Snape glanced at Ron and Harry who were bowing their heads, and said coldly and briefly: "It's a pity that as their roommate, I didn't take the initiative to ask for help."

"Since the gentleman doesn't want to be escorted, then... Miss Granger! Miss Patil! Send our two sleepyheads to the campus hospital!"

After giving the order, he began to patrol the Potions classroom again, continuing to criticize and deduct points...

Seeing Hermione's unwilling expression when she left the classroom, Ron sighed, "What a wonderful job."

"Actually, in a sense, he understands us very well... He actually asked Hermione to go to the campus hospital. She will definitely be very distressed."

"Who says it's not?" Harry replied, checking the steps written on the blackboard again, and put two portions of Wolfsbane Aconitum into the crucible...

Seamus was absolutely right. In order to deal with the sudden flu, Snape did have to brew a large amount of refreshing potion.

For this reason, even for private lessons on weekends, Wizette needs to help brew a refreshing potion.

If you make it according to the recipe of the refreshing agent, you only need to use ginger root, a pungent material.

However, Snape was a master of potions. In addition to adding a large amount of ginger root, he also added a large amount of nepeta, peppercorns, horseradish, and mint into the crucible, which made Weizet's eyelids jump.

When the brewing process reached the last step, Snape didn't stop and added bitter chrysanthemum infusion into the crucible as a finishing touch, which made Vizette sweat profusely.

Snape caught a glimpse of Weizet's eyes, "Want to deduct points?"

"Professor Snape, I'm thinking about their function." Wizette was also finishing, waving his wand while stirring in three counterclockwise circles.

"Nepeta, peppercorns, horseradish, and mint can actually be used as substitutes for ginger root. But if you add so much at once, will it be too spicy?"

Snape said: "Then dilute it, I don't have so much time to spend on it! I will only brew the refreshing potion today, and you will brew the subsequent refreshing potions."

Wizette asked curiously: "Professor Snape, what about the last bitter chrysanthemum infusion? Its medicinal properties and refreshing agents don't seem to match well."

Snape smiled coldly, "Gryffindors are full, so I help them appetize."

He cleaned the cauldron and started a new round of brewing. "When you go to deliver potions to Madam Pomfrey, remember to tell her that these potions of mine are specially for Gryffindor!"

"Diluted the refreshing potion?" Wizette thought of "Ancient Magic: Potion Equilibrium Transformation".

"Professor Snape, if I add more sweetener to the concentrated refreshing potion, will it affect its effectiveness?"

Snape asked, "What are you going to add?"

Weizet said of his thoughts, "I initially considered licorice, but if you take licorice in large amounts, it will also have side effects."

“Then I thought about the infusion of honeysuckle and echinacea. When you do the last step, adding the infusion of these two herbs can maintain the sweetness to a greater extent.”

Snape thought for a moment and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, but the method needs to be changed, including the action of waving the wand to cast the spell."

Chapter 139 Who is the prey? Who is the hunter?

Weizet somewhat understands what "I use my hands to make your dreams come true" means.

As a Potions Master, Snape was equally good at adding large amounts of spicy and bitter herbs to potions, as well as adding large amounts of sweet herbs.

After understanding Weizet's thoughts, Snape waved his wand and summoned the recipe for the refreshing potion.

"If you don't want to destroy the effect of the refreshing drug and need to add these useless herbs, then you need to make fundamental changes."

Following his usual practice, he directly processed the herbs on the formula, while Wizette watched carefully.

Once the step of handling the herbs was over, it was Wizette's question time.

With the Magic Eye as an auxiliary means, Wizette could understand most of Snape's methods of handling herbs, and there were not many questions that needed to be asked.

"Professor Snape, do the seeds of kava pepper fruit need to be removed? Leaving those seeds can make the medicine more effective."

Snape seemed to be waiting for this moment. He would cross his arms and explain in a short but measured voice.

"Using kava fruits directly without processing them, are you going to make a fruit salad? Save your effort, unless you want to send yourself to the school hospital."

After saying this, Snape would pause for a while before explaining and adding, "If you don't cut it open and remove the seeds, heating it and combining it with other herbs will cause toxicity, so..."

What Weizet needed was the second half of the sentence. He nodded in realization, "I understand! This is the function of pumpkin seeds!"

“Because its effect is milder, it can replace the seeds of kava fruit and play a supplementary role!”

This seemingly cumbersome question time actually feels like a hunter setting a trap and waiting for his prey to step into the trap.

Of course, it doesn’t matter who the prey is, what matters is the harvest;

Some people can get emotional satisfaction, and some people can get intellectual satisfaction.

After solving the questions, Weizet sorted out his notes and talked about the conclusions of the steps just now.

"Beech leaves need to be ground to a sufficiently fine level... Only extremely fine powder can be better fused after being put into the crucible..."

If the conclusion was correct, Snape would silently nod in affirmation.

"The choice of leaves is also very important. It is best to use young leaves, which can not only have a refreshing effect, but also not so irritating..."

Snape nodded.

"Billywig's needles need to be ground into powder because the infusion of honeysuckle and echinacea needs to be added at the end. It needs to be boiled for a long time to avoid the high temperature at the bottom of the crucible being maintained for too long..."

Snape nodded.


As a hunter of prey, Vizet closed his notebook and said respectfully to Snape, "Professor Snape, we can move on to the next step."

"Well..." Snape looked at Vizet deeply.

As the prey of the hunter, he seemed to feel a little regretful, "Then let's start the next step, the ratio of various herbs."

"Since the treatment method has been changed, the ratio naturally needs to be changed. Solve this problem yourself, test the medicine yourself... and go to the school hospital yourself."

Although Snape said so, he still gave some tips, but his words were a little sharp, as if he was still hunting.

However, Vizet had long been accustomed to it, and he could deal with these words easily.

Snape kept his hands on his chest.

"Is this the ratio of pumpkin seeds and mint leaves that you chose? Did Merlin instruct you in your dream, which gave you this dreamy idea?"

"One ratio of kava pepper fruit to beech leaves? Did you go to Gryffindor, or did the Quidditch match start? You decided everything by savagery? It's really impressive... recklessness."

"The amount of amaryllis is so high. Did you make a shocking discovery and find the miraculous effect of amaryllis in refreshing? Do you need to go to St. Mungo's for a physical examination? I'm beginning to worry about your head."

When such a prompt appears, Vizet will adjust the ratio while explaining the thinking process.

Once the ratio and thinking process are correct, Snape will fall silent again.

Although silent, in Vizet's opinion, it feels deafening.


After a cycle, as the hunter's prey completes the hunt, Snape puts down his hands and enters the process of brewing potions.

This step is relatively simple, mainly for demonstration. Vizet nodded frequently and recorded the key points in his notebook.

After being satisfied, Snape was willing to say a few more words.

"The essence of potion making is not the tools, but the ideas. Only when the ideas are in place, the so-called tools are not that important..."

Vizet agreed with this statement, standing in front of the crucible with some reluctance, and began to enter his potion brewing process.

As the flames licked the crucible, Vizet was also performing "Ancient Magic: Potion Balance Conversion" to affect the potion and enhance the efficacy of the stimulant.

Adding sweetener is only the first step. He wants to know more and know how to dilute the rich potion liquid so that it can have the efficacy it should have.

As a potion master, Snape's eyes narrowed slightly. When "Ancient Magic: Potion Balance Conversion" was performed, he actually noticed something unusual.

It was just based on his understanding of Vizet, so he did not ask, but waited for the potion to be brewed.

In his opinion, there was no problem with the entire brewing process.

It seemed that there was a kind of power that he could not understand, which was constantly working in the crucible, making the final brewed stimulant concentrate extremely powerful medicinal effects.

"How many wizards have you demonstrated this ability in front of?"

Vizet raised his head, "I demonstrated this... ability to Mr. Ollivander."

Snape raised his eyebrows, "Olivander? Only him?"

Vizet nodded, "Because this ability is a bit special, I usually try not to show it."

"Better memory than those Gryffindors." Snape sneered, "Dare to improve Animagus, it seems that you have learned a lot from Ollivander."

"Mr. Ollivander did teach me a lot!" Vizet looked at the crucible, "Professor Snape, how should I dilute the potion?"

Snape picked up the spoon and stirred the crucible, "You just need to add water directly, pure water... You should know how many times it is concentrated, right?"

"Just add pure water?" This was the first time Vizet used a rhetorical tone in Snape's private lessons.

Snape confirmed: "Your concentrated potion is very special. If you add pure water in the corresponding proportion, you can restore the desired effect."

"The normal concentration and dilution process cannot be operated in this way. When concentrating, depending on the type of potion, at least Flobberworm mucus needs to be added."

"Similarly, when you dilute the concentrated potion, you need to add at least leech tincture, slugweed extract, and uncontaminated dew..."

Chapter 140 Packaged Happiness

This day's private teaching was particularly rich. Not only did I brew a tonic, but I also readjusted the tonic formula under the guidance of a potion master.

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