Compared to Weizet's classmates, Fred and George's magic foundation is much better, and they can naturally hear the wonders of the "Rubik's Cube Theory".

"It turns out we can still do this..." George looked like he suddenly realized, "I feel like we can also make that teacup that bites the nose!"

Fred shook his head and said: "It's terrible to be born in the future! It's really terrible to be born in the future! George, do you think we are..."

"I know what you want to say!" George nodded, "Indeed! He told us such a precious secret..."

"It's not very precious either." After hearing the conversation between the two, Weizet shrugged and waved his hands, "Professor Sprout told me these."

"She is willing to tell me these things, and there is no reason for me to hide them. At most, it can only be regarded as... generosity to others, right?"

"But there is your own understanding in this. This is very important!" Fred corrected, "Since you share such a precious secret..."

"Are we the kind of stingy people? Wait a minute..." George put his hand into his pocket, groped hard, and finally took out a roll of parchment.

This was an old square roll of parchment. It looked like it had been aged for some time and had not been cared for very much. The corners were frayed.

Still, Weizet doesn't take it lightly.

In the magical world, those ancient things often possess incredible magic and are worth studying.

Vizette used his magic eye and discovered that the magic circuit of the parchment was extremely complex, even more complex than the magic circuit of the mandrake, like a ball of green thread that could not be undone.

The most peculiar thing is that with the thread-like magic circuit as the center, the other magic circuits actually extend outwards, breaking away from the parchment itself, spreading in all directions like a spider web.

George wiped his sweat and said, "I found it! I hid it deeper just now to avoid Filch!"

He and Fred looked at each other, their expressions much calmer, and there was a bit of caution between their brows.

Fred said, "Weizet, this is our biggest secret!"

George said: "But your identity is not ordinary! You are our dear material consultant, and now you are also a night travel enthusiast! You can share secrets with us!"

After hearing the description of the Weasley twins, Weizet thought thoughtfully and said: "Is this parchment... related to Hogwarts Castle? Is it a magic map?"

"Ouch! What are you doing!" Fred couldn't maintain the caution between his brows, and screamed, "Don't guess so accurately... let us finish talking!"

"That's right! Then give us a look of surprise... to comfort us, okay?" George blinked exaggeratedly, with hope in his eyes.

Because he didn't pay much attention to the road, he hit the step with his toe and almost fell down.

"'d better watch the road carefully!" Weizet said. He and Fred held George's arms to prevent George from falling.

"Moved! So touched!" George pulled the two of them to sit on the steps.

George unfolded the parchment, and the square parchment was blank, "Weizet, don't blink!"

He took out his wand and put it against the parchment. While tapping the map, he said in a solemn voice: "I solemnly swear that I will do no evil!"

An ink spot appeared where George's wand touched.

The ink dots spread quickly, turning into delicate strokes one after another, spreading to the entire parchment, and actually outlined the outline of Hogwarts Castle.

Above the outline of Hogwarts Castle, a string of green text emerged.

Gentlemen who are here to help magical mischief makers.

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Proudly presenting the Marauder's Map

The originally thin parchment became much thicker, almost equivalent to a booklet.

George put the Marauder's Map in Weizet's hand, "Open it and take a look!"

Fred coughed lightly and murmured softly: "You want a surprised expression!"

"It really surprises me!" Wizette widened his eyes in cooperation, "It looks... really magical!"

With the help of the magic eye, he saw the magic circuit like a thread unfolding and expanding to every corner of the parchment, becoming much clearer.

In addition, the thickness of the parchment itself has increased, and transformation magic has also been used. It is also a transformation magic that can be maintained for a long time, and is also worthy of in-depth study.

This surprise was indeed big enough. Just observing the process of turning the parchment into a Marauder's Map gave Wizette a lot of new ideas.

Weizet spread out the map, which depicted Hogwarts Castle and the grounds, with all the details.

What surprised Weizet the most was the black spot on the Marauder's Map.

The black spots are distributed around the common room of the college. There are four large black spots in total, which should represent the sleeping students of the college.

Weizet moved his eyes around and looked at the place marked the principal's office.

Headmaster Dumbledore's name was also on it, and he was pacing back and forth in the headmaster's office.

Professor Snape hasn't slept yet, and is currently in the office, also pacing...

Chapter 108 Map Secret Room?

Weizet glanced at the moving stairs and determined his location.

On the Marauder's Map, his and the Weasley twins' names appeared on the moving landing on the fifth floor.

Weizet pointed at two parallel dotted lines and asked curiously: "George, what do the dotted lines mean... a secret passage?"

"Yes!" George was very satisfied with Weizet's tone, raised his eyebrows and nodded, "We have learned a lot from this little baby!"

Fred looked equally proud and added: "At least we can't learn that much from Lockhart and Trelawney!"

Wizer nodded, "That's it! The secret passage you told me about last time was found on this map, right?"

George crossed his arms and said, "That's right! We have many secret passages, all of which were discovered from the map."

"Praise to Prongs and Padfoot!" Fred said in a cadence, "This is all their help!"

"Praise Moon Face and Wormtail!" George echoed, "They are all extremely noble people!"

"With their help, we were able to compete with Filch! That guy knows too many secret passages!"

"By the way, if you don't want to see it, just take out the wand and tap it again..."

According to what George said, Weizet picked up his wand and tapped the Marauder's Map, "The prank is over!"

The Marauder's Point map shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ink lines on it shrank rapidly. The originally extremely exquisite and complex map turned back into an old square parchment.

He wanted to return the Marauder's Map to George, but George pushed it back, "Just keep it! We have already memorized the content on the Marauder's Map!"

Weizet said: "But..."

Fred interrupted him, "Don't worry! In fact, we gave it to you with a little care!"

"We still want to play with Filch! So... I leave it to you to find the secret base!"

"Well, thank you!" Weizet said solemnly, feeling very moved in his heart.

Whether from a practical point of view or a research point of view, the value of such a magic map is inestimable.

To be able to give him away like this, the Weasley twins truly regarded him as a friend.

"My expression is very good now!" George made a photographic gesture, "It would be even better if there were some tears!"

Fred said with a smile: "Weizet, if you are willing to share the 'Rubik's Cube Theory' with us, of course we will also give you good things, so please stop doing this!"

Wizer nodded, "Okay! It's up to me to find the secret base!"

He remembered Fred and George mentioning it when school started.

In fact, he happens to know that there is such a place that is very suitable for use as a secret base.

But that place was told to him by Serena, so if he wanted to use it, he needed to seek Serena's permission.

On the way back to the common room, Fred and George shared many past experiences.

It's all about how they, as freshmen, battled wits and courage with Filch.

Before they obtained the Marauder's Map, they were often at a disadvantage. From time to time they would be caught by Filch, pulled into the office for confinement, and called Professor McGonagall to come and deduct points.

It wasn't until they found the Marauder's Map from a drawer marked "Confiscated Items, Highly Dangerous" that they gradually gained the upper hand.

Returning to the common room, Wizette did not go back to the dormitory immediately. Instead, he found a chair and sat down, opening the notebook from Serena.

He still remembered the original letter. Serena once said that they would "try to give you appropriate help."

But at the end of the Guardian's secret room, there is only such a notebook.

Since the notes possess the magic of the door key, it is possible to hide more magic.

The cover of the notebook has a swirling crystal piece, which is very similar to the mechanism in the Guardian's secret room.

Weizet picked up the wand, put the tip of the wand against the crystal piece, and tried to inject ancient magical power into it.

After absorbing the power of ancient magic, the crystal piece glowed with silver-blue light, and the vortex in it also felt flowing.

A message was transmitted along the tip of the wand to Weizet.

Just as he guessed, this notebook can not only be used as a door key, but also can be used as a communication tool to contact Serena and the others.

Weizet opened the notebook, used the wand as the pen and ancient magical power as the ink, and wrote a message on it:

[Hello, Ms. Pendragon. I want to use that warehouse room, is that okay? 】

Just when he was about to close the notebook, a series of words suddenly appeared on it:

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