came to Kahn.

He declared Kahn his second best friend, after Harry of course.

Even though the income from raising mice so far is zero, Ron still did not give up.

If there is no suitable thing to hold these mice, my mother will definitely throw them all away after returning home.

Watching Ron throw the whole cage into the box that cast the No Trace Expansion Charm, Kahn just wanted to say: What a crime!

Just now Kahn initially estimated that there were no less than a hundred mice. If he guessed correctly, Ron also cleared some, otherwise there must be more than this.

I really want to see what expression Ron will have if he finds out that Banban is the middle-aged bald uncle Peter Pettigrew.

This is not only helping to raise a son, but even raising grandsons and great-grandsons together. Absolutely good people!


"The train is coming, let's get on it!"

The whining sounds, the leaving train is about to arrive, and the first year of Hogwarts is considered to be over.

This year Kahn can be regarded as a harvest, especially in terms of money.

At present, he still has a gold gallon in the early 150,000s and a large amount of magic materials on his body, and Dumbledore still owes himself 50,000. .

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