The two looked around in the dilapidated street, and along a wall covered with graffiti, they found a dilapidated red telephone booth.

This looked like an abandoned telephone booth, with several pieces of glass on it smashed, and even the receiver inside was hanging on the ground.

A bumpy street, a seemingly abandoned telephone booth, and the inside had also been damaged;

No matter how you look at it, most people would not walk in here, it is a very clever hiding method.

"It's really... unique." Vizette opened the door of the telephone booth, and the dialer was an old-fashioned rotary dialer.

He picked up the receiver and started dialing, "Six... Two... Four Four Two!"

If you press this string of numbers using the nine-key input method, you will get the word "MAGIC".

Such a dilapidated telephone booth, coupled with such a unique way of entering, made Vizette's disappointment dissipate a lot.

As the dialer "clicked" to reset, a cold female voice suddenly sounded, "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name, occupation, and business."

Luna also squeezed into the phone booth, and Wezzet tentatively said: "Wezzet Lovegood, Luna Lovegood, professional students, apply for wizard passports to travel to other countries."

"Thank you." The cold female voice responded immediately, "Please take the badge and pin it in a conspicuous place to avoid unnecessary trouble. Thank you for your cooperation."

Accompanied by a long falling sound, two silver badges slid out from where the coin slot should be.

On the badge were written several key words: Wezzet Lovegood (Luna Lovegood), apply for wizard passports.

After the cold female voice gave a few more instructions, the floor of the phone booth suddenly shook, and the two slowly sank into the ground.

It was a rare visit to the Ministry of Magic. Wezzet used the magic eye, paced back and forth a few steps, and collected the ancient magic power in the phone booth.

"It feels similar to a Muggle elevator." Luna's voice sounded.

Even in the dark environment, Vizet could feel that Luna opened her clear eyes and looked around curiously.

The feeling of riding in a telephone booth is indeed very similar to riding in an elevator, and there is even a similar friction noise.

About a minute later, a little golden light flashed in the telephone booth and hit the feet of the two people.

Then it gradually became longer and wider, sweeping back and forth on the two people's bodies, finally stopping at the position of the badge, and suddenly disappeared.

The cold female voice appeared again, "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, I hope you can have a pleasant day."

The door of the telephone booth suddenly popped open, and the vast hall appeared in front of them.

Under their feet was a neatly arranged bright black wooden floor, and above their heads was a tightly fitted peacock blue ceiling.

Countless glittering golden symbols moved everywhere in the ceiling, like constantly moving stars.

The hall of the Ministry of Magic was generally black, and although it was filled with ubiquitous light, it still gave Vizet a cold and solemn feeling.

Luna tilted her head slightly, curiously looking at the ceiling, and said in a light, dreamy voice: "Those patterns are so beautiful, like the tumbling nebulae in the night sky."

"Maybe a star is sleeping, and the dream talk it speaks turns into these patterns, and the Ministry of Magic captures the dream talk... There may be some secrets hidden in it!"

Vizet listened very carefully, and he thought of the centaurs in the past, "Just like we observe the movement of those stars through astronomy, and thus contact the hidden omens."

"It may also be an interesting story."

"It should be a fairy tale, so it is so golden."


Vizet walked and talked, and collected the ancient magic power around him.

Combining the astronomical knowledge he mastered, he stretched out his hand to gesture to the golden symbols and connected them into various constellations.

Luna listened to Vizet's metaphor, and her eyes seemed to be brighter than the symbols on the ceiling.

The two soon came to the center of the hall, where there was a fountain.

A gilded statue floated in the middle of the fountain, depicting a graceful wizard with his wand raised and pointed to the sky.

There were four other statues around, a beautiful witch statue, a centaur statue with its hoof raised, and two similar goblin statues.

The goblin and centaur statues had the same expression and demeanor, both bowed and looked at the two wizard statues, showing respect.

"Goblins and centaurs would not show such expressions." Luna sighed softly, "They are all proud creatures."

Vizette recalled the centaurs he met in the Forbidden Forest and the goblins he met in Gringotts, and nodded in agreement.

"I think... if Bane saw these statues, he would probably run towards the statues and smash them hard."

Luna smiled, her laughter was very pleasant, "This should be the name of the centaur, the names of goblins are usually more interesting..."

The two quickly found a service desk with a sign "Security Check Desk" hanging on it.

This was the cold female voice's instruction, asking them to conduct a security check before officially handling the business.

The wizard who received them was a man, with his chin in his hand and his head down reading a newspaper, with a bored expression.

Noticing someone coming, he raised his head and glanced over the badge.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic!" He said weakly, took out a short stick like an antenna, and circled around the two people.

After confirming that everything was correct, he yawned, "Check the wand too."

The props for detecting the wand are very strange, like a receiver with strong signals, with several dish antennas on it.

After a vibration, the instrument spit out a parchment note.

"Dragon heartstring, thirteen inches, used for one year; unicorn tail hair, ten and a half inches, used for... brand new?"

Chapter 7 Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future

The wizard rubbed his eyes, as if he had just woken up.

He looked back and forth at the two of them, and asked uncertainly: "Just the two of you?"

"The parents are already queuing up." Vizette shook his head, "Any questions?"

"He is really reassuring!" The wizard shrugged, his tone much friendlier, "Apply for a wizard passport... Are you planning to travel?"

"Go along that road..." He raised his hand and pointed the way, "Take those golden grid-like elevators, the Department of International Magical Cooperation is on the fifth floor."

"Thank you."

The two walked through the slightly crowded crowd and found an elevator that just arrived.

They had just walked into the elevator, and people who also found this elevator immediately rushed into the elevator.

The originally spacious elevator immediately became crowded as people poured in, and the two could only stand side by side in the corner.

Vizet tried to push outwards to give Luna a spacious enough place.

Despite this, their arms inevitably touched each other.

Fortunately, this situation did not last too long. As the elevator stopped, some people swarmed out of here, and the space finally became spacious.

After the elevator was empty, Vizet moved to Luna's side, took a long breath, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Huh!" Luna let out a breath, and her fair face was a beautiful cherry blossom pink again.

"Maybe it's too crowded. You didn't get suffocated, did you?" Vizet whispered with concern, "Next time, you should come with Mr. Lovegood. It should be better if he stands in front."

("Ah!" Xenophilius, who was still in line, suddenly sneezed.)

(He looked around suspiciously, muttering, "Did that old Fudge poison the Ministry of Magic directly? This is too bad! I have to write down this conspiracy!")


"No, I'm fine, not crowded at all." Luna shook her head gently.

She smelled the faint scent of lavender, which was quiet and elegant, reminding her of the warm sun and the gentle breeze in winter.

The involuntary red face was just a proof of enjoying the warmth of the sun.

"Fifth floor, International Magical Cooperation Department, including the International Magical Trade Standards Association, the International Magical Law Office, the British Branch of the International Confederation of Wizards, and the International Wizarding Tourism Office..."

Accompanied by the introduction of the cold female voice, Vizet and Luna walked out of the elevator.

There was a whizzing sound from above, and several paper airplanes flew over their heads and turned to fly towards an open door.

The magic of magic lies in the light before your eyes.

Even if there is only a small door, there may be a different world inside, just like the destination of this trip - the International Wizarding Tourism Office.

Although it is called an office, it is a bright hall inside, with paper airplanes hovering on the ceiling and a dozen wizards sitting in line on soft chairs.

Luna waved forward, she had already seen where Xenophilius was.

Xenophilius took Luna's hand and looked her up and down. "Did you encounter any trouble?"

"Let me show you my wand." Luna's tone was full of joy. "It's very beautiful, just like the horn of a unicorn."

Xenophilius praised repeatedly: "Of course! As beautiful as my baby!"

"Vizet helped me choose it."

"You are also in contact with... Mr. Ollivander?"

Vizet nodded. "He takes good care of me and shares a lot of experience with me."

"Experience?" Xenophilius hesitated. "What kind of experience? Could it be that... he plans to train you?"

Vizet whispered: "It's just that he has such a plan. He said that he would consider this matter after I graduate."

"Hiss..." Xenophilius took a breath and looked at Vizet carefully. "How many surprises do you have... that I don't know?"

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