"Then I was deducted twenty points by Professor McGonagall... and was also punished to go on patrol in the Forbidden Forest with Harry Potter and the others..."

"Then I met Vizette Lovegood again... He was on the back of a centaur... He seemed to have come to the Forbidden Forest to hunt the Acromantula..."

"Oh?" Lucius narrowed his eyes and held his chin with his crossed fingers, "Hunting the Acromantula?"

Finding that his father was not interested in deducting points from him, Draco breathed a sigh of relief and said in a louder voice, "That's right! It was the centaur who said it."

"The centaur also took a huge spider leg, which should be the leg of the Acromantula. The things in Grandpa's diary are true, the Acromantula is in the Forbidden Forest!"

Chapter 57 The relationship between Voldemort and Wizette?

Lucius frowned and murmured to himself: "Hunting the Acromantula...for what purpose? To obtain life force?"

Draco asked with some confusion: "Dad, what are you talking about? What is life force?"

"Nothing..." Lucius shook his head, "What about you? How do you feel about Wizette Lovegood? I remember that Hogwarts is a rendezvous class."

"He's just a Ravenclaw, right? He's very obsessed with knowledge... If I see him occasionally, it's usually in the library." Draco recalled.

"In class, I'm either answering questions...or helping those Ravenclaws solve problems. It seems like he's quite popular...that's pretty much it."

"Yes." Lucius nodded, "Starting from the next school year, I will have some contact with Wizette Lovegood. For safety reasons, contact will be limited to Hogwarts Castle."

"Do you still want to contact him?" Draco was even more confused, "You asked me to contact Harry Potter before..."

"And now there's Vizette Lovegood? He's an Obscurial, right? Do I need to get in touch with him?"

"Build good relationships, my son!" Lucius gave Draco a deep look, "As the future heir of the Malfoy family, you must understand this!"

"Harry Potter is the savior who defeated the Dark Lord. As for Wizette Lovegood, since he can gain Severus' favor, why not get in touch with him?"

"The most correct thing my father did back then was to have a friendship with Severus. Even if friendship is put aside, the value of a potions master is immeasurable!"

Draco was a little incredulous, "Do you think...that Vizette Lovegood can also become a Potions Master?"

"Even if I come to Severus for punishment every week, I can still learn enough potions knowledge." Lucius sighed.

"Making the right investment at the right time is very important to the Malfoy family. You should start learning."

"Whether it's Harry Potter or Wizette Lovegood, they are all people with potential. Go back and think about it!"

"Dad, I will try again..." Draco was slightly reluctant, but still agreed, "I will try my best."

The door closed and the study fell into silence again.

After Lucius pondered for a moment, he took out a rainbow-colored opal dragon leather notebook from the cabinet on the side, with the name outlined in pure gold thread on it: Abraxas Malfoy.

Compared to that dark T.M. Riddle notebook, there is a huge difference.

Abraxas Malfoy is the name of Lucius's father. He was also one of the first generation Death Eaters and witnessed the rise of Voldemort.

The reason why he took out this notebook was still because the unexpected burning of the Dark Mark made Lucius inevitably connect Vizette Lovegood to Voldemort.

The notebook records the past between his father and Voldemort.

[Although I know that he is an orphan who came from the Muggle world but entered Slytherin, I must admit that he is an outstanding person. I always feel that he is not simple...]

[Dean Slughorn also likes him very much. More and more Slytherins abandon their prejudices and start to contact him...]

[I must admit that he looks good. With black hair and eyes and delicate facial features, he is really good-looking. Maybe I should try to get in touch with him...]

Lucius recalled Weizet's appearance based on the description in his notes, "Dark hair and black eyes? He seems to look good... In any case, he is better looking than the later Dark Lord!"

[He does have unique charm. I am very happy with my original decision. It turns out that he is the heir of Salazar Slytherin! The reason why I believe it is because he will soon prove it...]

[As expected of the heir of Slytherin! Not only did he open the Chamber of Secrets and let that stupid guy get out of Hogwarts, but he also cleared the suspicion. You should go less to the Forbidden Forest because there are Acromantulas there...]

[I became a member of the Walpurgis Knights, an organization created for "pure-blood supremacy." After graduation, we will begin to conquer England...]

[A stupid Muggle became the Minister of Magic, that damn Nobby Leach! He said that if he took action, Nobby Leach would soon be removed from the position of Minister of Magic...]

[He did it, and Nobby Leach was cursed by him! Knight Walpurgis changed his name to Death Eater. Under his leadership, we will defeat death and appreciate death...]

[I have dragon pox and I will never have the chance to witness the day when I defeat death... My child, Lucius Malfoy, you must inherit my will. This world belongs to pure-blood wizards...]

After closing the notebook, Lucius let out a long breath and looked at T.M.Riddle's notebook again.

"Did the Dark Lord come to remind me? Or... to warn me?" Lucius was a little surprised and doubtful.

By reading the notes left by his father, in his mind, the image of Vizet and Voldemort seemed to overlap, at least the image of the student days overlapped.

"I'm afraid the Dark Lord is playing a big game! He actually chose to hide under the light, right under Dumbledore's nose."

"It's best to let Draco contact it, just like my father did back then..." He continued to mutter to himself.

"As for this notebook, I'd better keep it with me!"

The tormenting day finally passed, and Lucius, who was thinking about it, welcomed the night. He left T.M.Riddle's notebook in the study and planned to go back to the bedroom to have a good sleep.

When the whole Malfoy Manor fell into a deep sleep, T.M.Riddle's notebook trembled, and a black mist emerged from the pages, completely wrapping the notebook.

The notebook came to Lucius' bedroom, emitting wisps of black air that penetrated into Lucius's nasal cavity.

After doing all this, the notebook continued to wander around the main house and entered Draco's bedroom through the crack of the door.


When Draco woke up, he saw the notebook on the desk and immediately felt familiar.

He seemed to have seen this notebook in his father's study yesterday.

He picked up the notebook and turned to the first page. When he saw the name on it, he immediately mocked, "T.M.Riddle? What an ordinary name! Who would use such a notebook? Haha!"

Throwing the notebook back on the table casually, he began to tidy up his hair and put on his robes...

In the living room, Draco recalled the notebook, "Dad, your notebook is with me."

Lucius frowned, feeling that something was not remembered, "My notebook? What does it look like?"

Draco described, "Black cover, with T.M.Riddle written on it, I saw it in your study yesterday."

"A stupid name, like a name that only Muggles would use!" Lucius frowned, "There is no way such a thing exists in my study."

Draco heard Lucius's evaluation and nodded in agreement, "I think so too, let's get rid of it later."

Just then, the firelight of the fireplace turned emerald green, and Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, and Pansy Parkinson walked out of it.

Lucius looked at them and asked lazily, "Where is your father?"

The three of them answered in unison, "He will be here later, Mr. Lucius."


The Malfoy family is really a great helper. Without Lucius's frame-up, the Horcrux notebook would not have been destroyed.

In the Order of the Phoenix, it was Lucius who held the prophecy ball, and then the prophecy ball was inexplicably broken.

In the Deathly Hallows, Narcissa helped Harry cover up, which led to the final lore.

Draco is even more amazing. Not only did he get the Elder Wand, but he also made Harry the owner of the Elder Wand by mistake, thus completing the counterattack.

Without the Malfoy family, this magical world would be scattered...

Chapter 58 Active Potion

Brewing active potions is an important part of making wands. Only by using excellent active potions can the magic wood be activated and the degree of fit with the wand core be improved.

Compared with modern potion science, the active potions used in making wands usually use more ancient potion materials.

Ollivander specially recommended several books for Vizzet to try and read, so that he could understand the characteristics and functions of ancient potion materials and lay a foundation for the next step.

This was Ollivander's affirmation of Vizzet. He believed that this Ravenclaw could live up to expectations and understand the uses of those ancient potion materials.

As the school opening date approached, the freshmen all bought their favorite wands.

Ollivander's wand shop didn't have to be so busy, and a new round of wand making guidance was launched again.

Ollivander held two spherical fruits and said, "Mistletoe fruits are divided into white and red fruits. White fruits are relatively easy to obtain and are suitable for the most widely used active potions."

"If you have already considered the wand combination and need to use dragon heartstrings or phoenix feathers, and want to keep improving, then you can consider using red fruits..."

He closed his mouth and waited for Vizzet to express his views.

This is a teaching method that can only be used for Vizzet. By answering questions and solving doubts, the memory of relevant knowledge can be deepened.

Vizette used the Magic Eye to observe the difference between the two types of mistletoe.

The magic circuits of the two fruits are almost the same, but the magic circuit of the red fruit is clearer, which is a better performance, which is also the so-called excellence.

After the observation, he said: "In the era without magic wands, mistletoe was a common 'medium'. Its characteristics are healing and protection. It is also the earliest healing potion..."

"Then its role in the active potion should be to restore the activity of magic wood and protect wizards and wands through healing. Mr. Ollivander, am I right?"

"Very good, that's the effect." Ollivander nodded in affirmation, leaving the white fruit on the table, "We will start making potions later, and use this to practice."

He picked up another bottle of golden liquid, which was like golden quicksand. When it was shaken, it seemed to stir up a brilliant galaxy, and there was an expectant look in his eyes.

Vizet said: "Oak sap, the characteristics of which are strength and toughness, can greatly extend the use time of the wand and enhance the purity of the magic wood itself."

"Very good! Add this..." Ollivander took out a bottle of emerald green liquid, "Clover essence, to guide the active potion to blend better."

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