Kahn, who spent a whole day shopping for Hogwarts first-year necessities, was lying in his den. It was destined to be a sleepless night today, and finally he had money to draw a lottery!

Whoring for nothing all day, so far I haven't spent a penny of the 30,000 Galleons, what a pleasure!

However, I didn’t even meet a single protagonist in the original book. The other traversers either met Harry or Hermione, or even Malfoy as a foil. When I came here, I had nothing. Combined with my own wand, it was perfunctory. Could it be that I Really not the Chosen One?

Alas, then you can only count on krypton gold to change your life!

He took out a gold Galleon from the dragon skin pocket, and silently said the word "recharge".

Soon the Galleon disappeared from Kahn's hands, and the column of gold coins on the system panel also changed from "0" to "1".

According to 300 gold coins for one transfer, each subsequent transfer is double the previous one. I can transfer six times in total, which means spending 18,900 gold galleons. The child has so much money.

If it were a Muggle, it would be difficult to obtain so many Galleons in this lifetime.

Without ink marks, poured the Galleons in Wuhen’s expansion pocket on the bed and rushed into the system. The 3w Galleons in my hands hadn’t warmed up yet, and only 1.11w Galleons were left. This is really cool. Wow!

"Coconut Milk × 10"

"Scholar Card x 10"

"Remy's Aid x 10"

"Talent Point × 3"

"Brilliant Black Dragon (Egg Form)"

"Magic Quick Card"

"Dust Pot"


"The Sword of the Cliff"

Fiddlesticks Succession Card

"Blood Potion"

"Resurrection Coin"

With the completion of the recharge of Kahn18900 Gold Galleon, the familiar big turntable reappeared in front of us.

Kahn tapped the golden button on the blue light screen lightly, and the turntable started to run immediately. The fast Kahn couldn't see clearly at all, and there was no stop button here, which was really frightening.

It wasn't until the turntable started to slow down that Kahn was able to see the rewards above.

Stop it, stop it, that's right, you are the sword of the cliff!

Fuck, how did it go, the Fiddlesticks Inheritance Card is fine too!

Please, Tong Bao, please stop!

Blood Potion! Resurrection coins!

Brother System, stop!

Can't turn!

Coconut milk × 10? Brother, this is not going to stop!

Coconut milk × 10 has been obtained!

RNM refund money!

100 Gold Galleons is all that? I can take a coconut milk bath for 1 Gallon, shit!

It's really disappointing to win such a thing. The coconut milk is like someone who has never drank it. It's a bad start!

The second shot, forget about the destruction!

The worst is already in hand, what is left will do!

Then he just closed his eyes and drew five times in a row. It was really disturbing to watch, and the final result was: Sword of the Cliff, Xueba Card x 10, Fiddlesticks Inheritance Card, Magic Quick Card, Talent Point x 3.

From the looks of it, the result seems to be pretty good!

But the remaining six, it can be said that all of them are good things. The ancient dragon Huang Heilong is not at the same level as the giant dragon in Harry Potter's world. Even Remy's assistance is life-saving at critical times. The resurrection coin is an extra life!

Bloodline potion, obviously this is something that changes the bloodline, do I need to say more?

In terms of potential, it is definitely the thing with the highest potential and the greatest value here. Needless to say, it should be a kind of magic, which can make the 20 centimeters a step further. It is appropriate for female treasures. Do you need a clearer explanation? ?

After the lottery draw is over, the goods must be inspected first!

The first is the talent point x 3. According to the optimal principle, it must be the highest talent first.

Talents: Charms 7, Black Magic 9, Transfiguration 3, Ancient Runes 7, Alchemy 8, Potions 5, Herbalism 4, Divination 0

First of all, it must be the talent of black magic, and the rest are spells, ancient runes, and alchemy. Judging from the current needs, it must be spells. From the perspective of future potential, it must be ancient runes. If you want to make money, then It must be alchemy.

Since it is uncertain whether talent points can be drawn in the future, Kahn decided to focus on ancient runes for the final development. Whether it is ancient magic or more advanced alchemy, there is no doubt that they are all related to ancient runes .

So the talents become: Talents: Charms 7, Black Magic 10, Transfiguration 3, Ancient Runes 9, Alchemy 8, Potions 5, Herbalism 4, Divination 0

Next, is the magic fast card, to quickly learn a magic?

Take out a blank card, follow the instruction manual on the back, write an existing magic and use it to reach full level directly.

This is quite simple. In terms of destructive power, the Fiercefire Curse or finding those powerful ancient magics is the most cost-effective, but since I have to go to Hogwarts to study, I have no choice but to choose Occlumency. magic.

Quickly came to the desk and took out a quill and started to act. Occlumency Kahn has found this book a long time ago, but because he needs to ingest spiritual thoughts to cooperate with learning to make faster progress, he has not practiced it all the time, and now he can learn it instantly It's not bad.

The rest of the sword of the cliff is learned, and the Fiddlesticks succession card is used.

Magic Skills: Alchemy Level 1, Occlumency Level 7, Cliff Sword Level 3, Scarecrow Level 3, Fear Level 3, Five Bones Level 3, Night Cut Level 3, Crowstorm Level 3, Iron Armor Curse Level 3, Crushing Curse Level 2, Flame Curse Level 2, Petrification Curse Level 1, Flying Curse Level 1, Levitation Curse Level 1, Lighting Curse Level 1...

The latter is the learning results during this period, which is already far beyond the level of a normal Hogwarts first-year wizard. The previous Occlumency level is indeed a full level of seven, which is very good, but why are the rest of them all three? Level, can't you give a full level?

It's me, Kahn didn't give the money or something!

You can ignore the remaining coconut milk, or look at the Xueba card.

A scumbag becomes a top student, and a top student turns into a god. It lasts for 24 hours, the gospel of the exam, and the savior of the scumbag.

This is at least a bit useful, it's easier to learn magic spells and the like.

Woo, it's getting late!

Go to bed now, it's almost dawn!

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